Research Article
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Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 59 - 73, 03.05.2024


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  • Altbach, P.G.,& Balan, J. (2007). Empires of knowledge and development. World class worldwide Transforming research universities in Asia and Latin America, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Austin, A. E. (1992). Supporting the professor as teacher: The Lilly teaching fellows program. The Review of Higher Education, 16(1), 85-106.
  • Barlow, J., & Antoniou, M. (2007). Room for improvement: the experiences of new lecturers in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(1), 67-77
  • Bauman, Z. (2005). Education in liquid modernity. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 27(4), 303-317.
  • Bickmore, S. T. (2013). Collaborative co-mentoring for the novice and the experienced English teacher. English Journal, 49-57.
  • Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2011). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
  • Brodsky, A., & Given, L. M. (2008). The sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Field notes. In L. Given (Ed.), 342-4. DOI: 10.4135/9781412963909
  • Council of Europe. (2010, May). Bergan, S., & Damian, R. (eds). Higher education for modern societies: competences and values, Higher Education Series No. 15.
  • Coffey, A., & Atkinson, P. (1996). Making sense of qualitative data: Complementary research strategies. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education. Routledge.
  • De-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., & Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education, 75, 82-91. DOI:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.01.012
  • Demougeot-Lebel, J. & Perret, C. (2011). Qu’attendent les enseignants universitaires français en termes de formation et d’accompagnement pédagogiques? Revue internationale de pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur, 27(1).
  • European Commission. (2017, February). Overview of the Higher Education System in Azerbaijan.
  • Flowerdew, J. (2007). The non-Anglophone scholar on the periphery of scholarly publication. AILA review, 20(1), 14-27. DOI: 10.1075/aila.20.04flo
  • Gajda, J. (2019). Professional adaptation of new employees to the organization. System Safety: Human-Technical Facility-Environment, 1(1). DOI:
  • Garet, M. S., Porter, A. C., Desimone, L., Birman, B. F., & Yoon, K. S. (2001). What makes professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 915-945.
  • Gazza, E. A., & Shellenbarger, T. (2005). Successful enculturation: Strategies for retaining newly hired nursing faculty. Nurse Educator, 30(6), 251-254. DOI: 10.1097/00006223-200511000-00009
  • Grajo, L., Boisselle, A., & DaLomba, E. (2018). Occupational adaptation as a construct: a scoping review of literature. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(1), 2. DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1400
  • Haberman, M. (2004). Can Star Teachers Create Learning Communities? Educational leadership, 61(8), 52.
  • Harvey, L. (2006). Understanding quality. EUA Bologna Handbook: Making Bologna work, 1(1), 1-29.
  • Healey, M. (2000). Developing the scholarship of teaching in higher education: A discipline-based approach. Higher Education Research & Development, 19(2), 169-189.
  • Henard, F., & Leprince-Ringuet, S. (2008). The path to quality teaching in higher education. París: OCDE.
  • Hermans, H. J., & Dimaggio, G. (2007). Self, identity, and globalization in times of uncertainty: A dialogical analysis. Review of general psychology, 11(1), 31-61.
  • Hicks, J. L., Hendrickson, W. D., Partida, M. N., Rugh, J. D., Littlefield, J. H., & Jacks, M. E. (2013). Career transition and dental school faculty development program. Texas Dental Journal, 130(11), 1115-1122.
  • Hord, S. M. (1997). Professional learning communities: Communities of continuous inquiry and improvement.
  • Hord, S. M., Hirsh, S. A. (2008). Making the promise a reality. In Blankstein, A. M., Houston, P. D., Cole, R. W. (Eds.), Sustaining professional learning communities (pp. 23–40). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. [Google Scholar]
  • Ian Sadler (2008). Development of new teachers in higher education: interactions with students and other influences approach to teaching. [Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Edinburgh]. Moray House Ph.D. thesis collection
  • Iglesias Martínez, M. J., Lozano Cabezas, I., & Martínez Ruiz, M. Á. (2014). Listening to the voices of novice lecturers in higher education: A qualitative study. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 26 (2), 170-181.
  • Jeyaparvathi S. (2018). Soft Skills: A Tool to Improve Teaching Competency among Prospective Teachers. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 6 (1), 744-746
  • Karakas, A. (2012). Evaluation of the English language teacher education program in Turkey. ELT Weekly, 4(15), 1-16.
  • Klar, H. W. (2012). Fostering distributed instructional leadership: A sociocultural perspective of leadership development in urban high schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 11(4), 365-390. [Google Scholar]
  • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Education (2009).
  • Martin, A.J., Nejad, H., Colmar, S. & Liem, G.A.D. (2012). Adaptability: Conceptual and empirical perspectives on responses to change, novelty, and uncertainty. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 22, 58–81. doi:10.1017/jgc.2012.8
  • Maxwell, J. A. (2013). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
  • Mazerolle, S. M., Nottingham, S. L., & Coleman, K. A. (2018). Faculty mentorship in higher education: The value of institutional and professional mentors. Athletic Training Education Journal, 13(3), 259-267. DOI: 10.4085/1303259
