Research Article
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Year 2018, , 77 - 83, 30.04.2018



  • Auerbach, J. Alan ve Kotlikoff, Laurence - Hagemann Robert ve Nicoletti, Giuseppe (1989), „The Dynamics of an Aging Population: The Case of Four OECD Countries”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No: 2797, February, Cambridge, MA. Barlow, Robin (1994), „Population Growth and Economic Growth: Some More Correlations”, Population and Development Review, 20 (1) s. 153-165. Bloom, E. David ve Canning, David ve Sevilla, Jaypee (2001), „Economic Growth and The Demographic Transition”, NBER Working Paper Series, December, No: 8685, s.1-87. Bloom E. David - Canning, David. ve Graham, Bryan (2003), „Longevity and Lifecycle Savings”, Scand J. Of Economics, 105(3), s.319-338. Bloom, E. David – Canning, David – Mansfield, Rick ve Moore, Michael (2006), „Demographic Change, Social Security Systems and Savings”, PGDA Working Paper No:19, Program on The Global Demography of Aging Working Paper Series, Bloom E. David - Canning, David ve Finlay, E. Jocelyn (2008), „Population Aging and Economic Growth in Asia”, PGDA Working Papers, 4008, September, s. 1-38. Bloom E. David - Canning, David - Fink, Günther ve Finlay, E. Jocelyn (2009), „Fertility, Female Laborforce Participation and the Economic Dividend ”, Journal of Economic Growth, 14, s. 79-101. Bloom, D.E., Canning, D. and Fink, G. (2010), „Implications of population ageing for economic growth”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 26 (4): 583-612. Bloom, E. David - Canning, David.- Fink, Günther (2011), „Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth”, Program on the Global Demography of Aging Working Paper Series, No: 64, January, s. 1-39.: 12-13. Boersch-Supan H. Axel. - Winter, K. Joachim. (2001), „Population Aging, Savings Behavior and Capital Markets”, NBER Working Paper Series, No: 8561, October, s. 1-51. Cutler, M. David - Poterba M. James - Sheiner, M. Louise. ve Summers, H. Lawrence (1990), “An Aging Society: Opportunity or Challenge”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, s. 1-60. Deaton, Angus ve Paxson, Christina. (2000), „Growth, Demographic Structure and National Saving in Tawian”, Research Program in Development Studies, Princeton University, s. 1-46. Dos Santos, Manon Dominguez, „Vieillissement démographique et chômage”, Revue française d'économie, 2001, Volume 16, no.1, ss.3-50. Economic Policy Committee and European Commission, „The Impact of Ageing on Public Expenditure: Projections for the EU25 Member States on Pensions, Health Care, Long-term Health Care, Education and Unemployment Transfers”, Special Report No: 1/2006-Annex, 2006. Fogel, W. Robert (1994), „Economic Growth, Population Theory and Physiology: The Bearing of ong-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy”, NBER Working Paper Series, No: 4638, February, s. 1-50. Fougere, Maxime ve Merette, Marcel (1991), “Population Ageing and Economic Growth in Seven OECD Countries”, Economic Studies and Policy Analysis Division Department of Finance, Kanada, s.411-427. Futagami, Koichi ve Nakajima, Tetsuya (2001), “Population Aging and Economic Growth”, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol: 23, No: 1, s.31-44. Groome, W. Todd, Nicolas Blancher, Parmeshwar Ramlogan, „Le vieillissement et les marchés financiers”, Finances & Développement, Vol.43, no.3, Septembre 2006, ss.44-47. Harris, Amy Rehder - Evans N. William – Schwab, M. Robert. (2001), „Education Spending in an Aging America” Journal of Public Economics, 81, ss. 449-472. Higgins, Matthew (1998), „Demography, National Savings and International Capital Flows”, Hock, H. and Weil, D. N. (2012) “On the dynamics of the age