Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 731 - 737, 15.09.2019


One of the widely used ways to model the spread of laser beams in
biological tissues is through the Monte Carlo method.
This article focuses on the distribution of temperature in human
skin based on the results of the Monte Carlo method
a laser beam
with а
wavelength of 800
. A
mathematical model of the heat transfer process, based on the solution of the
differential equations through the finite element method,
was introduced.
of the laser beam diffusion and the distribution of temperature in the skin were performed for two types of beams. The results of this work can be used to make an assessment of
the energy levels of pulse laser
treatment with different durations, during which a damage of biological
tissue is observed
, as well as to create standards for the safe use of laser


  • Akhmanov S.A., Vysloukh V.A., Chirkin A.S. (1988). Optics of Femtosecond Laser Pulses. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1988, 312 p. (In Russian). Antonov S. I., Hristozov I. S. (2017). Models of the existing system for maintenance and repair of the arrangement, Collection of papers: “Defense And Security, Arms, Technologies, Logistics Communication And Computing Technologies, Social Science”, “Vasil Levski” National Military University-Artillery, Air Defense and CIS Faculty, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 310-325, ISSN 2367-7902. Bagratashvili V.N., Sobol E.N., Shechter A. B.M. (2006). Laser engineering of cartilage, Fizmatlit, 2006. Dyukin R.V., Martsinovskiǐ G.A., Shandybina G.D., Yakovlev E.B., Nikiforov I.D., Guk I.V. (2011). Dynamics of the permittivity of a semiconductor acted on by a femtosecond laser. Journal of Optical Technology, 2011, vol. 78, no. 8, pp. 558–562. Rulliere Ed. C. (2005). Femtosecond Laser Pulses: Principles and Experiments. 2nd ed. Springer, 2005, 428 p. Friedman N.J. et al. (2011a). Femtosecond laser capsulotomy. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 2011, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1189–1198. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2011.04.022. Fredriksson I., Larsson M., Stromberg T. (2008a). Optical microcirculatory skin model: assessed by Monte Carlo simulations paired with in vivo laser Doppler flowmetry. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2008, vol. 13, no. 1, art. 014015. doi: 10.1117/1.2854691. Jacques S. (2011b). Monte Carlo modeling of light transport in tissue (steady state and time of flight). In: Optical–Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue. Springer, 2011, pp. 109–144. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8831-4_5. Kropman M.F., Bakker H.J. (2001). Dynamics of water molecules in aqueous solvation shells. Science, 2001, vol. 291, no. 5511, pp. 2118–2120. doi: 10.1126/science.1058190. Kropman M.F., Nienhuys H.K., Bakker H.J. (2002). Real-time measurement of the orientational dynamics of aqueous solvation shells in bulk liquid water. Physical Review Letters, 2002, vol. 88, no. 7, pp. 077601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.88.077601. Losev A.G., Mazepa E.A., Zamechnik T.V. (2014). About several typical traits in the diagnosis of mammary glands pathologyaccrding to the date of microwave radiometry//Modern problems of science and education, 2014. № 6, p. 254. Meglinski I., Doronin A.V. (2012). Monte Carlo modeling for the needs of biophotonics and biomedical optics. Advanced Biophotonics: Tissue Optical Sectioning/Eds. V.V. Tuchin, R.K. Wang. Taylor & Francis, 2012. Müller G.J., Sliney D.H. (1989). Dosimetry of Laser Radiation in Medicine and Biology. SPIE Press, Bellingham, 1989, 253 p. Petrova T., (2016). Modelling the impact of lasers on bio-tissues, LAMBERDT Academic Publishing, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-659-89346-9. Petrova T., Petrov Zh., (2018). Modelling the Distribution of Lasers in Biological Tissues, Int J Bioautomation, 22 (3), 213-228, doi: 10.7546/ijba.2018.22.3.213-228. Petrova T., Petrov Zh. (2014a). Specifics of temperature distribution at multilayer medium under the influence of laser radiation, Tenth Anniversary Scientific Conference with International Participation SPACE, ECOLOGY, SAFETY, Sofia 2014, pp. 201-206, ISSN 1313 – 3888. Sliney D.H., Trokel S.L. (1993). Medical Lasers and their Safe Use. NY, Academic Press, 1993. Stampfli P., Bennemann K.H. (1990), Theory for the instability of the diamond structure of Si, Ge, and C induced by a dense electronhole plasma. Physical Review B, 1990, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 7163–7173. