Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 1026 - 1031, 15.09.2019


International peace initiatives to resolve the
conflict in Syria” reveals the international efforts to bring the conflict to
an end and start a meaningful peace process that would reconcile the
conflicting parties and engage them in a series of negotiations aiming to
initiate a National Dialogue, draft a mutually acceptable Constitution and
prepare free and fair elections that would decide the issue of political power
in the country. The article outlines the peace endeavors of the United Nations
Security Council, which adopted several resolutions to support the efforts to
prevent the use of chemical weapons in Syria, authorize a mechanism to conduct
humanitarian operations and establish cease-fire conditions. Furthermore, the
article describes in detail the so called Geneva Peace Process as the framework,
which started negotiating the establishment of transitional power architecture
with a transitional governing body possessing full executive powers, comprised
of representatives of the Syrian regime and the opposition. The article goes on
to highlight the guidelines and principles of the political transition and the
results of the subsequent rounds of political talks, which didn’t yield a
conclusive outcome because of the unfavorable conditions on the ground and the
ongoing offensive of the government forces against the opposition groups. Then,
the article analyzes the peace efforts undertaken under the leadership of the
countries engaged to the greatest extent with the events on the ground –
Russia, Turkey and Iran, and summarizes the results achieved at the meetings
held in Astana in order to negotiate conditions for the cessation of military
operations and the launch of a peace dialogue between the regime and the
opposition. The article emphasizes upon the meeting of 3-4 May 2017, when a
memorandum was signed on creating four De-escalation Zones in the territories
controlled by the opposition, and underlines the importance of the next
meeting, when decisions were made to establish a trilateral coordination centre
for combined operations in the zones and to convene a Syrian Congress of the
National Dialogue in January 2018 in Sochi. Finally, the article concludes that
the political settlement requires a balance between the geopolitical objectives
of the outside factors involved and the power ambitions of the internal players
and argues that the outcome of the negotiations depends mainly on the situation
on the ground


  •, (2019)., (2019а), Arutiunov, S.A. (2019b), Ethnicity in the Caucasus: Ethnic Relations and Quasi-Ethnic Conflicts., (2019c). Markedonov, S. (2012). Defakto obrazovaniya postsovetskogo prostranstva: dvattsat let gosudarstvenogo stroitelystva. Institut Kavkaza, Erevan, 2012 s.48. (Markedonov, S. Дефакто образования постсоветского пространства: дватцат лет государственого строительства. Институт Кавказа, Ереван, 2012 с.48)., (2019d). Velichko.V.L. (2007). Caucasus Russian Affairs and Intertribal Problems. Baku, Vatan, 2007. p.12., (2019e)., (2019f)., (2019g)., (2019h).,(2019i). Abasov, A. Hachatryan, A. (2002). Variantay resheniya karabahskogo konflikta: idei i realynosty. BAKU, 2002. (Abasov, А. Hachatryan, А. Варианты решения карабахского конфликта: идеи и реальность. БАКУ, 2002). Bekiarova, N. (2011). Gruziya i Rusiya mezhdu vrazhdata i politikata na „malkite stapki” po patya na dobrosasedstvoto, Georgia and Russia between animosity and the „small steps” policy along the path towards good neighbourhood, (Tri godini sled kraya na petdnevnata avgustovska voyna). Sp. Voenen Zhurnal, br. 1, 2011 g. s.67-78. (Bekiarova, N. Грузия и Русия между враждата и политиката на „малките стъпки” по пътя на добросъседството, Georgia and Russia between animosity and the „small steps” policy along the path towards good neighbourhood, (Три години след края на петдневната августовска война). Сп. Военен Журнал, бр. 1, 2011 г. с.67-78.)., (2019j)., (2019k). Kanchev, R. (2008). Zashto Rusiya ne sledva zapadniya model na demokratsiyata? Why Russia does not follow the Western model of democracy?, UI Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 2008, s.173 (Kanchev, R. Защо Русия не следва западния модел на демокрацията? Why Russia does not follow the Western model of democracy?, УИ Св. Климент Охридски, 2008, с.173)., (2019l). Stankov, V. (2019m). Siriyskiyat konflikt i vazmozhnite stsenarii za postigane na stabilnost i mir. Sp. Voenen zhurnal, br. 1-2, 2019. str. 19-20. ISSN 0861 -7392. (Станков, В. Сирийският конфликт и възможните сценарии за постигане на стабилност и мир. Сп. Военен журнал, бр. 1-2, 2019. стр. 19-20. ISSN 0861 -7392)., (2019n)., (2019o)., (2019p). Armencheva, I., N., Bekiarova, I., Ivanov. (2019q). Cyber globalization as an in/stability factor. Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th international conference on education and social sciences, 4-6 february 2019- Dubai, U.A.E. ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Armencheva, I., Smolenov, S. (2015). From Real Cyber Conflict through Wishful Cyber Security to (un) Likely Cyber Peace, Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre NR. 3 (79) /2015, p. 260, 2015. Armencheva, Ilina. (2015a). Aspects of Policies and Strategies for Cyber security in EU. Journal of Defense Resources Management, 6, 2015, 2, pp. 37-44. Bekiarova, N. Armencheva, I. (2019r). Is the Peaceful Regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict – Mission Possible? Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019- Dubai, U.A.E. ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Bonev, R. (2018). Epistemologicheskiyat anarhizam na Pol Fayerabend i geopoliticheskoto modelirane na strategicheskata sreda za sigurnost prez hhi vek. opit za istoriografski pregled. // Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski” – 105 godini znanie v interes na sigurnostta i otbranata. Sbornik dokladi ot Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya 6 - 7 april 2017 g., Sofiya, Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski“, 2018, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6, s. 79-85 (Бонев, Р. Епистемологическият анархизъм на Пол Файерабенд и геополитическото моделиране на стратегическата среда за сигурност през ххi век. опит за историографски преглед. // Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски” – 105 години знание в интерес на сигурността и отбраната. Сборник доклади от Международна научна конференция 6 - 7 април 2017 г., Сoфия, Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“, 2018, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6, с. 79-85). Bonev, R. (2017). Koordinatay vneshnepoliticheskoy strategii gosudarstva v teorii mezhdunarodnayh otnosheniy. Savremenni predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta. Sbornik dokladi ot godishna nauchna konferentsiya na fakultet „Natsionalna sigurnost i otbrana“ na VA“G.S.Rakovski“ 19-20.05.2016, Vtora chast. S., 2017, ISBN978-954-9348-89-7, s. 91-99 (Бонев, Р.Координаты внешнеполитической стратегии государства в теории международных отношений. Съвременни предизвикателства пред сигурността. Сборник доклади от годишна научна конференция на факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“ на ВА“Г.С.Раковски“ 19-20.05.2016, Втора част. С., 2017, ISBN978-954-9348-89-7, с. 91-99). Kalinov,T. (2018а). Relationships between command, management, and communications. To continue in different directions or to remain in same field? Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers, vol. 28.6 (December, 2018). ISSN 2545-4439 (printed version), 1857-923X (e-version). Stankov, V. (2018b). Kam vaprosa za vliyanieto na siriyskata kriza varhu regionalnata ne/sigurnost /. Godishna voennonauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie na tema„Savremenni aspekti na sigurnostta – predizvikatelstva, podhodi, resheniya”20 – 21 yuni 2018. Godishnik na Voenna akademiya „G. S. Rakovski“fakultet „Komandno-shtaben“, 2018. ISSN 1312-2991 (Станков, В. Към въпроса за влиянието на сирийската криза върху регионалната не/сигурност /. Годишна военнонаучна конференция с международно участие на тема„Съвременни аспекти на сигурността – предизвикателства, подходи, решения”20 – 21 юни 2018. Годишник на Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски“факултет „Командно-щабен“, 2018. ISSN 1312-2991). Stankov, V (2014). Partiyata na spravedlivostta i razvitieto i savremennata politika za sigurnost i otbrana na Turtsiya, Spisanie „Voenen zhurnal”, 2014/4, str. 77-86, ISSN 0861 -7392. (Станков, В Партията на справедливостта и развитието и съвременната политика за сигурност и отбрана на Турция, Списание „Военен журнал”, 2014/4, стр. 77-86, ISSN 0861 -7392). Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018c). Operative mode for police cooperation between the member states of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.473-476, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018d). European arrest warrant: appearance and preferences for fulfillment. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp. 477-481, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018e). Eurojust casework on mafia-type criminal organisations. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.487-491, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018f). Concept of joint investigation teams. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.492-496, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018f). European arrest warrant and human rights of the accused. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.501-504, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018g). Pumps for the action on the European Union in the scope of the European agenda on security. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.497- 500, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018h). The process of forming a criminal policy of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.505-510, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018i). Organization on the European Union in the sphere of penal preparation. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.482-486, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018j). Sources of European Union law. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.511-516, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018k). The „Source of law“ category. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.517-521, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018l). The Change in the approach of the court of justice of the European Union in the context of market freedoms and internal situations. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 85-112, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018m). The Stability and growth pact: pursuing sound public finances and coordinating fiscal policies in the EU member states. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 53-68, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line).
Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 1026 - 1031, 15.09.2019



  •, (2019)., (2019а), Arutiunov, S.A. (2019b), Ethnicity in the Caucasus: Ethnic Relations and Quasi-Ethnic Conflicts., (2019c). Markedonov, S. (2012). Defakto obrazovaniya postsovetskogo prostranstva: dvattsat let gosudarstvenogo stroitelystva. Institut Kavkaza, Erevan, 2012 s.48. (Markedonov, S. Дефакто образования постсоветского пространства: дватцат лет государственого строительства. Институт Кавказа, Ереван, 2012 с.48)., (2019d). Velichko.V.L. (2007). Caucasus Russian Affairs and Intertribal Problems. Baku, Vatan, 2007. p.12., (2019e)., (2019f)., (2019g)., (2019h).,(2019i). Abasov, A. Hachatryan, A. (2002). Variantay resheniya karabahskogo konflikta: idei i realynosty. BAKU, 2002. (Abasov, А. Hachatryan, А. Варианты решения карабахского конфликта: идеи и реальность. БАКУ, 2002). Bekiarova, N. (2011). Gruziya i Rusiya mezhdu vrazhdata i politikata na „malkite stapki” po patya na dobrosasedstvoto, Georgia and Russia between animosity and the „small steps” policy along the path towards good neighbourhood, (Tri godini sled kraya na petdnevnata avgustovska voyna). Sp. Voenen Zhurnal, br. 1, 2011 g. s.67-78. (Bekiarova, N. Грузия и Русия между враждата и политиката на „малките стъпки” по пътя на добросъседството, Georgia and Russia between animosity and the „small steps” policy along the path towards good neighbourhood, (Три години след края на петдневната августовска война). Сп. Военен Журнал, бр. 1, 2011 г. с.67-78.)., (2019j)., (2019k). Kanchev, R. (2008). Zashto Rusiya ne sledva zapadniya model na demokratsiyata? Why Russia does not follow the Western model of democracy?, UI Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 2008, s.173 (Kanchev, R. Защо Русия не следва западния модел на демокрацията? Why Russia does not follow the Western model of democracy?, УИ Св. Климент Охридски, 2008, с.173)., (2019l). Stankov, V. (2019m). Siriyskiyat konflikt i vazmozhnite stsenarii za postigane na stabilnost i mir. Sp. Voenen zhurnal, br. 1-2, 2019. str. 19-20. ISSN 0861 -7392. (Станков, В. Сирийският конфликт и възможните сценарии за постигане на стабилност и мир. Сп. Военен журнал, бр. 1-2, 2019. стр. 19-20. ISSN 0861 -7392)., (2019n)., (2019o)., (2019p). Armencheva, I., N., Bekiarova, I., Ivanov. (2019q). Cyber globalization as an in/stability factor. Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th international conference on education and social sciences, 4-6 february 2019- Dubai, U.A.E. ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Armencheva, I., Smolenov, S. (2015). From Real Cyber Conflict through Wishful Cyber Security to (un) Likely Cyber Peace, Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre NR. 3 (79) /2015, p. 260, 2015. Armencheva, Ilina. (2015a). Aspects of Policies and Strategies for Cyber security in EU. Journal of Defense Resources Management, 6, 2015, 2, pp. 37-44. Bekiarova, N. Armencheva, I. (2019r). Is the Peaceful Regulation of the Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict – Mission Possible? Proceedings of INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February 2019- Dubai, U.A.E. ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Bonev, R. (2018). Epistemologicheskiyat anarhizam na Pol Fayerabend i geopoliticheskoto modelirane na strategicheskata sreda za sigurnost prez hhi vek. opit za istoriografski pregled. // Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski” – 105 godini znanie v interes na sigurnostta i otbranata. Sbornik dokladi ot Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya 6 - 7 april 2017 g., Sofiya, Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski“, 2018, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6, s. 79-85 (Бонев, Р. Епистемологическият анархизъм на Пол Файерабенд и геополитическото моделиране на стратегическата среда за сигурност през ххi век. опит за историографски преглед. // Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски” – 105 години знание в интерес на сигурността и отбраната. Сборник доклади от Международна научна конференция 6 - 7 април 2017 г., Сoфия, Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“, 2018, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6, с. 79-85). Bonev, R. (2017). Koordinatay vneshnepoliticheskoy strategii gosudarstva v teorii mezhdunarodnayh otnosheniy. Savremenni predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta. Sbornik dokladi ot godishna nauchna konferentsiya na fakultet „Natsionalna sigurnost i otbrana“ na VA“G.S.Rakovski“ 19-20.05.2016, Vtora chast. S., 2017, ISBN978-954-9348-89-7, s. 91-99 (Бонев, Р.