structure, dependency and consumption”, Journal of Population Economics, Springer, 25: 1019-1043. Jolivet, Annie, „Vieillissment, salaire et demande des travailleurs âgées”, Travail et Emploi, no.88, Octobre 2001, ss.65-82. Kelley, C. Allen ve Schmidt, M. Robert (1996), „Saving, Dependency and Development”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol: 9, No: 4, November, s.365-386. Lee, Ronald - Mason, Andrew (2010), „Fertility, Human Capital end Economic Growth over the Demographic Transition”, European Journal of Population, 26 (2), May, s.159-182. Lee, S.H., Mason, A. and Park, D. (2011), „Why Does Population Aging Matter So Much for Asia Population Aging, Economic Security and Economic Growth in Asia”, ERIA Discussion Paper Series, ERIA-DP-2011-04. Lefebvre, Mathieu (2006), „Population Ageing and Consumption Demand in Belgium”, CREPP-University of Liege, s.1-20. Leibfritz, Willi - Roseveare, Deborah - Fore, Douglas ve Wurzel, Eckhard (1995), „Ageing Populations, Pension Systems and Government Budgets: How Do They Affect Saving”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No: 156, Paris, s.1-96. Lisenkova, K., Mérette, M. and R. Wright (2012), „The Impact of Population Ageing on the Labour Market: Evidence from Overlapping Generations Computable General Equilibrium (OLG-CGE) Model of Scotland”, Discussion paper in Economic, Strathclyde, 12-13. Narciso, A. (2010), „The impact of population ageing on international capital flows”, MPRA Paper, 26457. Prettner, Klaus (2009), „Population Ageing and Endogenous Economic Growth”, VID Working Paper, (8), s. 1-30. Prettner, K. (2012), „Population aging and endogenous economic growth”, Journal of Population Economics, DOI 10.1007/s00148-012-0441-9. Romer M. Paul (1989), „Human Capital and Growth: Theory and Evidence”, NBER Working Papers 3173, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, s.1-51. Salin, Pascal, „Les prélèvements obligatoire, cause majeure du chômage”, Revue des études humaines, no.spécial, 1996, s.37. Walder, A. B. and Döring, T., (2012), „The Effect of Population Ageing on Private Consumption - A Simulation for Austria based on Household Data up to 2050”, Eurasian Economic Review, 2: 63-80. Zweifel, Peter - Felder, Werblow, Andreas (2004), „Population Ageing and Health Care Expenditure: New Evidence on the “Red Herring”, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol: 29, No: 4, October, s. 652-666. Zhelezarov, I., (2009). Otsenyavane na sistemite za upravlenie na kachestvoto na visshite uchilishta. „Kachestvo na vissheto obrazovanie v Balgariya – Problemi i perspektivi 2009”. Ruse. 2009. (Железаров, И., (2009). Оценяване на системите за управление на качеството на висшите училища. „Качество на висшето образование в България – Проблеми и перспективи 2009”. Русе. 2009). Zhelezarov, I., (2005). Sistema za izmervane i upravlenie na kachestvoto na obuchenie vav visshite tehnicheski uchilishta. Avtoreferat na disertatsiya za poluchavane na obrazovatelna i nauchna stepen „Doktor”. (Железаров, И., (2005). Система за измерване и управление на качеството на обучение във висшите технически училища. Автореферат на дисертация за получаване на образователна и научна степен „Доктор”). Ivanov, I., I. Zhelezarov. (1998) Otnosno kachestvoto na uchebniyat protses vav visshite uchebni zavedeniya. Yubileyna nauchna sesiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie – 120 godini ot sazdavaneto na VVOVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo. (Иванов, И., И. Железаров. (1998) Относно качеството на учебният процес във висшите учебни заведения. Юбилейна научна сесия с международно участие – 120 години от създаването на ВВОВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново).