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.42.7163. Saratov, (2000), Fall Meeting, Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine/Ed. by Tuchin V.V., Zimnyakov D.A., Pravdin A. B. Proc. SPIE. 2000. V. 4001. Tuchin V.V. (2016a). Tissue optics and photonics: light-tissue interaction II. Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering, 2016, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 030201. doi: 10.18287/jbpe16.02.030201. Tuchin V.V., Utz S.R., Yaroslavsky I.V. (1994). Tissue optics, light distribution, and spectroscopy//Opt. Eng. 1994. V. 33. P. 3178–3188. Tuchin V.V., Utz S.R., Yaroslavsky I.V. (1993a) Skin optics: modeling of light transport and measuring of optical parameters//Medical optical tomography: functional imaging and monitoring/Eds. G.Muller, B. Chance, R.Alfano et al. Bellingham: SPIE, 1993. V. IS11. P. 234–258. Tuchina V.V. (2007). Optical biomedical diagnostics. T.1, 2 / Per. from English M., Fizmatlit, 2007; Handbook on Optical Biomedical Diagnostics. V. PM107 / Ed. by Tuchin V.V. Bellingham, SPIE Press, 2002. Tuchin V.V. (2007a). Optics of biological tissues: light scattering methods in medical diagnostics/Transl. from English M .Fizmatlit, 2011; Tuchin V.V. Tissue Optics: Light Scattering Methods and Instruments for Medical Diagnosis. Second edition. Bellingham, WA: SPIE Press, 2007. V. PM 166. Vesnin S.G., Sedankin M.K. (2012a), Development of a series of antenna applicators for non-invasive measurement of the temperature of human body tissues at different//Engineering magazine: science and innovations, 2012. - № 11. P. 43–61. Vesnin S.G., Kaplan M.A., Avakjan R.S. (2008b). Modern microwave radiometry of the mammary glands // Medetsinsky almanac, 2008, № 3. pp. 82–87. Vogel A., Venugopalan V. (2003). Mechanisms of pulsed laser ablation of biological tissues. Chemical Reviews, 2003, vol. 103, pp. 577–644. doi: 10.1021/cr010379n. Wright C.H.G., Barrett S.F., Welch A.J. (2002a). Laser–tissue interaction. In: Lasers in Medicine, D.R. Vij, K. Mahesh (eds.). Boston, Dordrecht, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Welch A.J., Van Gemert M.J.C. (2011a). Optical-Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue. NY, Springer, 2011. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8831-4. Parvanov, S., Sotirov, B., Sakakushev, B. (2006a). Prilozheniya na vizualnoto otsenyavane na mashinostroitelni izdeliya. // Nauchni trudove na Rusenski universitet „A. Kanchev”, tom 45, 2006, broy seriya 2.1, str. 104 - 109, ISSN 1311 – 3322 (Първанов, С., Сотиров, Б., Сакакушев, Б. Приложения на визуалното оценяване на машиностроителни изделия. // Научни трудове на Русенски университет „А. Кънчев”, том 45, 2006, брой серия 2.1, стр. 104 - 109, ISSN 1311 – 3322). Sakakushev, B., Sotirov, B., Parvanov, S. (2006b). Organoleptichno otsenyavane na tochni otvori s malak diametar i golyama dalzhina. // XVI Nauchen simpozium s mezhdunarodno uchastie „Metrologiya i metrologichno osiguryavane 2006”, Sozopol, 2006, broy 16, str. 211 - 215, ISSN 954 – 33 (Сакакушев, Б., Сотиров, Б., Първанов, С. Органолептично оценяване на точни отвори с малък диаметър и голяма дължина. // XVI Научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2006”, Созопол, 2006, брой 16, стр. 211 - 215, ISSN 954 – 33). Sotirov, B., Sakakushev, B., Koriykov, Ts., Georgiev, Ts, Zhel, Zh. F, Popesku, G. (2010). „Menidzhmant na kachestvoto i metrologiya“ - spetsialnost ot evropeyskoto obrazovatelno prostranstvo. // Standartizatsiya, Metrologiya, Sertifikatsiya, 2010, broy I, str. 25-28, ISSN 1310-0831 (Сотиров, Б., Сакакушев, Б., Корийков, Ц., Георгиев, Ц, Жел, Ж. Ф, Попеску, Г. „Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология“ - специалност