Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 967 - 978, 15.09.2019



  • Aminudddin Salle, (2007) Hukum Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Kreasi Total Media (KTM), Jakarta. Budi Harsono, (2005) Hukum Agraria Indonesia. Djambatan, Jakarta. Dixon Martin, (2002) Modern Land Law,: Antony Rowe Ltd. England. Hoek-smit, M. C. (2006). Expanding Housing Finance for Low- Income Housing in Indonesia. Finance, (February). Iriansyah, N. (2011). A Need for affordable housing in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 1(2), 189–193. Martin, D., & Loomis, K. (2012). A constructivist approach to introducing education. Building Teachers, 72–75. Hutagalung Arie Sukanti dan Markus Gunawan, (2008) Kewenangan Pemerintah di Bidang Pertanahan, PT Rajagrafindo Persada Jakarta. Mariam Darus Badrulzaman, (1993) KUHPerdata Buku III Hukum Perikatan Dengan Penjelasannya, Alumni, Bandung. Martin Roestamy, (2008) Kepastian Hukum Atas Kepemilikan Rumah Dan Bangunan Gedung Oleh Investor Asing Dikaitkan Dengan Asas Nasionalitas Dalam Sistem Hukum Pertanahan Indonesia. Disertasi. Bandung: Program Pascasarjana Program Studi Doktor (S3) Ilmu Hukum, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung. ______, (2009) Konsep-konsep Hukum Kepemilikan Tanah dan Bangunan Gedung bagi Asing, Alumni Bandung. ______, (2015) Providing House for the Low Income People, International Seminar Managemen Social Sience, Osaka Japan. ______, Land Issues on Housing Policy, paper pada International Focus Group Discussion, Universitas Djuanda, 30 Agustus 2016. Martin Roestamy, Rita Rahmawati dan TN. Syamsah,. (2014) Model Pengembangan Sistem Hukum perumahan Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Yang Layak Secara Teknis, Ekonomi Dan Sosial. Laporan Penelitian. Tidak dipublikasikan. Martin Roestamy, Rita Rahmawati, (2016) Model Pengembangan Paradigma Masyarakat Bagi Kepemilikan Rumah yang Terpisah dari Tanah untuk Mempercepat Penyediaan Rumah bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah, Laporan Penelitian. Tidak dipublikasikan. Muhammad Yamin, dan Abd. Rahim Lubis, (2004) Beberapa Masalah Aktual Hukum Agraria: Pustaka Bangsa Press, Medan. Panei Geofree Land Tenure in Indonesia, paper pada International Focus Group Discussion, 30 Agustus 2016. Setioko, B., & Pandelaki, E. E. (2015). Toward Housing for the Elderly in Indonesia, 5(6). Sungkana, (2015) Konsep Dasar Land Banking/Bank Tanah, Artikel pada DJKN Kementrian Keuangan. Supraba Sekarwati, (2003) Gagasan mengenai Pembentukan Bank Tanah (Land Bank) dalam rangka pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia, Disertasi, Universitas Pajajaran Bandung. Syafruddin Kalo, (2005) Kapita Selekta Hukum Pertanahan, USU press Medan. Sudiyat, I. (1978). Asas-asas hukum adat: bekal pengantar. Liberty. Ter Haar Bzn, (1981), Asas-Asas dan Susunan Hukum Adat, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta. Tisna Ayu, Oktavianty; Ana, Silviana; Sri, S. Dipenogoro L. R. (2013). Diponegoro Law Review Volume 1, Nomor 2, Tahun 2013, 3(7), 1–11. The HUD Magazine, (2012) Edisi pertama Berbagi Tanah Untuk Rakyat Dalam Membangun MBR (Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah). Makalah. Unpublished


Year 2019, Volume: 5 Issue: 14, 967 - 978, 15.09.2019


Background - The idea of
​​establishing a land bank as an alternative provision of land for the public
interest includes construction of roads and bridges, irrigation, other public
facilities and infrastructure such as markets not initially for housing. Some
studies of land banks have been directed to the provision of land by the
government as an elaboration of the mandate of the agrarian constitution, the
right to control the country where the state regulates land use, use, supply
and maintenance. Due to the higher land prices, even the land has been used as
a business commodity, investment and even speculation has created difficulties
for the people to get access to land in urban areas in particular, due to the
increase in land prices and limited land ownership by the government has
resulted in barriers to development for the development of housing for
low-income people, because of the limited ability of the people to buy land for
housing development. Although on the other hand the government launched the provision
of one million houses in one year. One of the steps taken is the development of
rusunami (private flats) and rusunawa (rental flats), but still there are
limitations on the availability of land. The development of the concept of land
bank is an alternative where the provision of land for housing development
becomes the main function of the land bank, in addition to other tasks. The
research question is how is the concept of developing land bank institutions to
provide land in order to build affordable housing for low-income people with a
land legal system approach in Indonesia?

Purpose - This study aims
to analyze and find solutions to the availability of land for the benefit of
building people's houses from aspects of land tenure, legal certainty, and land
use for the public interest. From this research, it is expected to generate
thoughts about the development of land bank institutions that function as land
suppliers for affordable housing development for low-income people.