Year 2018, , 77 - 83, 30.04.2018


In this study, the
relationship between population, elderly population and economic growth is
analyzed theoretically, taking into account the demographic change of the
Bulgarian population and the more aging phenomenon. Thus, the change in the age
structure of the Bulgarian population was investigated and the factors
affecting the growth of the relationship between economic growth were
investigated. Developed countries are trying to solve the problem of low
population growth with migration. Developed countries with younger populations,
such as the European Union, also allow dwellings in some periods to dampen the
population and prevent the resulting loss of employment. According to a report
published by the EU Statistical Institute (Eurostat), it is stated that the
number of the population working in the European Union will decrease by an
average of 50 million in 2060. When the current migration rate is taken into
account, it is predicted that by 2060 the number of people working in European
Union countries will be 110 million people less than today's number. Migration
in the demographic development of the European Union has a great proposition.
If a qualified migration flow is provided, it is foreseen that the deficiencies
that will arise in the European Union employment market in the coming years
will be eliminated.

In this study, attempts were made to
determine the size of the changes taking place in the country's economy,
depending on the livelihoods in Bulgaria.


  • Auerbach, J. Alan ve Kotlikoff, Laurence - Hagemann Robert ve Nicoletti, Giuseppe (1989), „The Dynamics of an Aging Population: The Case of Four OECD Countries”, National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No: 2797, February, Cambridge, MA. Barlow, Robin (1994), „Population Growth and Economic Growth: Some More Correlations”, Population and Development Review, 20 (1) s. 153-165. Bloom, E. David ve Canning, David ve Sevilla, Jaypee (2001), „Economic Growth and The Demographic Transition”, NBER Working Paper Series, December, No: 8685, s.1-87. Bloom E. David - Canning, David. ve Graham, Bryan (2003), „Longevity and Lifecycle Savings”, Scand J. Of Economics, 105(3), s.319-338. Bloom, E. David – Canning, David – Mansfield, Rick ve Moore, Michael (2006), „Demographic Change, Social Security Systems and Savings”, PGDA Working Paper No:19, Program on The Global Demography of Aging Working Paper Series, Bloom E. David - Canning, David ve Finlay, E. Jocelyn (2008), „Population Aging and Economic Growth in Asia”, PGDA Working Papers, 4008, September, s. 1-38. Bloom E. David - Canning, David - Fink, Günther ve Finlay, E. Jocelyn (2009), „Fertility, Female Laborforce Participation and the Economic Dividend ”, Journal of Economic Growth, 14, s. 79-101. Bloom, D.E., Canning, D. and Fink, G. (2010), „Implications of population ageing for economic growth”, Oxford Review of Economic Policy 26 (4): 583-612. Bloom, E. David - Canning, David.- Fink, Günther (2011), „Implications of Population Aging for Economic Growth”, Program on the Global Demography of Aging Working Paper Series, No: 64, January, s. 1-39.: 12-13. Boersch-Supan H. Axel. - Winter, K. Joachim. (2001), „Population Aging, Savings Behavior and Capital Markets”, NBER Working Paper Series, No: 8561, October, s. 1-51. Cutler, M. David - Poterba M. James - Sheiner, M. Louise. ve Summers, H. Lawrence (1990), “An Aging Society: Opportunity or Challenge”, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1, s. 1-60. Deaton, Angus ve Paxson, Christina. (2000), „Growth, Demographic Structure and National Saving in Tawian”, Research Program in Development Studies, Princeton University, s. 1-46. Dos Santos, Manon Dominguez, „Vieillissement démographique et chômage”, Revue française d'économie, 2001, Volume 16, no.1, ss.3-50. Economic Policy Committee and European Commission, „The Impact of Ageing on Public Expenditure: Projections for the EU25 Member States on Pensions, Health Care, Long-term Health Care, Education and Unemployment Transfers”, Special Report No: 1/2006-Annex, 2006. Fogel, W. Robert (1994), „Economic Growth, Population Theory and Physiology: The Bearing of ong-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy”, NBER Working Paper Series, No: 4638, February, s. 1-50. Fougere, Maxime ve Merette, Marcel (1991), “Population Ageing and Economic Growth in Seven OECD Countries”, Economic Studies and Policy Analysis Division Department of Finance, Kanada, s.411-427. Futagami, Koichi