Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 1161 - 1170, 15.09.2019


This paper highlights the social identity negotiation of Yemeni post graduate students in Malaysian based on Tajfel and Turner social identity theory. One of the reasons that drive Yemenis to Malaysia to further their studies is due to social and religious closeness. Whether Yemenis really benefit from cultural and religious remain unknown because, the issue Yemeni students social and cultural experiences in Malaysia remains underrepresented. Thus, this study aims to explore Yemeni students and their social integration into the Malaysian society. The study was conducted in four public Malaysian universities namely, using qualitative methods approach. There were 30 interviewers for this study which took one-year time and 20 Yemenis post graduate students participated. The study revealed three salient identities among Yemenis in Malaysia which are: clear identity, ambivalent identity and transit identity. The findings show that some of these students appeared to be inclined to their own Yemeni identity, while some of them were inclined to Muslim identity. And few students seem to have transit identity. Further, the study reveals few examples of successful Yemen integration into the Malay community.


  • Abduh, M., & Dahari, Z. B. (2011). Factors influencing international students’ choice towards universities in Malaysia. African Journal of Business and Management, 5(26), 10615-10620. Abdulkareem, M. N. (2013). An Investigation Study of Academic Writing Problems Faced by Arab Postgraduate Students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Theory & Practice in Language Studies, 3(9). Abrams, L. S. (2003). Contextual variations in young women's gender identity negotiations. Psychology of women quarterly, 27(1), 64-74. Alavi, M., & Mansor, S. M. S. (2011). Categories of problems among international students in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 1581-1587. Alghail, A. A. A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2015). Cognitive adjustment of international students in a Malaysian public university. International Journal of Innovation Education and Research, 3(12). Al-Khasawneh, F. M. S., & Maher, S. (2010). Writing for academic purposes: Problems faced by Arab postgraduate students of the college of business, UUM. ESP World, 9(2), 1-23. Allaf, C., Anderson, E., Asino, T. I., Baker, D. P., Blosser, A. H., Byker, E., ... & Dembélé, M. Book Series: International Perspectives on Education and Society. Altbach, P. G., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. E. (2009). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution. Report for the UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education. NY: UNESCO. Al-Zubaidi, K. O. (2012). The academic writing of Arab postgraduate students: Discussing the main language issues. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 66, 46-52. Al-Zubaidi, K. O., & Rechards, C. (2010). Arab Postgraduate Students in Malaysia: Identifying and overcoming the cultural and language barriers. Arab World English Journal, 1(1). Armitage, Peter, Geoffrey Berry, and John Nigel Scott Matthews. Statistical methods in medical research. John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Awoke, W., & Muche, S. (2013). A cross sectional study: latrine coverage and associated factors among rural communities in the District of Bahir Dar Zuria, Ethiopia. BMC public health, 13(1), 99. Baharun, R., Awang, Z., & Padlee, S. F. (2011). International students choice criteria for selection of higher learning in Malaysian private universities. African journal of Business management, 5(12), 4704-4714. Bangura, A. K. (2004). Tirbyi in the Muslim World, with a Focus on Saudi Arabia. Online Submission. Bernheimer, T., & Rippin, A. (2013). Muslims: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices.Routledge. Berry, J. W., & Kim, U. (1988). Acculturation and mental health. Boswell, G. H., Kahana, E., & Dilworth-Anderson, P. (2006). Spirituality and healthy lifestyle behaviors: Stress counter-balancing effects on the well-being of older adults. Journal of Religion and Health, 45(4), 587-602. Brown, P., Lauder, H., & Ashton, D. (2010). The global auction: The broken promises of education, jobs, and incomes. Oxford University Press. Collier, M. J., & Thomas, M. (1988). Cultural identity: An interpretive perspective. Theories in intercultural communication, 99, 122. Collier, P., & Hoeffler, A. (1998). On economic causes of civil war. Oxford economic papers, 50(4), 563-573. Croucher, S. M., Zeng, C., Rahmani, D., & Sommier, M. (2017). Religion, culture, and communication. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Ding, D., Sallis, J. F., Kerr, J., Lee, S., & Rosenberg, D. E. (2011). Neighborhood environment and physical activity among youth: a review. American journal of preventive medicine, 41(4), 442-455. Dora, M. T. H., Ibrahim, N. R. W., Ramachandran, S. D., Kasim, A., & Saad, M. S. M. (2009). A study on factors that influence choice of Malaysian institution of higher learning for international graduate students. Journal of Human Capital Development (JHCD), 2(1), 105-113. Dudley, R. L., & Laurent, C. R. (1989). Alienation from religion in church-related adolescents. Sociological Analysis, 49(4), 408-420. Eriksen, T. H. (2002). Ethnicity and nationalism: Anthropological perspectives. Pluto Press. Gauntlett, D. (2008). Creative brainwork: Building metaphors of identity for social science research. Peter Lang. Hassan, S., & Weiss, M. (Eds.). (2012). Social Movement Malaysia. Routledge. Jaspal, R., & Cinnirella, M. (2010). Coping with potentially incompatible identities: Accounts of religious, ethnic, and sexual identities from British Pakistani men who identify as Muslim and gay. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49(4), 849-870. Molaiy, J., Moradkhani, M., & Ranjbarian, A. (2016). Studying relation between lifestyle and religious identity Case study: women of Ilam city (Iran). International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926, 182-195. Nakayama, T. K., & Martin, J. N. (2007). The “white problem” in intercultural communication research and pedagogy. Whiteness, pedagogy, performance: Dis/placing race, 111-137. Oludeyi, O. S., & Adekalu, S. O. (2013). Edutourism: the Nigeria educational challenges and international students’ choice of study in Nigerian universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(4), 53-64. Othman, R., & Thani, A. (2010). Islamic social reporting of listed companies in Malaysia. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 9(4), 135-144. Peek, L. (2005). Becoming Muslim: The development of a religious identity. Sociology of religion, 66(3), 215-242. Phinney, J. S., Berry, J. W., Vedder, P., & Liebkind, K. (2006). The Acculturation Experience: Attitudes, Identities and Behaviors of Immigrant Youth. Poynting, S., Noble, G., Tabar, P., & Collins, J. (2004). Bin Laden in the suburbs: Criminalising the Arab other. Rotman, D., Vieweg, S., Yardi, S., Chi, E., Preece, J., Shneiderman, B., ... & Glaisyer, T. (2011, May). From slacktivism to activism: participatory culture in the age of social media. In CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 819-822). ACM. Saad, N. S. M., Yunus, M. M., & Embi, M. A. (2013). Research on international students in traditional host countries and Malaysia: Some potential areas in Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 90, 488-496. Shamsul, A. B. (1997). Identity construction, nation formation, and Islamic revivalism in Malaysia. Islam in an era of nation-states: Politics and religious renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia, 207-227. Shamsul, A. B. (2001). A history of an identity, an identity of a history: the idea and practice of ‘Malayness’ in Malaysia reconsidered. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 32(3), 355-366. Singh, M. K. M. (2016). An emic perspective on academic writing difficulties among international graduate students in Malaysia. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 16(3). Sirat, M. (2008). THE IMPACT OF SEPTEMBER 11 ON INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FLOW INTO MALAYSIA: LESSONS LEARNED. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 4(1). Système d'observation permanente des migrations (Organization). (2011). International Migration Outlook: Annual Report. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Système d'observation permanente des migrations (Organization). (2011). International Migration Outlook: Annual Report. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Tajfel, H., Turner, J. C., Austin, W. G., & Worchel, S. (1979). An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. Organizational identity: A reader, 56-65. Tannenbaum, C., & Sharansky, N. (2009). Influences on the religious identity of Jewish adolescents. The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education. Tapper, B. A., & Macdonald, M. A. (1974). Cyanogenic compounds in cultures of a psychrophilic basidiomycete (snow mold). Canadian journal of microbiology, 20(4), 563-566. Tham, S. Y., & Kam, A. J. Y. (2008). Internationalising higher education: Comparing the challenges of different higher education institutions in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28(4), 353-367. Ward, C., & Kennedy, A. (1993). Psychological and socio-cultural adjustment during cross-cultural transitions: A comparison of secondary students overseas and at home. International journal of psychology, 28(2), 129-147. Weeden, J., Cohen, A. B., & Kenrick, D. T. (2008). Religious attendance as reproductive support. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29(5), 327-334.
Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 1161 - 1170, 15.09.2019