от европейското образователно пространство. // Стандартизация, Метрология, Сертификация, 2010, брой I, стр. 25-28, ISSN 1310-0831). Sotirov, B., Sakakushev, B., Tonev, D., Georgiev, Ts. (2006c). Za obuchenieto po metrologiya za inzheneri. // Standartizatsiya, Metrologiya, Sertifikatsiya, 2006, broy 12, str. 25-29, ISSN 1310-0831 (Сотиров, Б., Сакакушев, Б., Тонев, Д., Георгиев, Ц. За обучението по метрология за инженери. // Стандартизация, Метрология, Сертификация, 2006, брой 12, стр. 25-29, ISSN 1310-0831). Sotirov, B., S., Ivanov, B., Sakakushev. (2016b). Izsledvane na kompleksen metod na izmervane, osnovan na klasicheskata dvuprofilna proverka na tsilindrichni zabni kolela s pravi zabi. // KNOWLEDGE International journal scientific papers, 2016, broy Vol 13.1, str. 355-356, ISSN ISSN 1857-92 (Сотиров, Б., С., Иванов, Б. Сакакушев. Изследване на комплексен метод на измерване, основан на класическата двупрофилна проверка на цилиндрични зъбни колела с прави зъби. // KNOWLEDGE International journal scientific papers, 2016, брой Vol 13.1, стр. 355-356, ISSN ISSN 1857-92). Parvanov, S., Sakakushev, B., Sotirov, B. (2014a). Eksperimentalno izsledvane na organoleptichno izmervane na visoki temperaturi. V: XXIV Natsionalen nauchen simpozium s mezhdunarodno uchastie “Metrologiya i metrologichno osiguryavane 2014”, Sozopol, Sofiya, 2014, str. 530-533, ISBN 1313-9126 (Първанов, С., Сакакушев, Б., Сотиров, Б. Експериментално изследване на органолептично измерване на високи температури. В: XXIV Национален научен симпозиум с международно участие “Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2014”, Созопол, София, 2014, стр. 530-533, ISBN 1313-9126). Sakakushev, B., Sotirov, B., Parvanov, S., Angelov, Yu. (2014b). Vazmozhnosti i perspektivi za organoleptichno otsenyavane na visoki temperaturi v oblastta na tehnikata. // Nauchni trudove na rusenskiya universitet - 2014, tom 53, seriya 2, ruse, izdatelski tsentar pri Rusenski universitet „Angel Kanchev“, 2014, str. 115-119, ISBN 1311-3321 (Сакакушев, Б., Сотиров, Б., Първанов, С., Ангелов, Ю. Възможности и перспективи за органолептично оценяване на високи температури в областта на техниката. // Научни трудове на русенския университет - 2014, том 53, серия 2, русе, издателски център при Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“, 2014, стр. 115-119, ISBN 1311-3321).
Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 731 - 737, 15.09.2019



  • Akhmanov S.A., Vysloukh V.A., Chirkin A.S. (1988). Optics of Femtosecond Laser Pulses. Moscow, Nauka Publ., 1988, 312 p. (In Russian). Antonov S. I., Hristozov I. S. (2017). Models of the existing system for maintenance and repair of the arrangement, Collection of papers: “Defense And Security, Arms, Technologies, Logistics Communication And Computing Technologies, Social Science”, “Vasil Levski” National Military University-Artillery, Air Defense and CIS Faculty, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2017, pp. 310-325, ISSN 2367-7902. Bagratashvili V.N., Sobol E.N., Shechter A. B.M. (2006). Laser engineering of cartilage, Fizmatlit, 2006. Dyukin R.V., Martsinovskiǐ G.A., Shandybina G.D., Yakovlev E.B., Nikiforov I.D., Guk I.V. (2011). Dynamics of the permittivity of a semiconductor acted on by a femtosecond laser. Journal of Optical Technology, 2011, vol. 78, no. 8, pp. 558–562. Rulliere Ed. C. (2005). Femtosecond Laser Pulses: Principles and Experiments. 2nd ed. Springer, 2005, 428 p. Friedman N.J. et al. (2011a). Femtosecond laser capsulotomy. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, 2011, vol. 37, no. 7, pp. 1189–1198. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrs.2011.04.022. Fredriksson I., Larsson M., Stromberg T. (2008a). Optical microcirculatory skin model: assessed by Monte Carlo simulations paired with in vivo laser Doppler flowmetry. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 2008, vol. 13, no. 1, art. 014015. doi: 10.1117/1.2854691. Jacques S. (2011b). Monte Carlo modeling of light transport in tissue (steady state and time of flight). In: Optical–Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue. Springer, 2011, pp. 109–144. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8831-4_5. Kropman M.F., Bakker H.J. (2001). Dynamics of water molecules in aqueous solvation shells. Science, 2001, vol. 291, no. 5511, pp. 2118–2120. doi: 10.1126/science.1058190. Kropman M.F., Nienhuys H.K., Bakker H.J. (2002). Real-time measurement of the orientational dynamics of aqueous solvation shells in bulk liquid water. Physical Review Letters, 2002, vol. 88, no. 7, pp. 077601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.88.077601. Losev A.G., Mazepa E.A., Zamechnik T.V. (2014). About several typical traits in the diagnosis of mammary glands pathologyaccrding to the date of microwave radiometry//Modern problems of science and education, 2014. № 6, p. 254. Meglinski I., Doronin A.V. (2012). Monte Carlo modeling for the needs of biophotonics and biomedical optics. Advanced Biophotonics: Tissue Optical Sectioning/Eds. V.V. Tuchin, R.K. Wang. Taylor & Francis, 2012. Müller G.J., Sliney D.H. (1989). Dosimetry of Laser Radiation in Medicine and Biology. SPIE Press, Bellingham, 1989, 253 p. Petrova T., (2016). Modelling the impact of lasers on bio-tissues, LAMBERDT Academic Publishing, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-659-89346-9. Petrova T., Petrov Zh., (2018). Modelling the Distribution of Lasers in Biological Tissues, Int J Bioautomation, 22 (3), 213-228, doi: 10.7546/ijba.2018.22.3.213-228. Petrova T., Petrov Zh. (2014a). Specifics of temperature distribution at multilayer medium under the influence of laser radiation, Tenth Anniversary Scientific Conference with International Participation SPACE, ECOLOGY, SAFETY, Sofia 2014, pp. 201-206, ISSN 1313 – 3888. Sliney D.H., Trokel S.L. (1993). Medical Lasers and their Safe Use. NY, Academic Press, 1993. Stampfli P., Bennemann K.H. (1990), Theory for the instability of the diamond structure of Si, Ge, and C induced by a dense electronhole plasma. Physical Review B, 1990, vol. 42, no. 11, pp. 7163–7173. doi: 10.1103/physrevb.42.7163. Saratov, (2000), Fall Meeting, Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine/Ed. by Tuchin V.V., Zimnyakov D.A., Pravdin A. B. Proc. SPIE. 2000. V. 4001. Tuchin V.V. (2016a). Tissue optics and photonics: light-tissue interaction II. Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering, 2016, vol. 2, no. 3, p. 030201. doi: 10.18287/jbpe16.02.030201. Tuchin V.V., Utz S.R., Yaroslavsky I.V. (1994). Tissue optics, light distribution, and spectroscopy//Opt. Eng. 1994. V. 33. P. 3178–3188. Tuchin V.V., Utz S.R., Yaroslavsky I.V. (1993a) Skin optics: modeling of light transport and measuring of optical parameters//Medical optical tomography: functional imaging and monitoring/Eds. G.Muller, B. Chance, R.Alfano et al. Bellingham: SPIE, 1993. V. IS11. P. 234–258. Tuchina V.V. (2007). Optical biomedical diagnostics. T.1, 2 / Per. from English M., Fizmatlit, 2007; Handbook on Optical Biomedical Diagnostics. V. PM107 / Ed. by Tuchin V.V. Bellingham, SPIE Press, 2002. Tuchin V.V. (2007a). Optics of biological tissues: light scattering methods in medical diagnostics/Transl. from English M .Fizmatlit, 2011; Tuchin V.V. Tissue Optics: Light Scattering Methods and Instruments for Medical Diagnosis. Second edition. Bellingham, WA: SPIE Press, 2007. V. PM 166. Vesnin S.G., Sedankin M.K. (2012a), Development of a series of antenna applicators for non-invasive measurement of the temperature of human body tissues at different//Engineering magazine: science and innovations, 2012. - № 11. P. 43–61. Vesnin S.G., Kaplan M.A., Avakjan R.S. (2008b). Modern microwave radiometry of the mammary glands // Medetsinsky almanac, 2008, № 3. pp. 82–87. Vogel A., Venugopalan V. (2003). Mechanisms of pulsed laser ablation of biological tissues. Chemical Reviews, 2003, vol. 103, pp. 577–644. doi: 10.1021/cr010379n. Wright C.H.G., Barrett S.F., Welch A.J. (2002a). Laser–tissue interaction. In: Lasers in Medicine, D.R. Vij, K. Mahesh (eds.). Boston, Dordrecht, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002. Welch A.J., Van Gemert M.J.C. (2011a). Optical-Thermal Response of Laser-Irradiated Tissue. NY, Springer, 2011. doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8831-4. Parvanov, S., Sotirov, B., Sakakushev, B. (2006a). Prilozheniya