  • McDonald, J., & Star, C. (2006, December). Designing the future of learning through a community of practice of teachers of first-year courses at an Australian university. Philip, R., Voerman, A., & Dalziel, J. (ed.). [Paper]. The 1st International LAMS Conference: Designing the Future of Learning. Sydney, Australia.
  • Meniado, J. C. (2019). Second Language Acquisition: The Case of Filipino Migrant Workers. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10(1), 47-57.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2001). Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning: Pillars of Adult Learning Theory. In S. B. Merriam (Ed.), The New Update on Adult Learning Theory: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2001(89), 3-14. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Mwanza-Kabaghe, S., & Mofu-Mwansa, M. (2018). Lecturers' experiences, challenges, and prospects on continuing professional development. The Namibia CPD Journal for Educators,4(1), 88-105.
  • Newmann, F. M. (1994). School-Wide Professional Community. Issues in restructuring schools.
  • Onestini, C. (2020). European Training Foundation: Sector and Cross-Sector Cooperation. In: Panth, B., Maclean, R. (eds). Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 55. Springer, Singapore.
  • Ortlieb, E. T., & Lu, L. (2011). Improving Teacher Education through Inquiry-Based Learning. International Education Studies, 4(3), 41-46.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publication
  • Peacock, M., & Flowerdew, J. (Eds.). (2001). Research perspectives on English for academic purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
  • Perna, F. M., Lerner, B. M., & Yura, M. T. (1995). Mentoring and career development among university faculty. Journal of Education, 177(2), 31-45.
  • Porter, A. C., Garet, M. S., Desimone, L. M., & Birman, B. F. (2003). Providing effective professional development: Lessons from the Eisenhower program. Science Educator, 12(1), 23-40.
  • Portner, H. (Ed.). (2005). Teacher mentoring and induction: The state of the art and beyond. Corwin Press.
  • Prosser, M., Ramsden, P., Trigwell, K., & Martin, E. (2003). Dissonance in experience of teaching and its relation to the quality of student learning. Studies in Higher education, 28(1), 37-48.
  • Rager, K. B. (2005). Self-care and the qualitative researcher: When collecting data can break your heart. Educational researcher, 34(4), 23-27.
  • Remmik, M., Karm, M., Haamer, A., & Lepp, L. (2011). Early-career academics’ learning in academic communities. International journal for academic development, 16 (3),187-199.
  • Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge university press.
  • Salager-Meyer, F. (2008). Scientific publishing in developing countries: Challenges for the future. Journal of English for academic purposes, 7(2), 121-132.
  • Saldana, J. (2021). The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Sands, R. G., Parsons, L. A., & Duane, J. (1991). Faculty mentoring faculty in a public university. The Journal of Higher Education, 62(2), 174-193.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661-673.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, 42-70. Wiley.
  • Siler, B. B., & Kleiner, C. (2001). Novice faculty: Encountering expectations in academia. Journal of Nursing Education, 40(9), 397-403.
  • State Education Strategy on the Development of Education in Azerbaijan (2013, October).
  • Tardy, C. (2004). The role of English in scientific communication: lingua franca or Tyrannosaurus rex? Journal of English for academic purposes, 3(3), 247-269.
  • The Decision of the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan On approval of “the state standards and programs for higher education” No. 75, dated April 23, 2010
  • Vitello, S., Greatorex, J., & Shaw, S. (2021). What Is Competence? A Shared Interpretation of Competence to Support Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Research Report. Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1997). The history of the development of higher mental functions. In R. W. Rieber (Ed.), The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky (pp. 1-252). New York: Plenum.
  • Waddell S. (2016). Change for the Audacious: A doers’ guide to large systems change for a flourishing future. Boston, MA: NetworkingAction Publishing.
  • Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning as a social system. Systems thinker, 9(5), 2-3.
  • White, A., Brannan, J., & Wilson, C. B. (2010). A mentor-protégé program for new faculty, part I: Stories of protégés. Journal of Nursing Education, 49(11), 601-607.
  • Williams, A. L. (2013). Mentoring in student affairs: An interpretive study of experiences and relationships. (No.3586239) [Doctoral dissertation, North Carolina State University]. Pro-quest Dissertations and Theses Global, 1-176
  • Willis, J. W., Jost, M., & Nilakanta, R. (2007). Foundations of qualitative research: Interpretive and critical approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
  • Yin, R. K. (2016). Qualitative research: From start to finish. (2nd edition). NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Yu, Hong., & Arnida, Abdullah. (2020). Exploring the Process of Occupational Adaptation among Novice Lecturers: A Preliminary Case Study. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12B), 8369 - 8375. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082642Yu, S., Jiang, L., & Kei, W. S. (2021). Early career English teachers’ professional commitment change: a Macau study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 49(3), 319-333.
  • Zemichael, Z. (2018). Induction of junior faculty members of higher education institutions in Eritrea. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 12(2), 99-114.
  • Zemichael, Z. (2020). Faculty Mentoring in Eritrean Institutions of Higher Education: A Missing Academic Ingredient for Early Career Academics. Journal of Education and Practice, 11 (5), 1-10. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-15-01


