Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 12, 553 - 559, 10.01.2019



  • Anikin, B. i kol. (1999а). Logistika. Izd. Feniks, Moskva. 1999 (Аникин, Б. и кол. Логистика. Изд. Феникс, Москва. 1999). Belozubov, A., Nikolaev, D. (2007а). Osnovay rabotay s HTML – redaktorom Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie, Sankt-Peterburg 2007 (Белозубов, А., Николаев, Д. Основы работы с HTML - редактором Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Учебно-методическое пособие, Санкт-Петербург 2007). Banchev, P. (2010а). Pazarni prouchvaniya. Izd. Faber. Veliko Tarnovo. 2010 (Банчев, П. Пазарни проучвания. Изд. Фабер. Велико Търново. 2010). Banabakova, V. (2012а). Stopanska logistika. Izd. Faber. Veliko Tarnovo. 2012 (Банабакова, В. Стопанска логистика. Изд. Фабер. Велико Търново. 2012). Banabakova, V. (2013а). Logistichnoto obsluzhvane kato iztochnik na konkurentni predimstva. IK pri NVU, Veliko Tarnovo. 2013 (Банабакова, В. Логистичното обслужване като източник на конкурентни предимства. ИК при НВУ, Велико Търново. 2013). Banabakova, V., Panev, A. (2012b). Znachenie na biznes informatsionnite sistemi i tehniya odit za podobryavane na stopanskata deynost. Sp. Nauka, Br. 1, S., 2012 (Банабакова, В., Панев, А. Значение на бизнес информационните системи и техния одит за подобряване на стопанската дейност. Сп. Наука, Бр. 1, С., 2012). Banabakova, V. (2004a). Logistika – aspekti na prilozhenie v ikonomicheskata i voenna sistema. IK pri NVU. Veliko Tarnovo. 2004 (Банабакова, В. Логистика – аспекти на приложение в икономическата и военна система. ИК при НВУ. Велико Търново. 2004). Daskalova, H., Grigorova, V. (2012c). Izsledvane na integratsiyata na korporativni resheniya kato usluga. International Journal "Information Theories & Applications", Vol. 13, S. 2012 (Даскалова, Х., Григорова, В. Изследване на интеграцията на корпоративни решения като услуга. International Journal "Information Theories & Applications", Vol. 13, С. 2012). Dimitrov P. i kol. (2010b). Logistichni sistemi. UI “Stopanstvo”, 2010 (Димитров П. и кол., Логистични системи. УИ “Стопанство”, 2010). Baker, D. Fuller, L. (2009a). How to Do Everything, Adobe® InDesign® CS4, USA, 2009. Faulkner, X. (2000a). Usability engineering, Haundmills, Palgrave, 2000. Floridi, L. (2010c). A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2010. Ganeshkumar, M. (2006a). Refine The Economics of Integration. Whitepaper. Rising Solutions, USA, 2006. Haine, P. (2011a). HTML Mastery: Semantics, Standards, and Styling, USA, 2011. Hilbert, M. (2011b). The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information. // Science 332 (6025), USA, 2011. Banzhaf, W. (1998a). Genetic Programming – An Introduction, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1998. Goldberg, D. (1989a) Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1989. Michalewicz, Z. (1999b). Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, Springer-Verlag, Cambridge, 1999. Mitchell, M., (1996a). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1996. Vose, M. (1999c). The Simple Genetic Algorithm: Foundations and Theory, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999.


Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 12, 553 - 559, 10.01.2019


The goal of the article is
to research the information exchange speed’s influence on the effectiveness of
the organization.

It is necessary to model
the entire work of the logistic system in order to study the influence of the
information flow. This includes raw materials supply, product manufacture,
distribution on the market and selling to the end customers. The model should
include all three flows that are characteristic of logistic chains: material,
cash flow and information. This would allow observing its functioning in its
integrity. Besides, basic indicators of effective functioning of such type of
systems are the profit realized in the separate chain elements and the number
of unsatisfied customers, i.e. the profits foregone.

