Papers are subject to a peer review process, using an international panel of researchers who are experts in relevant fields. Referees are asked to judge the quality of research and also the relevance and accessibility of a paper for an international audience. The journal uses a single blind review process, meaning any reviewers can establish the author(s) of a manuscript. Authors must propose two reviewers for their manuscripts. These reviewers should be international in scope and should have Ph.D.
The Journal IJASOS publishes the articles of the authors who join OCERINT conferences free of charge. Those articles will be published in the journal if they pass the review process and get two positive referee reports. There is a publication fee for the articles of the other authors which is USD 100 per manuscript. The articles which are charged the fee are also faced with the review process and have to get 2 positive referee reports from two different referees. The publication fee should be paid after getting two positive review reports.
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