Year 2024, Volume: 10 Issue: 28, 59 - 73, 03.05.2024


This study aimed to explore novice faculty development in public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) in post-soviet Azerbaijan, to identify perceptions of support from administration and experienced faculty members, and to find the difficulties that novice faculty members may have encountered in their early years of being a member of academic staff and factors that contribute to their professional development.
The study employed qualitative methods of data collection and data analysis. A convenience sampling strategy assisted in selecting research sites and participants that were easily accessible to investigate the phenomenon. The target population was faculty members and administrative staff at public and private higher education institutions across Azerbaijan. The decision to select those sites was not to limit access to a single institution, and the sample made of research sites from different regions of the country provided a chance for obtaining rich data based on diverse experiences that were beneficial to get a better understanding of the phenomenon since the perception of people might differ depending on their geographical situation and types of universities they worked. The sample was made up of twenty-four novice and experienced faculty members as well as heads of departments at eight HEIs. The data were collected from novice faculty members who were in the field for less than five years, experienced faculty members who were in the field for five years or more, and heads of departments regardless of the years of experience in the administrative position since the research questions of the study focused on pedagogical, academic, and administrative support from the university community. Constant comparative data analysis was exercised to identify the difficulties that novice faculty members encountered and factors that contributed to their professional development and to ascertain whether there was any support provided by the administration and experienced faculty members in place. The data were obtained in both Azerbaijani and English because some respondents were from regional universities and they might not speak English well, the data was translated, analysed, and double-checked by two bilingual peer reviewers. The triangulated data helped reach authenticity and test validity through the convergence of information from three different groups. A member check was conducted to receive the participants’ verification and ensure the credibility of the findings.
The significance of this study was adding to the theoretical and practical aspects of novice faculty development, which might be necessary in the post-soviet Azerbaijani setting. We attempted to understand the novice faculty development and factors contributing to it through the lens of sociocultural perspectives as several empirical studies indicated the validity of the explanation and prediction of how humans develop and change. The understanding was derived through semi-structured interviews with a predetermined set of open-ended and close-ended questions, and follow-up questions spontaneously posed during the interviews.
The findings suggest that the administration and experienced faculty members permit novice faculty members to observe and assist with class materials. Regarding difficulties, communication, teaching new subjects, classroom management, failed expectations, age gap, and student behaviours remain the most apparent. The study concludes that public and private higher education institutions in post-soviet Azerbaijan do not identify novice faculty development as a policy mechanism and apply any formal induction procedures in place for building professional skills and adjusting to new jobs.
In light of the research findings, it is recommended that HEIs should develop and maintain an induction mechanism as well as mentoring that can stimulate novice faculty members to adapt to the academic community and serve as a professional development opportunity and a chance to receive diverse perspectives in discussing insufficiency in teaching, classroom management, and the research capacity building.
Further quantitative studies with a more representative sample are suggested to be conducted on novice faculty development to provide interested parties with data that can be used to inform decision-making and contribute to improving the academic body of knowledge.

