Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 5/3/24

Year: 2024


Research Article

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dr. Zynalabedin FALLAH It is not affiliated with an institution
Sport and Leisure Management
Econometric and Statistical Methods, Applied Statistics, Quantitative Decision Methods , Statistical Data Science, Data Analysis
Philosophy of Religion
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grecu DORİN University of Pitesti, Romania
Interdisciplinary Art, Creative Arts and Writing, Restoration and Conversation of Plastic Arts, Painting, Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Fine Arts Education
Asst. Prof. Dr. Gîrbea GHEORGHE University of Pitesti, Romania
History of Religion, Religion, Society and Culture Studies, Religious Education, Creative Arts and Writing
Developmental Economy - Micro, Applied Microeconometrics, Industrial Economy
Computational Imaging, Dynamical Systems in Applications, Information Systems (Other)

The aims and scope of the journal are:
• To provide the journal that reports research on topics that are of international significance across social sciences and humanities contexts.
• To publish high quality manuscripts that are of international significance in terms of design and/or findings.

The Journal IJASOS is covered by the following abstracting/indexing services:
Index Copernicus
ResearchBib Academic Resource Index
Scilit Database
Google Scholar
Microsoft Academic

IJASOS welcomes research manuscripts in all fields of social sciences and humanities: 



Media, Journalism, Communication Management, Advertising, Language and Communication, Information Communication, Communication Arts, Education Communication and Technology, Publishing, etc.


Macro Economics, Micro Economics, Agricultural Economy, Ecological Economy, Beauty Economy,

Labor and Population Economy, Urban and Rural Economy, International Economy, Industry Economy, Monetary Economy, Real Estate Economy, etc.


Banking, Investment, Accounting, Finance Engineering, Portfolio, Emerge Stock Market, Insurance, Finance Management, Risk Management, etc.


Physical geography, Human geography, Integrated geography, Geomatics, Regional geography, study of cartography, demography, human populations, environmental studies, etc.


Civil Law, Criminal Law, Penology, Public Law, Economic and Financial Law, Labor and Social Law,

Constitutional law, Civil rights, Environmental law, Family law, etc.


Public administration, Business Administration, International Enterprise, Human resources, Strategic Marketing, Logistics, Supply Chain, Organizational Behavior, Information Management, Restate Management, Industry Innovation, Corporate Governance, Human Resource Development, Hospitality Management, Hotel and Institutional Management, Health Care Management, Tourism Management, E-commerce, etc.


Product marketing, Pricing, Distribution Service, Brand management, Brand licensing, Account-based marketing, Effectiveness, Marketing operations, Social marketing, Advertising, Branding, Underwriting spot, Direct marketing, Personal sales

Product placement, Sales promotion, Loyalty marketing, E-Marketing and Mobile marketing, etc.

 Urban Studies

Urbanism, Urban and Regional Planning, Sustainable Development, Sustainable Human and Social Development, Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, Transportation, etc.


Methodology of Social Sciences, Philosophy of Social Sciences, etc.

Planning & Development
Development studies, subjects such as economic forecasting, Administration, policy-making strategies, theories of planning, the growth of the third world, etc.


All aspects of Psychiatry including child psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, geriatric psychiatry, hypnosis, psychiatric nursing, psychiatric rehabilitation, psychosomatic research, stress medicine and etc.


General Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Sport Psychology, Psychological Psychology, Culture Psychology, Development Psychology, Educational Psychology, School Psychology, Military Psychology, Consumer Psychology, Psychology of Religion, Psychology of Law, Media Psychology, Health Psychology, Environmental Psychology, Personality and Social Psychology, Measurement and Statistics, Mental Diseases and Psychotherapy, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Consulting Psychology, etc.

Politics and Political Science
Politics, Political Science, Public Administration and Policy, International Affairs and Strategic Studies, Governmental System and Practices, Politics and Ethics, International Relations, Political Economy, Elections and Voting Behavior, Reforming and Consolidated, History of western political thought, Western constitutional thought, Governments and Politics, Military Studies, Interaction of politics and other areas of science and social science, etc.

All fields of sociological studies including:

Social Research or Social Science, Community studies, socio-ethnic problems, rural sociology,

Sociobiology, social deviance, gender studies,

the sociology of law, the sociology of religion,

comparative sociology, Political Sociology, Social Psychology, Science, Technology and Society, Social Policy and Social Legislation, Caring or Research for the Elderly, Family Research, Child Research, Online Society or Online Community,

Globalization impacts, Social Work in Modern Society, gerontology, etc.

 Women's Studies

Topics such as women and health, women's psychology, women and politics, as well as gender studies and feminism.



All Fields of Anthropology; Sociocultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, Archaeological Anthropology, Ethnic Studies, anthropological linguistics


All fields of archaeology, including study of material remains (such as fossils, relics, artifacts, and monuments) of past human life and activities; and methods of detection and analysis. 


All fields of Architecture; including the design and construction of habitable structures, architectural history, landscape architecture, urban and country planning and design.

 Art, Art history

All fields of visual arts, graphics, printmaking, painting, sculpture, and photography, electronic art, etc.


Theorical, Applied, Business Ethics, Ethics of Science

Folklore Studies

Studies on folklore, traditions of various nationalities and ethnic groups, folk costume, story-telling, food, wedding and burial customs, children's games, etc.


All fields of History: world, national, regional, cultural, religion, ethnic, military, and nautical

Language & Linguistics

Studies theoretical, literary and historical linguistics as well as stylistics and philology.

Literature, Literary Theory & Criticism

Comparative literature, literature of a specific genre, literary movement or era in literary history, and specialty literatures (such as children's or women's literature, literature of cultures

 Methodological Studies in Humanities

Multidisciplinary Studies in Humanities


All types of music studies: classical, opera, ethnic, choral, folk, sacred, early music, popular, jazz, country, new music, and others.


Logic, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, meta-philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of science, philosophy of education, philosophy of history, philosophy of religion, history of philosophy



Religious Studies, Studies on Religion


Dramaturgy, theatrical history, theater design, technique and performance.


Papers are subject to a peer review process, using an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. Referees are asked to judge the quality of research and also the relevance and accessibility of a paper for an international audience. The journal uses single blind review, meaning any reviewers can establish the author(s) of a manuscript. Authors must propose two reviewers for their manuscripts. These reviewers should be international in scope and should have Ph.D .

The Journal IJASOS publishes the articles of the authors who join our conferences free of charge. Those articles will be published in the journal if they pass the review process and get two positive referee reports. There is a publication fee for the articles of the other authors which is USD 100 per manuscript. The articles which are charged the fee are also faced with the review process and have to get 2 positive referee reports. For further details kindly ask by email: ijasosjournal@hotmail.com

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The Journal IJASOS publishes the articles of the authors who join our conferences free of charge. Those articles will be published in the journal if they passed the review process and get two positive referee reports. There is a publication fee for the articles of the other authors which is USD 100 per manuscript. The articles which are charged the fee are also faced with the review process and have to get 2 positive referee reports. For further details kindly ask by email: ijasosjournal@hotmail.com

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