na vizualnoto otsenyavane na mashinostroitelni izdeliya. // Nauchni trudove na Rusenski universitet „A. Kanchev”, tom 45, 2006, broy seriya 2.1, str. 104 - 109, ISSN 1311 – 3322 (Първанов, С., Сотиров, Б., Сакакушев, Б. Приложения на визуалното оценяване на машиностроителни изделия. // Научни трудове на Русенски университет „А. Кънчев”, том 45, 2006, брой серия 2.1, стр. 104 - 109, ISSN 1311 – 3322). Sakakushev, B., Sotirov, B., Parvanov, S. (2006b). Organoleptichno otsenyavane na tochni otvori s malak diametar i golyama dalzhina. // XVI Nauchen simpozium s mezhdunarodno uchastie „Metrologiya i metrologichno osiguryavane 2006”, Sozopol, 2006, broy 16, str. 211 - 215, ISSN 954 – 33 (Сакакушев, Б., Сотиров, Б., Първанов, С. Органолептично оценяване на точни отвори с малък диаметър и голяма дължина. // XVI Научен симпозиум с международно участие „Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2006”, Созопол, 2006, брой 16, стр. 211 - 215, ISSN 954 – 33). Sotirov, B., Sakakushev, B., Koriykov, Ts., Georgiev, Ts, Zhel, Zh. F, Popesku, G. (2010). „Menidzhmant na kachestvoto i metrologiya“ - spetsialnost ot evropeyskoto obrazovatelno prostranstvo. // Standartizatsiya, Metrologiya, Sertifikatsiya, 2010, broy I, str. 25-28, ISSN 1310-0831 (Сотиров, Б., Сакакушев, Б., Корийков, Ц., Георгиев, Ц, Жел, Ж. Ф, Попеску, Г. „Мениджмънт на качеството и метрология“ - специалност от европейското образователно пространство. // Стандартизация, Метрология, Сертификация, 2010, брой I, стр. 25-28, ISSN 1310-0831). Sotirov, B., Sakakushev, B., Tonev, D., Georgiev, Ts. (2006c). Za obuchenieto po metrologiya za inzheneri. // Standartizatsiya, Metrologiya, Sertifikatsiya, 2006, broy 12, str. 25-29, ISSN 1310-0831 (Сотиров, Б., Сакакушев, Б., Тонев, Д., Георгиев, Ц. За обучението по метрология за инженери. // Стандартизация, Метрология, Сертификация, 2006, брой 12, стр. 25-29, ISSN 1310-0831). Sotirov, B., S., Ivanov, B., Sakakushev. (2016b). Izsledvane na kompleksen metod na izmervane, osnovan na klasicheskata dvuprofilna proverka na tsilindrichni zabni kolela s pravi zabi. // KNOWLEDGE International journal scientific papers, 2016, broy Vol 13.1, str. 355-356, ISSN ISSN 1857-92 (Сотиров, Б., С., Иванов, Б. Сакакушев. Изследване на комплексен метод на измерване, основан на класическата двупрофилна проверка на цилиндрични зъбни колела с прави зъби. // KNOWLEDGE International journal scientific papers, 2016, брой Vol 13.1, стр. 355-356, ISSN ISSN 1857-92). Parvanov, S., Sakakushev, B., Sotirov, B. (2014a). Eksperimentalno izsledvane na organoleptichno izmervane na visoki temperaturi. V: XXIV Natsionalen nauchen simpozium s mezhdunarodno uchastie “Metrologiya i metrologichno osiguryavane 2014”, Sozopol, Sofiya, 2014, str. 530-533, ISBN 1313-9126 (Първанов, С., Сакакушев, Б., Сотиров, Б. Експериментално изследване на органолептично измерване на високи температури. В: XXIV Национален научен симпозиум с международно участие “Метрология и метрологично осигуряване 2014”, Созопол, София, 2014, стр. 530-533, ISBN 1313-9126). Sakakushev, B., Sotirov, B., Parvanov, S., Angelov, Yu. (2014b). Vazmozhnosti i perspektivi za organoleptichno otsenyavane na visoki temperaturi v oblastta na tehnikata. // Nauchni trudove na rusenskiya universitet - 2014, tom 53, seriya 2, ruse, izdatelski tsentar pri Rusenski universitet „Angel Kanchev“, 2014, str. 115-119, ISBN 1311-3321 (Сакакушев, Б., Сотиров, Б., Първанов, С., Ангелов, Ю. Възможности и перспективи за органолептично оценяване на високи температури в областта на техниката. // Научни трудове на русенския университет - 2014, том 53, серия 2, русе, издателски център при Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“, 2014, стр. 115-119, ISBN 1311-3321).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Teodora Petrova

Publication Date September 15, 2019
Submission Date July 15, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 5 Issue: 14


EndNote Petrova T (September 1, 2019) MODELING OF TEMPERATURE DISTRIBUTION IN BIOTISSUES. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 14 731–737.



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