Research Article
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Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 11, 265 - 273, 31.08.2018



  • About higher and postgraduate professional education: federal law: from Aug 22 1996 № 125-FZ. Garant: Information legal support. [Online]. Available: Astafyeva, O. N., Avanesova, G. A. (2015a). Cultural Policy and National Culture: Prospects for the Strategic Vector of Russia's Development. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. № 5, pp.193 - 201. Astafyeva, O.N., Avanesova, G. A. (2015b). Cultural and humanitarian aspects of Eurasian cooperation: Russia in inter-civilization unions. Part 1. Social and humanitarian knowledge. № 3, pp.202-216. Astafyeva, O.N., Avanesova, G. A. (2015c). Cultural and humanitarian aspects of Eurasian cooperation: Russia in inter-civilization unions. Part 2. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. № 4, pp.163-182. Astafyeva, O. N., Belyakova, I. G., Sudakova, N. E. (2017). Theoretical Studies of Mass Culture as a Self-Developing System in the Context of the Tasks of Russia’s Cultural Policy. Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry; 12 (Interdisciplinary Perspective on Sciences 7b): pp. 1475–1481. Astafyeva, O.N. (2015a). Cultural policy of dialogue: value orientations and strategic vector of development. Culture. Power. Society: ways to implement the state cultural policy. Ekaterinburg: materials of the UFD conference, pp.42 – 48. Astafyeva, O. N. (2015b). Development of UNESCO's dialog models and their inclusion in cultural policy strategies. Education, culture, science and communication in the modern world: Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Web Conference "UNESCO's Basic Ideas in Modern Education, Culture, Science, Information and Communication" (December 2014 - February 2015) Iss. 2, V. Egorov. Education, Culture, Science, and Communication in the Contemporary World. 2nd Publication, Moscow: Pashkov House. Astafyeva, O. N. (2015c). Modeling of inter - cultural dialog space in cultural policy: opportunities and limitations. Global scientific potential. No. 9 (54), pp. 49-58. Astafyeva, O. N. (2016). Dialog as an instrument for overcoming the "cultural risks": modeling practices of intercultural interaction. The World of Culture and Culturology. Almanac NOCO. Iss. 5, St.Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, pp.20 – 32. Astafyeva, O. N. (2014). Theoretical problems of cultural policy and integration of the idea of culture in the public discourse. Library and information Science(Russia). №6, pp.13 - 19. Avanesova, G. A. (2014). Local civilizations: theoretical postulates and twists in the practice of global interactions. Polygnosis. No. 1-2, pp. 105-118. Bakhti, M. M. (1980). Aesthetics of verbal creativity. Moscow. Benoist, A. de. (2009). Against the fourth liberal political theory. Transl. from Fr. by Dugin A., Kuznetsov A., Brazhnikova I. A., Golobodko A., et al. St.Petersburg: Amfora, 480 p. Bibler, V. S. (1991). From the study of science to the logic of culture. Two philosophical introductions in the twenty-first century. Moscow. Buchanan, P. J. (2003). The Death of the West. Transl. from Eng. by A. Bashkirova. Moscow: AST; St.Petersburg: Terra fantastica, 445 p. Cultural Policy of Russia: Topical Aspects: Collective Monograph. (2015). Ed. by A. N. Chumakova. Moscow: Publishing House "Prospekt", 192 p. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014 No. Pr-808 "On the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy" Elias, N. (2001).Society of Individuals.Trans. with him. M .: Praxis, 120 p. Habermas, J. (2009). Moral consciousness and communicative action. St. Petersburg. Humanistic twist: imperative of human civilization: monograph (2018). Ed. by S. A. Kravchenko. Moscow: MGIMO-University, 209 p. Inter - cultural and inter - religious dialog for sustainable development: Proceedings of the International Conference (2008). Ed. by V. Egorov. Moscow: Publishing House RAGS, pp.120 - 138. Itskovits, G. (2010). Triple helix. Universities - enterprises - state. Innovation in action. Trans. from Eng. by ed. A. Uvarova. Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University of Conrol Systems and Radioelectronics, 238 p. Leontev, M. (2012). A great game: The British Empire against Russia and the USSR. Moscow – St. Petersburg: Astrel, 347 p. Lorenz, K. (1994). Aggression (the so-called "evil"). trans. from Ger. G. F. Shvejnik. Moscow: Progress: Universe, 272 p. Mazurova, L. (2007, Aug 8). The consumer is now in short supply. Literaturnaya gazeta. No. 32 (6132). [Online]. Available: Marx, D. (2008). The meaning of basic higher education in the context of competition in the market of educational services. Higher education today. No. 9, p. 8. On higher and postgraduate professional education: feder. law: from 22 Aug. 1996 № 125-FZ: Guarantor: information legal support. [Online]. Available On the conspiracy: Sat. monog. (2013). by comp. AI Fursov. Moscow: Association of Scientific Publications KMK, 522 p. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 29, 2016 No. 326-r. "Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period until 2030". Peretolchin, D. Yu. (2014). World Wars and World Elites. Moscow: The Book World, 416 p. Philosophy in the dialogue of cultures. (2010). World Philosophy Day, November 16-19, 2009. Moscow - St.Petersburg. Podberezkin, A., Borishpolets, K., Podberezkina, O. (2013). Eurasia and Russia. Moscow: MGIMO University, 1070 p. Privezentsev, V. (2011). Cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education. Educational Law, No. 2. from 20 Jan. [Online]. Available: Raven, J. (2002). Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation. Trans. from Eng. by V. I. Belopolsky. Moscow: Kogito-Center, 396 p. Shakhrai, S. (2014). MSU in China. The arguments of the week. No. 31 (423), Aug. 21. Sheregi, F. E., Savinkov, V. I. (2011). Education as a factor in the formation of the intellectual potential of Russia. Moscow: TsSPiM, 288 p. Talgat. (2014). SWOT-analysis for the Eurasian Union. Military review. September 2, 2014. [Online]. Available: The strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation until 2025. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2012 No. 1666. [Online]. Available: http://president.rf/news/17165 Toffler, A. (1999). The Third Wave. Moscow: AST, 784 p. Vandam (Edrikhin), A. (2009). Our position. St. Petersburg: Science, 176 p.