  • Abduh, M., & Dahari, Z. B. (2011). Factors influencing international students’ choice towards universities in Malaysia. African Journal of Business and Management, 5(26), 10615-10620. Abdulkareem, M. N. (2013). An Investigation Study of Academic Writing Problems Faced by Arab Postgraduate Students at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). Theory & Practice in Language Studies, 3(9). Abrams, L. S. (2003). Contextual variations in young women's gender identity negotiations. Psychology of women quarterly, 27(1), 64-74. Alavi, M., & Mansor, S. M. S. (2011). Categories of problems among international students in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 1581-1587. Alghail, A. A. A., & Mahfoodh, O. H. A. (2015). Cognitive adjustment of international students in a Malaysian public university. International Journal of Innovation Education and Research, 3(12). Al-Khasawneh, F. M. S., & Maher, S. (2010). Writing for academic purposes: Problems faced by Arab postgraduate students of the college of business, UUM. ESP World, 9(2), 1-23. Allaf, C., Anderson, E., Asino, T. I., Baker, D. P., Blosser, A. H., Byker, E., ... & Dembélé, M. Book Series: International Perspectives on Education and Society. Altbach, P. G., Reisberg, L., & Rumbley, L. E. (2009). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution. Report for the UNESCO 2009 World Conference on Higher Education. NY: UNESCO. Al-Zubaidi, K. O. (2012). The academic writing of Arab postgraduate students: Discussing the main language issues. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 66, 46-52. Al-Zubaidi, K. O., & Rechards, C. (2010). Arab Postgraduate Students in Malaysia: Identifying and overcoming the cultural and language barriers. Arab World English Journal, 1(1). Armitage, Peter, Geoffrey Berry, and John Nigel Scott Matthews. Statistical methods in medical research. John Wiley & Sons, 2008. Awoke, W., & Muche, S. (2013). A cross sectional study: latrine coverage and associated factors among rural communities in the District of Bahir Dar Zuria, Ethiopia. BMC public health, 13(1), 99. Baharun, R., Awang, Z., & Padlee, S. F. (2011). International students choice criteria for selection of higher learning in Malaysian private universities. African journal of Business management, 5(12), 4704-4714. Bangura, A. K. (2004). Tirbyi in the Muslim World, with a Focus on Saudi Arabia. Online Submission. Bernheimer, T., & Rippin, A. (2013). Muslims: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices.Routledge. Berry, J. W., & Kim, U. (1988). Acculturation and mental health. Boswell, G. H., Kahana, E., & Dilworth-Anderson, P. (2006). Spirituality and healthy lifestyle behaviors: Stress counter-balancing effects on the well-being of older adults. Journal of Religion and Health, 45(4), 587-602. Brown, P., Lauder, H., & Ashton, D. (2010). The global auction: The broken promises of education, jobs, and incomes. Oxford University Press. Collier, M. J., & Thomas, M. (1988). Cultural identity: An interpretive perspective. Theories in intercultural communication, 99, 122. Collier, P., & Hoeffler, A. (1998). On economic causes of civil war. Oxford economic papers, 50(4), 563-573. Croucher, S. M., Zeng, C., Rahmani, D., & Sommier, M. (2017). Religion, culture, and communication. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Ding, D., Sallis, J. F., Kerr, J., Lee, S., & Rosenberg, D. E. (2011). Neighborhood environment and physical activity among youth: a review. American journal of preventive medicine, 41(4), 442-455. Dora, M. T. H., Ibrahim, N. R. W., Ramachandran, S. D., Kasim, A., & Saad, M. S. M. (2009). A study on factors that influence choice of Malaysian institution of higher learning for international graduate students. Journal of Human Capital Development (JHCD), 2(1), 105-113. Dudley, R. L., & Laurent, C. R. (1989). Alienation from religion in church-related adolescents. Sociological Analysis, 49(4), 408-420. Eriksen, T. H. (2002). Ethnicity and nationalism: Anthropological perspectives. Pluto Press. Gauntlett, D. (2008). Creative brainwork: Building metaphors of identity for social science research. Peter Lang. Hassan, S., & Weiss, M. (Eds.). (2012). Social Movement Malaysia. Routledge. Jaspal, R., & Cinnirella, M. (2010). Coping with potentially incompatible identities: Accounts of religious, ethnic, and sexual identities from British Pakistani men who identify as Muslim and gay. British Journal of Social