Ethical Statement

The authors have no competing interests to declare that are relevant to the content of this article. The authors did not receive support from any organization for the submitted work.

Project Number



The authors thank this study's participants who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted the research, although they may not fully agree with all of the interpretations and conclusions of this paper.


  • Altbach, P.G.,& Balan, J. (2007). Empires of knowledge and development. World class worldwide Transforming research universities in Asia and Latin America, Johns Hopkins University Press.
  • Austin, A. E. (1992). Supporting the professor as teacher: The Lilly teaching fellows program. The Review of Higher Education, 16(1), 85-106.
  • Barlow, J., & Antoniou, M. (2007). Room for improvement: the experiences of new lecturers in higher education. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 44(1), 67-77
  • Bauman, Z. (2005). Education in liquid modernity. The Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, 27(4), 303-317.
  • Bickmore, S. T. (2013). Collaborative co-mentoring for the novice and the experienced English teacher. English Journal, 49-57.
  • Bogdan, R. C., & Biklen, S. K. (2011). Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theories and methods (5th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
  • Brodsky, A., & Given, L. M. (2008). The sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Field notes. In L. Given (Ed.), 342-4. DOI: 10.4135/9781412963909
  • Council of Europe. (2010, May). Bergan, S., & Damian, R. (eds). Higher education for modern societies: competences and values, Higher Education Series No. 15.
  • Coffey, A., & Atkinson, P. (1996). Making sense of qualitative data: Complementary research strategies. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research methods in education. Routledge.
  • De-Marcos, L., Domínguez, A., Saenz-de-Navarrete, J., & Pagés, C. (2014). An empirical study comparing gamification and social networking on e-learning. Computers & Education, 75, 82-91. DOI:10.1016/j.compedu.2014.01.012
  • Demougeot-Lebel, J. & Perret, C. (2011). Qu’attendent les enseignants universitaires français en termes de formation et d’accompagnement pédagogiques? Revue internationale de pédagogie de l’enseignement supérieur, 27(1).
  • European Commission. (2017, February). Overview of the Higher Education System in Azerbaijan.
  • Flowerdew, J. (2007). The non-Anglophone scholar on the periphery of scholarly publication. AILA review, 20(1), 14-27. DOI: 10.1075/aila.20.04flo
  • Gajda, J. (2019). Professional adaptation of new employees to the organization. System Safety: Human-Technical Facility-Environment, 1(1). DOI:
  • Garet, M. S., Porter, A. C., Desimone, L., Birman, B. F., & Yoon, K. S. (2001). What makes professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers. American Educational Research Journal, 38(4), 915-945.
  • Gazza, E. A., & Shellenbarger, T. (2005). Successful enculturation: Strategies for retaining newly hired nursing faculty. Nurse Educator, 30(6), 251-254. DOI: 10.1097/00006223-200511000-00009
  • Grajo, L., Boisselle, A., & DaLomba, E. (2018). Occupational adaptation as a construct: a scoping review of literature. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 6(1), 2. DOI: 10.15453/2168-6408.1400
  • Haberman, M. (2004). Can Star Teachers Create Learning Communities? Educational leadership, 61(8), 52.
  • Harvey, L. (2006). Understanding quality. EUA Bologna Handbook: Making Bologna work, 1(1), 1-29.
  • Healey, M. (2000). Developing the scholarship of teaching in higher education: A discipline-based approach. Higher Education Research & Development, 19(2), 169-189.
  • Henard, F., & Leprince-Ringuet, S. (2008). The path to quality teaching in higher education. París: OCDE.
  • Hermans, H. J., & Dimaggio, G. (2007). Self, identity, and globalization in times of uncertainty: A dialogical analysis. Review of general psychology, 11(1), 31-61.
  • Hicks, J. L., Hendrickson, W. D., Partida, M. N., Rugh, J. D., Littlefield, J. H., & Jacks, M. E. (2013). Career transition and dental school faculty development program. Texas Dental Journal, 130(11), 1115-1122.
  • Hord, S. M. (1997). Professional learning communities: Communities of continuous inquiry and improvement.
  • Hord, S. M., Hirsh, S. A. (2008). Making the promise a reality. In Blankstein, A. M., Houston, P. D., Cole, R. W. (Eds.), Sustaining professional learning communities (pp. 23–40). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. [Google Scholar]
