Research Article
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Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 25 - April 2023, 44 - 61, 04.05.2023



  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211. DOI: 10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T. Aldossry, B. (2021) “Evaluating The Madrasati Platform for the Virtual Classroom in Saudi Arabian Education during the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic,” Eur. J. Open Educ. E-learning Stud., vol. 6, no. 1, , doi: Alkinani, E. A., & Alzahrani, A. I. (2021). Evaluating the usability and effectiveness of madrasati platforms as a learning management system in Saudi Arabia for public education. International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, 21(6), 275-285. Alrawashdeh, A. (2020). An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Acceptance of E-learning among Saudi Arabian Mathematics Teachers. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(10), 18-38. Alshammari, M. R., & Alhazmi, A. A. (2019). Teachers’ attitudes towards the use of technology in EFL classrooms: A case study of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of English Linguistics, 9(3), 179-194. Alshammari, N., & Al-Surmi, M. (2019). The acceptance of e-learning among secondary school teachers in Saudi Arabia: A comprehensive review of the literature. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(12), 184-197. Alshehri, S. S. (2021). Mathematics teachers' attitudes towards using smart mobile devices in the classroom in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Computers in Education, 8(1), 91-106. Alshurafat, H., Ashouri, M., & Abu-alganam, R. (2021). Technology Acceptance Models for Information Technology Adoption in Education. Education and Information Technologies, 1-27. Alturki, U., Turel, O., & Bart, C. K. (2020). The effect of security, privacy and system quality on technology acceptance: A meta-analysis. Information & Management, 57(2), 103190. Alzahrani, A. I., & Bayoumi, A. M. (2021). Exploring the relationship between teachers’ intention to use technology, attitude, and anxiety: A study from Saudi Arabia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(4), 726-749. Alzahrani, A., & Rana, N. P. (2021). Investigating the factors affecting the adoption of e-learning in Saudi Arabia during COVID-19. Education and Information Technologies, 1-23. Basilaia, G., & Kvavadze, D. (2020). Transition to online education in schools during a SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research, 5(4), 10. Byrne, B. M. (2016). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (3rd ed.). Routledge. Creswell, J. W. (2022). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (6th ed.). Pearson. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly 13, 319–339. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary. Davis, F. D., & Venkatesh, V. (1996). A critical assessment of potential measurement biases in the technology acceptance model: three experiments. International journal of human-computer studies, 45(1), 19-45. Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., and Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 92, 1087–1101. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.6.1087. Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2021). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.). Cengage Learning. Khanfar, A. R. (2020). Distance-learning entrepreneurship education in the time of corona virus-COVID-19 challenges & solution. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23, 1-17. Kline, R. B. (2022). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling (5th ed.). The Guilford Press. Nae, N. (2020). Online learning during the pandemic: where does Japan stand? Euromentor Journal, 11(2), 7-24. Retrieved from: /342505298 _online_learning_during_the_pandemic_where_does_japan_stand (accessed on 18/02 / 2021). Oigara, J. (2017). Teaching and Learning with Smart Board Technology in the Elementary Classroom. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 896-899). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 7, 2018 from https://www.learntechlib. org/ primary /p/177368/ Park, C.W., Mothersbaugh, D.L., & Feick, L. (1994). Consumer knowledge assessment. Journal of Consumer Research, 21, 71-82. Pourciau, E. A. L. (2014). Teaching and learning with smart board technology in middle school classrooms (Order No. 3665300). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Walden University. (1640769338). Retrieved from docview/1640769338?accountid=14872 Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2019). Using Multivariate Statistics (7th ed.). Pearson. Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D. (2003). User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 27(3), 425-478 Wingo, S., Borycki, E. M., Kushniruk, A., & Kuo, M. H. (2017). An integrated systematic review and meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model (TAM). Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 460-472. ARABIC REFERENCES IN ROMAN ALPHABET Almunayzila, Mu.Na. Waleutuma, Si. Ea. (2019). Manahij Albahtha: Mafahim Watatbiqati. Alriyad: Dar Almasirati. 'Abu Ealam, Ra.Mi. (2018). Manahij Albahth Alkamiyi Walnaweii Walmukhtalata. Ta2, Dar Almasirati, Eaman. Alshahrani, Ra. Walshahri, A. (2022). Mustawaa Tawafur Almaharat Alraqamiat Liaistikhdam Minasat Madrasati Fi Tadris Aleulum Ladaa Muealimat Almarhalat Almutawasitat Bimadinat Najran. Almajalat Alsaeudiat Liltaqniat Altaelimiat Waltaelim Ean Bueda, 1(2), 1-18. Easiri, Zi. (2022). 'Iisham Minasa "Madrasti" Fi Tanmiat Alkifayat Alraqamiat Lilmuealimina. Almajalat Alsaeudiat Liltaqniat Altaelimiat Waltaelim Ean Bueda, 1(1), 66-84. Easiri, Mu.Ea. Waealay. Ma. (2022). Alminasaat Altaelimiat Al'iilktruniat Wadawruha Fi Tanmiat Alkfayat Alraqamiat Ladaa Almuealima: Minasat Madrasati Nmwdhjan. Almajalat Alearabiat Liltarbiat Alnaweiati, 6(22), 437-464. Alshahrani, Ha.Ea. Alshahri, Sa.Ea. (2022). Waqie Astikhdam Minasat Madrasati Min Wijhat Nazar Muealimi Almarhalat Althaanawiat Bimintaqat Easir. Majalat Shabab Albahithin Fi Aleulum Altarbawiat Lildirasat Aleulya Bisuhaj, 11(11), 121-150.‎ Alghamdi, R.'A. Ramzi, R.'A. (2022). Madaa Faeiliat 'Adawat Altaqwim Al'iiliktrunia (Milafat Al'iinjazi, Alaikhtibarat Altahsiliati) Eabr Minasat Madrasati Fi Daw' Almaeayir Alealamiat Litaqwim Alfizia' Bialmarhalat Althaanawiati. Majalat Kliat Altarbiat Bialmansurat, 117(1), 909-968.‎ Alyunisku. (2020). Tathir Fayrus Kuruna Almustajidi (Kufid-19) Ealaa Altaelim