The aim of the model is,
setting different values for information exchange and procession speed, to
observe the changes in the system’s indicators the way they were mentioned
above. The relevant conclusions would be made on the base of the received
results. All the other system’s parameters would have the same values within
the planned numeral experiments


  • Anikin, B. i kol. (1999а). Logistika. Izd. Feniks, Moskva. 1999 (Аникин, Б. и кол. Логистика. Изд. Феникс, Москва. 1999). Belozubov, A., Nikolaev, D. (2007а). Osnovay rabotay s HTML – redaktorom Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie, Sankt-Peterburg 2007 (Белозубов, А., Николаев, Д. Основы работы с HTML - редактором Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Учебно-методическое пособие, Санкт-Петербург 2007). Banchev, P. (2010а). Pazarni prouchvaniya. Izd. Faber. Veliko Tarnovo. 2010 (Банчев, П. Пазарни проучвания. Изд. Фабер. Велико Търново. 2010). Banabakova, V. (2012а). Stopanska logistika. Izd. Faber. Veliko Tarnovo. 2012 (Банабакова, В. Стопанска логистика. Изд. Фабер. Велико Търново. 2012). Banabakova, V. (2013а). Logistichnoto obsluzhvane kato iztochnik na konkurentni predimstva. IK pri NVU, Veliko Tarnovo. 2013 (Банабакова, В. Логистичното обслужване като източник на конкурентни предимства. ИК при НВУ, Велико Търново. 2013). Banabakova, V., Panev, A. (2012b). Znachenie na biznes informatsionnite sistemi i tehniya odit za podobryavane na stopanskata deynost. Sp. Nauka, Br. 1, S., 2012 (Банабакова, В., Панев, А. Значение на бизнес информационните системи и техния одит за подобряване на стопанската дейност. Сп. Наука, Бр. 1, С., 2012). Banabakova, V. (2004a). Logistika – aspekti na prilozhenie v ikonomicheskata i voenna sistema. IK pri NVU. Veliko Tarnovo. 2004 (Банабакова, В. Логистика – аспекти на приложение в икономическата и военна система. ИК при НВУ. Велико Търново. 2004). Daskalova, H., Grigorova, V. (2012c). Izsledvane na integratsiyata na korporativni resheniya kato usluga. International Journal "Information Theories & Applications", Vol. 13, S. 2012 (Даскалова, Х., Григорова, В. Изследване на интеграцията на корпоративни решения като услуга. International Journal "Information Theories & Applications", Vol. 13, С. 2012). Dimitrov P. i kol. (2010b). Logistichni sistemi. UI “Stopanstvo”, 2010 (Димитров П. и кол., Логистични системи. УИ “Стопанство”, 2010). Baker, D. Fuller, L. (2009a). How to Do Everything, Adobe® InDesign® CS4, USA, 2009. Faulkner, X. (2000a). Usability engineering, Haundmills, Palgrave, 2000. Floridi, L. (2010c). A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2010. Ganeshkumar, M. (2006a). Refine The Economics of Integration. Whitepaper. Rising Solutions, USA, 2006. Haine, P. (2011a). HTML Mastery: Semantics, Standards, and Styling, USA, 2011. Hilbert, M. (2011b). The World’s Technological Capacity to Store, Communicate, and Compute Information. // Science 332 (6025), USA, 2011. Banzhaf, W. (1998a). Genetic Programming – An Introduction, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, 1998. Goldberg, D. (1989a) Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine Learning, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1989. Michalewicz, Z. (1999b). Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs, Springer-Verlag, Cambridge, 1999. Mitchell, M., (1996a). An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1996. Vose, M. (1999c). The Simple Genetic Algorithm: Foundations and Theory, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1999.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Svilen Stefanov

Venelin Terziev

Vanya Banabakova

Publication Date January 10, 2019
Submission Date November 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018Volume: 4 Issue: 12


EndNote Stefanov S, Terziev V, Banabakova V (January 1, 2019) SIMULATION MODEL OF LOGISTICS SYSTEM. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 4 12 553–559.



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