Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 15, 1380 - 1387, 14.01.2020



  • Yovchevska, Plamena (2016). Project HTAI-134: Land relations and land market under the conditions of Common agricultural policy (CAP). (2016). Agricultural Academy. Institute of Agricultural Economy. 2016, pp. 5 -7, (Head: Prof. Dr. Plamena Yovchevska). Stoeva, Teodora. (2014). Challenges associated with the development of vegetable production in Bulgaria after the EU enlargement. // Economics and management of agriculture, pp. 39-42. Year LIX. Issue 4/2014. Yovchevska, Plamena. (2015). Analysis of the sectors with coupled support. // Institute of agricultural economics - Sofia. Publishing house: Institute of Agricultural Economy-Sofia. 2015, pp.19-20, ISBN 978-619-90180-3-3. Nikolov, D., Yovchevska, Pl., Chopeva, M., Kaneva, N. et al. (2015a). Analysis of the sectors with coupled support, Institute of agricultural economics – Sofia, 2015, p.34, ISBN 978-619-90180-3-3. Popov, R., Ivanov, B., Jongeneel, R., Sokolova, E. (2012). How to create a viable and competitive agriculture: assessing the optimal policy measure mix for the case of Bulgaria- Institute of agricultural economics - Sofia, Netherlands Institute of Agricultural Economics at the Wageningen University /LEI/, 2012. Nikolov, D., Kr. Kaneva, Pl. Yovchevska. (2018). Bulgarian agriculture: ten years CAP - results and future challenges after 2020. B: Agriculture and rural areas in Bulgaria and Poland in CAP for the period 2014-2020 and after 2020. Sofia. Publishing house: Institute of Agricultural Economy, 2018, p.9-22, ISBN 978-954-8612-14-2. Agrostatistics Department, Ministry of agriculture and food. (2018). Farm structure survey in 2016. National strategy for sustainable development of agriculture in Bulgaria for the period 2014-202 (2013). Ministry of agriculture and food, p.21; p.122; p.125. Agrostatistics Directorate. (2011). Ministry of agriculture and food, 2011. Paying agency; State Fund “Agriculture” (2011a). Ministry of agriculture and food, (2011). Yovchevska, P. et al. (2019). Land relations: theory, practice, perspectives, Institute of Agricultural Economy, Sofia, 2019, p.62. Yovchevska, Pl. et al. (2019a). Land relations: theory, practice, perspectives, Institute of Agricultural Economy, Sofia, 2019, p. 52. Ivanova, D., Andonov, K., Enimanev, K. (2001). Optimizirane na protsesa v sushilnya za plodove i zelenchutsi. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 1 (2001), s. 22-25, ISSN 0037-1718 (Иванова, Д., Андонов, К., Ениманев, К. Оптимизиране на процеса в сушилня за плодове и зеленчуци. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XXXVIII, 1 (2001), с. 22-25, ISSN 0037-1718). Andonov, K., Koev, K., Enimanev, K., Novakova, A. (2001a). Izsledvane na energoikonomichni rezhimi na kamera za sahranyavane na produktsiya. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 4 (2001), s. 21-28, ISSN 0037-1718 (Андонов, K., Коев, K., Ениманев, K., Новакова, A. Изследване на енергоикономични режими на камера за съхраняване на продукция. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XXXVIII, 4 (2001), с. 21-28, ISSN 0037-1718). Koev, K., Enimanev, K., Andonov, K. (2001b). Izsledvane moshtnostta na ventilatora na kamera za sahranyavane na produktsiya. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 5 (2001), s. 28-32, ISSN 0037-1718 (Коeв, К., Ениманев, К., Андонов, К. Изследване мощността на вентилатора на камера за съхраняване на продукция. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XXXVIII, 5 (2001), с. 28-32, ISSN 0037-1718). Andonov, K., Koev, K., Enimanev, K., Dimov, D. (2001c). Tehniko-ikonomicheska otsenka na energiyniya potentsial na atmosferniya vazduh pri sahranenie na produktsiya. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 2 (2001), s. 17-22, ISSN 0037-1718 (Андонов, К., Коев, К., Ениманев, К., Димов, Д. Технико-икономическа оценка на енергийния потенциал на атмосферния въздух при съхранeниe на продукция. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XХХVIII, 2 (2001), с. 17-22, ISSN 0037-1718). Krasteva, A., Andonov, A., Enimanev, K., Popov, G. (2004). Energy efficiency of pump devices at the standard level. // EE&AE 2004- International Scientific conference 03-05.06.2004, Rousse, Proceedings of the Union of Scientists – Rousse, 3, 2004, pp. 671-675, ISSN 1311-9974. Novakova, A., Andonov, K., Еnimanev, K. (2007). Energy ecological model for reengineering of the production of dried and storage of fresh products. // Ecology and future, Sofia, 6, 2007, 2, pp. 33-41, ISSN 1312-076X. Andonov, K., Enimanev, K., Martev, K., Daskalov, P., Stojanov, V. (2002). Model of installation with combined energy supply for drying and storage of production. // EE&AE 2002- International Scientific conference 04-06. 04. 2002, Proceedings of the Union of Scientists – Rousse, Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering, 2, 2002, pp. 182-192, ISSN 1311-9974. Ivanova, D., Enimanev, K., Andonov, K. (2003). Energy and economic effectiveness of a fruit and vegetable dryer // Energy Conversion and Management, 44, 2003, 5, pp. 763-769, ISSN0196-8904. Stoyanova, N., Enimanev, K., Dudushki, I. (2010). Izsledvane na model za periodichna profilaktika vazstanovyavashta tehnicheskata izpravnost na zemedelskite mashini. // Industrialen menidzhmant, Sofiya, VII, 13 (2010), s. 31-37, ISSN 1312-3793 (Стоянова, Н., Ениманев, К., Дудушки, И. Изследване на модел за периодична профилактика възстановяваща техническата изправност на земеделските машини. // Индустриален мениджмънт, София, VII, 13 (2010), с. 31-37, ISSN 1312-3793). Novakova, A., Enimanev, K., Andonov, K., Ermenkov, T. (2007). Izsledvane na netnite ikonomii na vlazhniya vazduh pri sushene. // Ikonomika i upravlenie na selskoto stopanstvo, Sofiya, LII, 6/ 2007, s. 27-33, ISSN 0205-3845 (Новакова, А., Ениманев, К., Андонов, К., Ерменков, Т. Изследване на нетните икономии на влажния въздух при сушене. // Икономика и управление на селското стопанство, София, LII, 6/ 2007, с. 27-33, ISSN 0205-3845). Nikolov et al. (2015). Analysis of the sectors with coupled support”, Institute of Agricultural Economy, Sofia, 2015, p.19. Enimanev, Krasimir. (2019). Energoefektivno osiguryavane na mikroklimata v zatvoreni agrarni sgradi chrez unifitsirani modulni elementi. Fakultet „Aviatsionen“, Natsionalen Voenen Universitet „Vasil Levski“, Dolna Mitropoliya, 2019, 224 str., ISBN 978-954-713-130-9 (Ениманев, Красимир. Енергоефективно осигуряване на микроклимата в затворени аграрни сгради чрез унифицирани модулни елементи. Факултет „Авиационен“, Национален Военен Университет „Васил Левски“, Долна Митрополия, 2019, 224 стр., ISBN 978-954-713-130-9).


Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 15, 1380 - 1387, 14.01.2020


The agricultural sector has always been a strategic
branch of Bulgarian economy. Bulgaria has many years of experience,
well-established traditions and opportunities in the sphere of agriculture and
particularly in vegetable production. The evaluation and analysis of the
contemporary situation for the development of vegetable production are issues
of current importance for Bulgarian agriculture in the context of the Common
agricultural policy. The aim of this article is to present the problems and the
trends of changes in the Bulgarian vegetable production related to the
sustainable economic development of Bulgaria


  • Yovchevska, Plamena (2016). Project HTAI-134: Land relations and land market under the conditions of Common agricultural policy (CAP). (2016). Agricultural Academy. Institute of Agricultural Economy. 2016, pp. 5 -7, (Head: Prof. Dr. Plamena Yovchevska). Stoeva, Teodora. (2014). Challenges associated with the development of vegetable production in Bulgaria after the EU enlargement. // Economics and management of agriculture, pp. 39-42. Year LIX. Issue 4/2014. Yovchevska, Plamena. (2015). Analysis of the sectors with coupled support. // Institute of agricultural economics - Sofia. Publishing house: Institute of Agricultural Economy-Sofia. 2015, pp.19-20, ISBN 978-619-90180-3-3. Nikolov, D., Yovchevska, Pl., Chopeva, M., Kaneva, N. et al. (2015a). Analysis of the sectors with coupled support, Institute of agricultural economics – Sofia, 2015, p.34, ISBN 978-619-90180-3-3. Popov, R., Ivanov, B., Jongeneel, R., Sokolova, E. (2012). How to create a viable and competitive agriculture: assessing the optimal policy measure mix for the case of Bulgaria- Institute of agricultural economics - Sofia, Netherlands Institute of Agricultural Economics at the Wageningen University /LEI/, 2012. Nikolov, D., Kr. Kaneva, Pl. Yovchevska. (2018). Bulgarian agriculture: ten years CAP - results and future challenges after 2020. B: Agriculture and rural areas in Bulgaria and Poland in CAP for the period 2014-2020 and after 2020. Sofia. Publishing house: Institute of Agricultural Economy, 2018, p.9-22, ISBN 978-954-8612-14-2. Agrostatistics Department, Ministry of agriculture and food. (2018). Farm structure survey in 2016. National strategy for sustainable development of agriculture in Bulgaria for the period 2014-202 (2013). Ministry of agriculture and food, p.21; p.122; p.125. Agrostatistics Directorate. (2011). Ministry of agriculture and food, 2011. Paying agency; State Fund “Agriculture” (2011a). Ministry of agriculture and food, (2011). Yovchevska, P. et al. (2019). Land relations: theory, practice, perspectives, Institute of Agricultural Economy, Sofia, 2019, p.62. Yovchevska, Pl. et al. (2019a). Land relations: theory, practice, perspectives, Institute of Agricultural Economy, Sofia, 2019, p. 52. Ivanova, D., Andonov, K., Enimanev, K. (2001). Optimizirane na protsesa v sushilnya za plodove i zelenchutsi. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 1 (2001), s. 22-25, ISSN 0037-1718 (Иванова, Д., Андонов, К., Ениманев, К. Оптимизиране на процеса в сушилня за плодове и зеленчуци. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XXXVIII, 1 (2001), с. 22-25, ISSN 0037-1718). Andonov, K., Koev, K., Enimanev, K., Novakova, A. (2001a). Izsledvane na energoikonomichni rezhimi na kamera za sahranyavane na produktsiya. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 4 (2001), s. 21-28, ISSN 0037-1718 (Андонов, K., Коев, K., Ениманев, K., Новакова, A. Изследване на енергоикономични режими на камера за съхраняване на продукция. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XXXVIII, 4 (2001), с. 21-28, ISSN 0037-1718). Koev, K., Enimanev, K., Andonov, K. (2001b). Izsledvane moshtnostta na ventilatora na kamera za sahranyavane na produktsiya. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 5 (2001), s. 28-32, ISSN 0037-1718 (Коeв, К., Ениманев, К., Андонов, К. Изследване мощността на вентилатора на камера за съхраняване на продукция. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XXXVIII, 5 (2001), с. 28-32, ISSN 0037-1718). Andonov, K., Koev, K., Enimanev, K., Dimov, D. (2001c). Tehniko-ikonomicheska otsenka na energiyniya potentsial na atmosferniya vazduh pri sahranenie na produktsiya. // Selskostopanska tehnika, Sofiya, XXXVIII, 2 (2001), s. 17-22, ISSN 0037-1718 (Андонов, К., Коев, К., Ениманев, К., Димов, Д. Технико-икономическа оценка на енергийния потенциал на атмосферния въздух при съхранeниe на продукция. // Селскостопанска техника, София, XХХVIII, 2 (2001), с. 17-22, ISSN 0037-1718). Krasteva, A., Andonov, A., Enimanev, K., Popov, G. (2004). Energy efficiency of pump devices at the standard level. // EE&AE 2004- International Scientific conference 03-05.06.2004, Rousse, Proceedings of the Union of Scientists – Rousse, 3, 2004, pp. 671-675, ISSN 1311-9974. Novakova, A., Andonov, K., Еnimanev, K. (2007). Energy ecological model for reengineering of the production of dried and storage of fresh products. // Ecology and future, Sofia, 6, 2007, 2, pp. 33-41, ISSN 1312-076X. Andonov, K., Enimanev, K., Martev, K., Daskalov, P., Stojanov, V. (2002). Model of installation with combined energy supply for drying and storage of production. // EE&AE 2002- International Scientific conference 04-06. 04. 2002, Proceedings of the Union of Scientists – Rousse, Energy efficiency and agricultural engineering, 2, 2002, pp. 182-192, ISSN 1311-9974. Ivanova, D., Enimanev, K., Andonov, K. (2003). Energy and economic effectiveness of a fruit and vegetable dryer // Energy Conversion and Management, 44, 2003, 5, pp. 763-769, ISSN0196-8904. Stoyanova, N., Enimanev, K., Dudushki, I. (2010). Izsledvane na model za periodichna profilaktika vazstanovyavashta tehnicheskata izpravnost na zemedelskite mashini. // Industrialen menidzhmant, Sofiya, VII, 13 (2010), s. 31-37, ISSN 1312-3793 (Стоянова, Н., Ениманев, К., Дудушки, И. Изследване на модел за периодична профилактика възстановяваща техническата изправност на земеделските машини. // Индустриален мениджмънт, София, VII, 13 (2010), с. 31-37, ISSN 1312-3793). Novakova, A., Enimanev, K., Andonov, K., Ermenkov, T. (2007). Izsledvane na netnite ikonomii na vlazhniya vazduh pri sushene. // Ikonomika i upravlenie na selskoto stopanstvo, Sofiya, LII, 6/ 2007, s. 27-33, ISSN 0205-3845 (Новакова, А., Ениманев, К., Андонов, К., Ерменков, Т. Изследване на нетните икономии на влажния въздух при сушене. // Икономика и управление на селското стопанство, София, LII, 6/ 2007, с. 27-33, ISSN 0205-3845). Nikolov et al. (2015). Analysis of the sectors with coupled support”, Institute of Agricultural Economy, Sofia, 2015, p.19. Enimanev, Krasimir. (2019). Energoefektivno osiguryavane na mikroklimata v zatvoreni agrarni sgradi chrez unifitsirani modulni elementi. Fakultet „Aviatsionen“, Natsionalen Voenen Universitet „Vasil Levski“, Dolna Mitropoliya, 2019, 224 str., ISBN 978-954-713-130-9 (Ениманев, Красимир. Енергоефективно осигуряване на микроклимата в затворени аграрни сгради чрез унифицирани модулни елементи. Факултет „Авиационен“, Национален Военен Университет „Васил Левски“, Долна Митрополия, 2019, 224 стр., ISBN 978-954-713-130-9).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Venelin Terziev

Teodora Stoeva

Publication Date January 14, 2020
Submission Date October 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 5 Issue: 15


EndNote Terziev V, Stoeva T (January 1, 2020) STRUCTURAL CHANGES AND PROSPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF VEGETABLE PRODUCTION IN BULGARIA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 15 1380–1387.



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