Year 2023, Volume: 9 Issue: 25 - April 2023, 44 - 61, 04.05.2023


The study aims to measure the attitudes of secondary school mathematics teachers towards the use of the "Madrasati" platform, in the city of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where the study adopted the descriptive survey approach, and the quantitative method in data collection. The study population consisted of (8554) male and female teachers. A simple random sample of (367) participants was selected according to the Gresty and Morgan tables. A questionnaire was designed according to the five-point Likert scale, consisting of five variables: (teachers' attitudes, perceived usefulness, ease of use, perceived knowledge, and perceived perseverance). Statistical analysis according to the SPSS program, and the AMOS program. The standard model was used to assess the validity and stability of the data, and the constructive model was used to study the structural relationships between the study variables. The results of the study revealed a direct effect of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use; On teachers' attitudes towards using the Madrasati platform, and there is also a direct impact of the external variables (perceived knowledge, perceived perseverance) on each of the perceived benefit and ease of use, and the results were discussed and interpreted, and finally the study presented a number of recommendations.


  • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50, 179–211. DOI: 10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T. Aldossry, B. (2021) “Evaluating The Madrasati Platform for the Virtual Classroom in Saudi Arabian Education during the Time of Covid-19 Pandemic,” Eur. J. Open Educ. E-learning Stud., vol. 6, no. 1, , doi: Alkinani, E. A., & Alzahrani, A. I. (2021). Evaluating the usability and effectiveness of madrasati platforms as a learning management system in Saudi Arabia for public education. International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, 21(6), 275-285. Alrawashdeh, A. (2020). An Investigation into the Factors Influencing the Acceptance of E-learning among Saudi Arabian Mathematics Teachers. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(10), 18-38. Alshammari, M. R., & Alhazmi, A. A. (2019). Teachers’ attitudes towards the use of technology in EFL classrooms: A case study of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of English Linguistics, 9(3), 179-194. Alshammari, N., & Al-Surmi, M. (2019). The acceptance of e-learning among secondary school teachers in Saudi Arabia: A comprehensive review of the literature. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 14(12), 184-197. Alshehri, S. S. (2021). Mathematics teachers' attitudes towards using smart mobile devices in the classroom in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Computers in Education, 8(1), 91-106. Alshurafat, H., Ashouri, M., & Abu-alganam, R. (2021). Technology Acceptance Models for Information Technology Adoption in Education. Education and Information Technologies, 1-27. Alturki, U., Turel, O., & Bart, C. K. (2020). The effect of security, privacy and system quality on technology acceptance: A meta-analysis. Information & Management, 57(2), 103190. Alzahrani, A. I., & Bayoumi, A. M. (2021). Exploring the relationship between teachers’ intention to use technology, attitude, and anxiety: A study from Saudi Arabia. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 59(4), 726-749. Alzahrani, A., & Rana, N. P. (2021). Investigating the factors affecting the adoption of e-learning in Saudi Arabia during COVID-19. Education and Information Technologies, 1-23. Basilaia, G., & Kvavadze, D. (2020). Transition to online education in schools during a SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in Georgia. Pedagogical Research, 5(4), 10. Byrne, B. M. (2016). Structural equation modeling with AMOS: Basic concepts, applications, and programming (3rd ed.). Routledge. Creswell, J. W. (2022). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (6th ed.). Pearson. Davis, F. D. (1989). Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and user acceptance of information technology. MIS Quarterly 13, 319–339. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary. Davis, F. D., & Venkatesh, V. (1996). A critical assessment of potential measurement biases in the technology acceptance model: three experiments. International journal of human-computer studies, 45(1), 19-45. Duckworth, A. L., Peterson, C., Matthews, M. D., and Kelly, D. R. (2007). Grit: perseverance and passion for long-term goals. J. Pers. Soc. Psychol. 92, 1087–1101. doi: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.6.1087. Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2021). Multivariate data analysis (8th ed.). Cengage Learning. Khanfar, A. R. (2020). Distance-learning entrepreneurship education in the time of corona virus-COVID-19 challenges & solution. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 23, 1-17. Kline, R. B. (2022). Principles and Practice of Structural Equation Modeling (5th ed.). The Guilford Press. Nae, N. (2020). Online learning during the pandemic: where does Japan stand? Euromentor Journal, 11(2), 7-24. Retrieved from: /342505298 _online_learning_during_the_pandemic_where_does_japan_stand (accessed on 18/02 / 2021). Oigara, J. (2017). Teaching and Learning with Smart Board Technology in the Elementary Classroom. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 896-899). Austin, TX, United States: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved August 7, 2018 from https://www.learntechlib. org/ primary /p/177368/ Park, C.W., Mothersbaugh, D.L., & Feick, L. (1994). Consumer knowledge assessment. Journal of Consumer Research, 21, 71-82. Pourciau, E. A. L. (2014). Teaching and learning with smart board technology in middle school classrooms (Order No. 3665300). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Walden University. (1640769338). Retrieved from docview/1640769338?accountid=14872 Tabachnick, B. G., & Fidell, L. S. (2019). Using Multivariate Statistics (7th ed.). Pearson. Venkatesh, V., Morris, M. G., Davis, G. B., & Davis, F. D. (2003). User acceptance of information technology: Toward a unified view. MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 27(3), 425-478 Wingo, S., Borycki, E. M., Kushniruk, A., & Kuo, M. H. (2017). An integrated systematic review and meta-analysis of the technology acceptance model (TAM). Computers in Human Behavior, 70, 460-472. ARABIC REFERENCES IN ROMAN ALPHABET Almunayzila, Mu.Na. Waleutuma, Si. Ea. (2019). Manahij Albahtha: Mafahim Watatbiqati. Alriyad: Dar Almasirati. 'Abu Ealam, Ra.Mi. (2018). Manahij Albahth Alkamiyi Walnaweii Walmukhtalata. Ta2, Dar Almasirati, Eaman. Alshahrani, Ra. Walshahri, A. (2022). Mustawaa Tawafur Almaharat Alraqamiat Liaistikhdam Minasat Madrasati Fi Tadris Aleulum Ladaa Muealimat Almarhalat Almutawasitat Bimadinat Najran. Almajalat Alsaeudiat Liltaqniat Altaelimiat Waltaelim Ean Bueda, 1(2), 1-18. Easiri, Zi. (2022). 'Iisham Minasa "Madrasti" Fi Tanmiat Alkifayat Alraqamiat Lilmuealimina. Almajalat Alsaeudiat Liltaqniat Altaelimiat Waltaelim Ean Bueda, 1(1), 66-84. Easiri, Mu.Ea. Waealay. Ma. (2022). Alminasaat Altaelimiat Al'iilktruniat Wadawruha Fi Tanmiat Alkfayat Alraqamiat Ladaa Almuealima: Minasat Madrasati Nmwdhjan. Almajalat Alearabiat Liltarbiat Alnaweiati, 6(22), 437-464. Alshahrani, Ha.Ea. Alshahri, Sa.Ea. (2022). Waqie Astikhdam Minasat Madrasati Min Wijhat Nazar Muealimi Almarhalat Althaanawiat Bimintaqat Easir. Majalat Shabab Albahithin Fi Aleulum Altarbawiat Lildirasat Aleulya Bisuhaj, 11(11), 121-150.‎ Alghamdi, R.'A. Ramzi, R.'A. (2022). Madaa Faeiliat 'Adawat Altaqwim Al'iiliktrunia (Milafat Al'iinjazi, Alaikhtibarat Altahsiliati) Eabr Minasat Madrasati Fi Daw' Almaeayir Alealamiat Litaqwim Alfizia' Bialmarhalat Althaanawiati. Majalat Kliat Altarbiat Bialmansurat, 117(1), 909-968.‎ Alyunisku. (2020). Tathir Fayrus Kuruna Almustajidi (Kufid-19) Ealaa Altaelim
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Khalid Azzam Aldhafeeri

Dawood A.y. Alhedabi

Publication Date May 4, 2023
Submission Date March 6, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023Volume: 9 Issue: 25 - April 2023


EndNote Aldhafeeri KA, Alhedabi DA (May 1, 2023) ATTITUDES OF MATHEMATICS TEACHERS TOWARDS USAGE OF THE MADRASATI PLATFORM IN RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 9 25 44–61.



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