  • Ian Sadler (2008). Development of new teachers in higher education: interactions with students and other influences approach to teaching. [Doctoral Dissertation, The University of Edinburgh]. Moray House Ph.D. thesis collection
  • Iglesias Martínez, M. J., Lozano Cabezas, I., & Martínez Ruiz, M. Á. (2014). Listening to the voices of novice lecturers in higher education: A qualitative study. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 26 (2), 170-181.
  • Jeyaparvathi S. (2018). Soft Skills: A Tool to Improve Teaching Competency among Prospective Teachers. International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts, 6 (1), 744-746
  • Karakas, A. (2012). Evaluation of the English language teacher education program in Turkey. ELT Weekly, 4(15), 1-16.
  • Klar, H. W. (2012). Fostering distributed instructional leadership: A sociocultural perspective of leadership development in urban high schools. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 11(4), 365-390. [Google Scholar]
  • Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (Learning in Doing: Social, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan on Education (2009).
  • Martin, A.J., Nejad, H., Colmar, S. & Liem, G.A.D. (2012). Adaptability: Conceptual and empirical perspectives on responses to change, novelty, and uncertainty. Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 22, 58–81. doi:10.1017/jgc.2012.8
  • Maxwell, J. A. (2013). Qualitative research design: An interactive approach (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
  • Mazerolle, S. M., Nottingham, S. L., & Coleman, K. A. (2018). Faculty mentorship in higher education: The value of institutional and professional mentors. Athletic Training Education Journal, 13(3), 259-267. DOI: 10.4085/1303259
  • McDonald, J., & Star, C. (2006, December). Designing the future of learning through a community of practice of teachers of first-year courses at an Australian university. Philip, R., Voerman, A., & Dalziel, J. (ed.). [Paper]. The 1st International LAMS Conference: Designing the Future of Learning. Sydney, Australia.
  • Meniado, J. C. (2019). Second Language Acquisition: The Case of Filipino Migrant Workers. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 10(1), 47-57.
  • Merriam, S. B. (2001). Andragogy and Self-Directed Learning: Pillars of Adult Learning Theory. In S. B. Merriam (Ed.), The New Update on Adult Learning Theory: New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2001(89), 3-14. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Mwanza-Kabaghe, S., & Mofu-Mwansa, M. (2018). Lecturers' experiences, challenges, and prospects on continuing professional development. The Namibia CPD Journal for Educators,4(1), 88-105.
  • Newmann, F. M. (1994). School-Wide Professional Community. Issues in restructuring schools.
  • Onestini, C. (2020). European Training Foundation: Sector and Cross-Sector Cooperation. In: Panth, B., Maclean, R. (eds). Anticipating and Preparing for Emerging Skills and Jobs. Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Issues, Concerns and Prospects, vol 55. Springer, Singapore.
  • Ortlieb, E. T., & Lu, L. (2011). Improving Teacher Education through Inquiry-Based Learning. International Education Studies, 4(3), 41-46.
  • Patton, M. Q. (2015). Qualitative research and evaluation methods (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publication
  • Peacock, M., & Flowerdew, J. (Eds.). (2001). Research perspectives on English for academic purposes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
  • Perna, F. M., Lerner, B. M., & Yura, M. T. (1995). Mentoring and career development among university faculty. Journal of Education, 177(2), 31-45.
  • Porter, A. C., Garet, M. S., Desimone, L. M., & Birman, B. F. (2003). Providing effective professional development: Lessons from the Eisenhower program. Science Educator, 12(1), 23-40.
  • Portner, H. (Ed.). (2005). Teacher mentoring and induction: The state of the art and beyond. Corwin Press.
  • Prosser, M., Ramsden, P., Trigwell, K., & Martin, E. (2003). Dissonance in experience of teaching and its relation to the quality of student learning. Studies in Higher education, 28(1), 37-48.
  • Rager, K. B. (2005). Self-care and the qualitative researcher: When collecting data can break your heart. Educational researcher, 34(4), 23-27.