Design / methodology / approach
- The research method uses a normative juridical approach that sees secondary
legal material as a research basis. Primary legal materials are used to look
deeper into the authority of the State Control Rights as a way to provide
access to land provision for affordable housing development, among others by
conducting land redistribution or land consolidation. Primary data can also be
used as additional information to be able to describe the solution of the
direction of research by comparing the number of land holdings, house prices,
and the ratio of the ratio of people's income to the availability of affordable

Findings - The findings of
this study are the down streaming of previous research for 8 years to open up
access for low-income people to have affordable housing without having to buy
land with the development of land bank institutions.

Research limitations - Home
ownership without buying land is given proof of building ownership rights
certificate (SKBG) which is a follow-up research including certification
models, cadastral models, and institutional cadastral buildings in the building
legal system as the development of land law.

Originality / value -
Ownership of buildings and development of building laws that are not yet well
known because they should have independence


  • Aminudddin Salle, (2007) Hukum Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Kreasi Total Media (KTM), Jakarta. Budi Harsono, (2005) Hukum Agraria Indonesia. Djambatan, Jakarta. Dixon Martin, (2002) Modern Land Law,: Antony Rowe Ltd. England. Hoek-smit, M. C. (2006). Expanding Housing Finance for Low- Income Housing in Indonesia. Finance, (February). Iriansyah, N. (2011). A Need for affordable housing in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, 1(2), 189–193. Martin, D., & Loomis, K. (2012). A constructivist approach to introducing education. Building Teachers, 72–75. Hutagalung Arie Sukanti dan Markus Gunawan, (2008) Kewenangan Pemerintah di Bidang Pertanahan, PT Rajagrafindo Persada Jakarta. Mariam Darus Badrulzaman, (1993) KUHPerdata Buku III Hukum Perikatan Dengan Penjelasannya, Alumni, Bandung. Martin Roestamy, (2008) Kepastian Hukum Atas Kepemilikan Rumah Dan Bangunan Gedung Oleh Investor Asing Dikaitkan Dengan Asas Nasionalitas Dalam Sistem Hukum Pertanahan Indonesia. Disertasi. Bandung: Program Pascasarjana Program Studi Doktor (S3) Ilmu Hukum, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung. ______, (2009) Konsep-konsep Hukum Kepemilikan Tanah dan Bangunan Gedung bagi Asing, Alumni Bandung. ______, (2015) Providing House for the Low Income People, International Seminar Managemen Social Sience, Osaka Japan. ______, Land Issues on Housing Policy, paper pada International Focus Group Discussion, Universitas Djuanda, 30 Agustus 2016. Martin Roestamy, Rita Rahmawati dan TN. Syamsah,. (2014) Model Pengembangan Sistem Hukum perumahan Bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Yang Layak Secara Teknis, Ekonomi Dan Sosial. Laporan Penelitian. Tidak dipublikasikan. Martin Roestamy, Rita Rahmawati, (2016) Model Pengembangan Paradigma Masyarakat Bagi Kepemilikan Rumah yang Terpisah dari Tanah untuk Mempercepat Penyediaan Rumah bagi Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah, Laporan Penelitian. Tidak dipublikasikan. Muhammad Yamin, dan Abd. Rahim Lubis, (2004) Beberapa Masalah Aktual Hukum Agraria: Pustaka Bangsa Press, Medan. Panei Geofree Land Tenure in Indonesia, paper pada International Focus Group Discussion, 30 Agustus 2016. Setioko, B., & Pandelaki, E. E. (2015). Toward Housing for the Elderly in Indonesia, 5(6). Sungkana, (2015) Konsep Dasar Land Banking/Bank Tanah, Artikel pada DJKN Kementrian Keuangan. Supraba Sekarwati, (2003) Gagasan mengenai Pembentukan Bank Tanah (Land Bank) dalam rangka pembangunan perumahan dan permukiman yang berkelanjutan di Indonesia, Disertasi, Universitas Pajajaran Bandung. Syafruddin Kalo, (2005) Kapita Selekta Hukum Pertanahan, USU press Medan. Sudiyat, I. (1978). Asas-asas hukum adat: bekal pengantar. Liberty. Ter Haar Bzn, (1981), Asas-Asas dan Susunan Hukum Adat, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta. Tisna Ayu, Oktavianty; Ana, Silviana; Sri, S. Dipenogoro L. R. (2013). Diponegoro Law Review Volume 1, Nomor 2, Tahun 2013, 3(7), 1–11. The HUD Magazine, (2012) Edisi pertama Berbagi Tanah Untuk Rakyat Dalam Membangun MBR (Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah). Makalah. Unpublished
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Martin Roestamy

Abraham Yazdi Martin

Publication Date September 15, 2019
Submission Date June 2, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019Volume: 5 Issue: 14


EndNote Roestamy M, Martin AY (September 1, 2019) HUMAN BASIC NEED OF HOUSING SUPPORTED BY LAND BANK SISTEM. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 14 967–978.



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