Координаты внешнеполитической стратегии государства в теории международных отношений. Съвременни предизвикателства пред сигурността. Сборник доклади от годишна научна конференция на факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“ на ВА“Г.С.Раковски“ 19-20.05.2016, Втора част. С., 2017, ISBN978-954-9348-89-7, с. 91-99). Kalinov,T. (2018а). Relationships between command, management, and communications. To continue in different directions or to remain in same field? Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers, vol. 28.6 (December, 2018). ISSN 2545-4439 (printed version), 1857-923X (e-version). Stankov, V. (2018b). Kam vaprosa za vliyanieto na siriyskata kriza varhu regionalnata ne/sigurnost /. Godishna voennonauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie na tema„Savremenni aspekti na sigurnostta – predizvikatelstva, podhodi, resheniya”20 – 21 yuni 2018. Godishnik na Voenna akademiya „G. S. Rakovski“fakultet „Komandno-shtaben“, 2018. ISSN 1312-2991 (Станков, В. Към въпроса за влиянието на сирийската криза върху регионалната не/сигурност /. Годишна военнонаучна конференция с международно участие на тема„Съвременни аспекти на сигурността – предизвикателства, подходи, решения”20 – 21 юни 2018. Годишник на Военна академия „Г. С. Раковски“факултет „Командно-щабен“, 2018. ISSN 1312-2991). Stankov, V (2014). Partiyata na spravedlivostta i razvitieto i savremennata politika za sigurnost i otbrana na Turtsiya, Spisanie „Voenen zhurnal”, 2014/4, str. 77-86, ISSN 0861 -7392. (Станков, В Партията на справедливостта и развитието и съвременната политика за сигурност и отбрана на Турция, Списание „Военен журнал”, 2014/4, стр. 77-86, ISSN 0861 -7392). Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018c). Operative mode for police cooperation between the member states of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.473-476, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018d). European arrest warrant: appearance and preferences for fulfillment. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp. 477-481, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018e). Eurojust casework on mafia-type criminal organisations. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.487-491, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018f). Concept of joint investigation teams. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.492-496, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018f). European arrest warrant and human rights of the accused. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.501-504, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018g). Pumps for the action on the European Union in the scope of the European agenda on security. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.497- 500, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018h). The process of forming a criminal policy of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.505-510, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018i). Organization on the European Union in the sphere of penal preparation. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.482-486, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018j). Sources of European Union law. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.511-516, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018k). The „Source of law“ category. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, pp.517-521, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018l). The Change in the approach of the court of justice of the European Union in the context of market freedoms and internal situations. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 85-112, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018m). The Stability and growth pact: pursuing sound public finances and coordinating fiscal policies in the EU member states. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 53-68, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Vasil Stankov

Publication Date September 15, 2019
Submission Date July 16, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 5 Issue: 14


EndNote Stankov V (September 1, 2019) INTERNATIONAL PEACE INITIATIVES TO RESOLVE THE CONFLICT IN SYRIA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 14 1026–1031.



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