ve Nakajima, Tetsuya (2001), “Population Aging and Economic Growth”, Journal of Macroeconomics, Vol: 23, No: 1, s.31-44. Groome, W. Todd, Nicolas Blancher, Parmeshwar Ramlogan, „Le vieillissement et les marchés financiers”, Finances & Développement, Vol.43, no.3, Septembre 2006, ss.44-47. Harris, Amy Rehder - Evans N. William – Schwab, M. Robert. (2001), „Education Spending in an Aging America” Journal of Public Economics, 81, ss. 449-472. Higgins, Matthew (1998), „Demography, National Savings and International Capital Flows”, Hock, H. and Weil, D. N. (2012) “On the dynamics of the age structure, dependency and consumption”, Journal of Population Economics, Springer, 25: 1019-1043. Jolivet, Annie, „Vieillissment, salaire et demande des travailleurs âgées”, Travail et Emploi, no.88, Octobre 2001, ss.65-82. Kelley, C. Allen ve Schmidt, M. Robert (1996), „Saving, Dependency and Development”, Journal of Population Economics, Vol: 9, No: 4, November, s.365-386. Lee, Ronald - Mason, Andrew (2010), „Fertility, Human Capital end Economic Growth over the Demographic Transition”, European Journal of Population, 26 (2), May, s.159-182. Lee, S.H., Mason, A. and Park, D. (2011), „Why Does Population Aging Matter So Much for Asia Population Aging, Economic Security and Economic Growth in Asia”, ERIA Discussion Paper Series, ERIA-DP-2011-04. Lefebvre, Mathieu (2006), „Population Ageing and Consumption Demand in Belgium”, CREPP-University of Liege, s.1-20. Leibfritz, Willi - Roseveare, Deborah - Fore, Douglas ve Wurzel, Eckhard (1995), „Ageing Populations, Pension Systems and Government Budgets: How Do They Affect Saving”, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No: 156, Paris, s.1-96. Lisenkova, K., Mérette, M. and R. Wright (2012), „The Impact of Population Ageing on the Labour Market: Evidence from Overlapping Generations Computable General Equilibrium (OLG-CGE) Model of Scotland”, Discussion paper in Economic, Strathclyde, 12-13. Narciso, A. (2010), „The impact of population ageing on international capital flows”, MPRA Paper, 26457. Prettner, Klaus (2009), „Population Ageing and Endogenous Economic Growth”, VID Working Paper, (8), s. 1-30. Prettner, K. (2012), „Population aging and endogenous economic growth”, Journal of Population Economics, DOI 10.1007/s00148-012-0441-9. Romer M. Paul (1989), „Human Capital and Growth: Theory and Evidence”, NBER Working Papers 3173, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, s.1-51. Salin, Pascal, „Les prélèvements obligatoire, cause majeure du chômage”, Revue des études humaines, no.spécial, 1996, s.37. Walder, A. B. and Döring, T., (2012), „The Effect of Population Ageing on Private Consumption - A Simulation for Austria based on Household Data up to 2050”, Eurasian Economic Review, 2: 63-80. Zweifel, Peter - Felder, Werblow, Andreas (2004), „Population Ageing and Health Care Expenditure: New Evidence on the “Red Herring”, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, Vol: 29, No: 4, October, s. 652-666. Zhelezarov, I., (2009). Otsenyavane na sistemite za upravlenie na kachestvoto na visshite uchilishta. „Kachestvo na vissheto obrazovanie v Balgariya – Problemi i perspektivi 2009”. Ruse. 2009. (Железаров, И., (2009). Оценяване на системите за управление на качеството на висшите училища. „Качество на висшето образование в България – Проблеми и перспективи 2009”. Русе. 2009). Zhelezarov, I., (2005). Sistema za izmervane i upravlenie na kachestvoto na obuchenie vav visshite tehnicheski uchilishta. Avtoreferat na disertatsiya za poluchavane na obrazovatelna i nauchna stepen „Doktor”. (Железаров, И., (2005). Система за измерване и управление на качеството на обучение във висшите технически училища. Автореферат на дисертация за получаване на образователна и научна степен „Доктор”). Ivanov, I., I. Zhelezarov. (1998) Otnosno kachestvoto na uchebniyat protses vav visshite uchebni zavedeniya. Yubileyna nauchna sesiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie – 120 godini ot sazdavaneto na VVOVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo. (Иванов, И., И. Железаров. (1998) Относно качеството на учебният процес във висшите учебни заведения. Юбилейна научна сесия с международно участие – 120 години от създаването на ВВОВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Venelin Terziev

Hamit Can

Publication Date April 30, 2018
Submission Date February 19, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018



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