  • Remmik, M., Karm, M., Haamer, A., & Lepp, L. (2011). Early-career academics’ learning in academic communities. International journal for academic development, 16 (3),187-199.
  • Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge university press.
  • Salager-Meyer, F. (2008). Scientific publishing in developing countries: Challenges for the future. Journal of English for academic purposes, 7(2), 121-132.
  • Saldana, J. (2021). The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications Limited.
  • Sands, R. G., Parsons, L. A., & Duane, J. (1991). Faculty mentoring faculty in a public university. The Journal of Higher Education, 62(2), 174-193.
  • Savickas, M. L., & Porfeli, E. J. (2012). Career Adapt-Abilities Scale: Construction, reliability, and measurement equivalence across 13 countries. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 80(3), 661-673.
  • Savickas, M. L. (2005). The theory and practice of career construction. In S. D. Brown & R. W. Lent (Eds), Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, 42-70. Wiley.
  • Siler, B. B., & Kleiner, C. (2001). Novice faculty: Encountering expectations in academia. Journal of Nursing Education, 40(9), 397-403.
  • State Education Strategy on the Development of Education in Azerbaijan (2013, October).
  • Tardy, C. (2004). The role of English in scientific communication: lingua franca or Tyrannosaurus rex? Journal of English for academic purposes, 3(3), 247-269.
  • The Decision of the Cabinet of the Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan On approval of “the state standards and programs for higher education” No. 75, dated April 23, 2010
  • Vitello, S., Greatorex, J., & Shaw, S. (2021). What Is Competence? A Shared Interpretation of Competence to Support Teaching, Learning and Assessment. Research Report. Cambridge University Press & Assessment.
  • Vygotsky, L. S. (1997). The history of the development of higher mental functions. In R. W. Rieber (Ed.), The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky (pp. 1-252). New York: Plenum.
  • Waddell S. (2016). Change for the Audacious: A doers’ guide to large systems change for a flourishing future. Boston, MA: NetworkingAction Publishing.
  • Wenger, E. (1998). Communities of practice: Learning as a social system. Systems thinker, 9(5), 2-3.
  • White, A., Brannan, J., & Wilson, C. B. (2010). A mentor-protégé program for new faculty, part I: Stories of protégés. Journal of Nursing Education, 49(11), 601-607.
  • Williams, A. L. (2013). Mentoring in student affairs: An interpretive study of experiences and relationships. (No.3586239) [Doctoral dissertation, North Carolina State University]. Pro-quest Dissertations and Theses Global, 1-176
  • Willis, J. W., Jost, M., & Nilakanta, R. (2007). Foundations of qualitative research: Interpretive and critical approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Ltd.
  • Yin, R. K. (2016). Qualitative research: From start to finish. (2nd edition). NY: The Guilford Press.
  • Yu, Hong., & Arnida, Abdullah. (2020). Exploring the Process of Occupational Adaptation among Novice Lecturers: A Preliminary Case Study. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(12B), 8369 - 8375. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2020.082642Yu, S., Jiang, L., & Kei, W. S. (2021). Early career English teachers’ professional commitment change: a Macau study. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 49(3), 319-333.
  • Zemichael, Z. (2018). Induction of junior faculty members of higher education institutions in Eritrea. Higher Education Evaluation and Development, 12(2), 99-114.
  • Zemichael, Z. (2020). Faculty Mentoring in Eritrean Institutions of Higher Education: A Missing Academic Ingredient for Early Career Academics. Journal of Education and Practice, 11 (5), 1-10. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-15-01
There are 72 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Educational Sociology
Journal Section Articles

Vafa Yunusova

Laman Panahli

Project Number N/A
Early Pub Date April 20, 2024
Publication Date May 3, 2024
Submission Date February 6, 2024
Acceptance Date March 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024Volume: 10 Issue: 28


EndNote Yunusova V, Panahli L (May 1, 2024) NOVICE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION IN POST-SOVIET AZERBAIJAN. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 10 28 59–73.



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