Psychology, 49(4), 849-870. Molaiy, J., Moradkhani, M., & Ranjbarian, A. (2016). Studying relation between lifestyle and religious identity Case study: women of Ilam city (Iran). International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926, 182-195. Nakayama, T. K., & Martin, J. N. (2007). The “white problem” in intercultural communication research and pedagogy. Whiteness, pedagogy, performance: Dis/placing race, 111-137. Oludeyi, O. S., & Adekalu, S. O. (2013). Edutourism: the Nigeria educational challenges and international students’ choice of study in Nigerian universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2(4), 53-64. Othman, R., & Thani, A. (2010). Islamic social reporting of listed companies in Malaysia. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 9(4), 135-144. Peek, L. (2005). Becoming Muslim: The development of a religious identity. Sociology of religion, 66(3), 215-242. Phinney, J. S., Berry, J. W., Vedder, P., & Liebkind, K. (2006). The Acculturation Experience: Attitudes, Identities and Behaviors of Immigrant Youth. Poynting, S., Noble, G., Tabar, P., & Collins, J. (2004). Bin Laden in the suburbs: Criminalising the Arab other. Rotman, D., Vieweg, S., Yardi, S., Chi, E., Preece, J., Shneiderman, B., ... & Glaisyer, T. (2011, May). From slacktivism to activism: participatory culture in the age of social media. In CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 819-822). ACM. Saad, N. S. M., Yunus, M. M., & Embi, M. A. (2013). Research on international students in traditional host countries and Malaysia: Some potential areas in Malaysia. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 90, 488-496. Shamsul, A. B. (1997). Identity construction, nation formation, and Islamic revivalism in Malaysia. Islam in an era of nation-states: Politics and religious renewal in Muslim Southeast Asia, 207-227. Shamsul, A. B. (2001). A history of an identity, an identity of a history: the idea and practice of ‘Malayness’ in Malaysia reconsidered. Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 32(3), 355-366. Singh, M. K. M. (2016). An emic perspective on academic writing difficulties among international graduate students in Malaysia. GEMA Online® Journal of Language Studies, 16(3). Sirat, M. (2008). THE IMPACT OF SEPTEMBER 11 ON INTERNATIONAL STUDENT FLOW INTO MALAYSIA: LESSONS LEARNED. International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 4(1). Système d'observation permanente des migrations (Organization). (2011). International Migration Outlook: Annual Report. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Système d'observation permanente des migrations (Organization). (2011). International Migration Outlook: Annual Report. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. Tajfel, H., Turner, J. C., Austin, W. G., & Worchel, S. (1979). An integrative theory of intergroup conflict. Organizational identity: A reader, 56-65. Tannenbaum, C., & Sharansky, N. (2009). Influences on the religious identity of Jewish adolescents. The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education. Tapper, B. A., & Macdonald, M. A. (1974). Cyanogenic compounds in cultures of a psychrophilic basidiomycete (snow mold). Canadian journal of microbiology, 20(4), 563-566. Tham, S. Y., & Kam, A. J. Y. (2008). Internationalising higher education: Comparing the challenges of different higher education institutions in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 28(4), 353-367. Ward, C., & Kennedy, A. (1993). Psychological and socio-cultural adjustment during cross-cultural transitions: A comparison of secondary students overseas and at home. International journal of psychology, 28(2), 129-147. Weeden, J., Cohen, A. B., & Kenrick, D. T. (2008). Religious attendance as reproductive support. Evolution and Human Behavior, 29(5), 327-334.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Arabic
Journal Section Articles

Najib Saif Mubarak Al Aghbas

Mohd Faizal Bin Kasmani

Rozita Binti Abdullah

Publication Date September 15, 2019
Submission Date May 28, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 5 Issue: 14


EndNote Al Aghbas NSM, Bin Kasmani MF, Binti Abdullah R (September 1, 2019) SOCIAL IDENTITY OF YEMENI STUDENTS’ EXPERIENCES IN MALAYSIA: SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY PERSPECTIVES’. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 14 1161–1170.



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