Year 2018, Volume: 4 Issue: 11, 265 - 273, 31.08.2018


The author associates the relevance
of the topic with the demand for dialog thinking in the modern world
and the need to study socially oriented, subject-activity, cultural,
philosophical-anthropological, ontological aspects of cultural policy.

The purpose
of the article
to justify the need to update the conceptual and methodological principles
of dialog communication ontology, which serve as the basis for the expert
evaluation of innovative projects that are devoted to the strategy of cultural
policy of Russia.

The main methodological solution to
the research problem is an interdisciplinary approach.

Problems and
scientific results:

1. Culture-specified aspects of cultural
policy are revealed through the analysis of the problems of inter-cultural
communications transformation associated with the aggravation of geopolitical
contradictions and civilizational "gaps" in the context of
"global disintegration risks".

2. The strategy of Russia's cultural policy
is aimed at expanding the experience of inter-cultural interaction and at
creating international and inter-ethnic institutions that strengthen these
processes. Dialog models are filled with expert and analytical assessments,
which fix the philosophy of dialog relevant to modern cultural processes in the
context of the fundamental principle of "unity in diversity".

3. Resources of
designing the event inter-cultural communications as mechanisms of cultural
policy of the state for promotion and realization of inter-cultural dialog
strategy onto the world level.

4. The needs of
the governance system in the choice of models adequate to the changes and
dynamics of the culture in the context of glottalization are due to social
"challenges" – increasing failures in communications, to the
inability of social groups to achieve civil harmony, in opposition to local and
global cultural patterns, models of identity and lifestyles.


  • About higher and postgraduate professional education: federal law: from Aug 22 1996 № 125-FZ. Garant: Information legal support. [Online]. Available: Astafyeva, O. N., Avanesova, G. A. (2015a). Cultural Policy and National Culture: Prospects for the Strategic Vector of Russia's Development. Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin. № 5, pp.193 - 201. Astafyeva, O.N., Avanesova, G. A. (2015b). Cultural and humanitarian aspects of Eurasian cooperation: Russia in inter-civilization unions. Part 1. Social and humanitarian knowledge. № 3, pp.202-216. Astafyeva, O.N., Avanesova, G. A. (2015c). Cultural and humanitarian aspects of Eurasian cooperation: Russia in inter-civilization unions. Part 2. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. № 4, pp.163-182. Astafyeva, O. N., Belyakova, I. G., Sudakova, N. E. (2017). Theoretical Studies of Mass Culture as a Self-Developing System in the Context of the Tasks of Russia’s Cultural Policy. Eurasian Journal of Analytical Chemistry; 12 (Interdisciplinary Perspective on Sciences 7b): pp. 1475–1481. Astafyeva, O.N. (2015a). Cultural policy of dialogue: value orientations and strategic vector of development. Culture. Power. Society: ways to implement the state cultural policy. Ekaterinburg: materials of the UFD conference, pp.42 – 48. Astafyeva, O. N. (2015b). Development of UNESCO's dialog models and their inclusion in cultural policy strategies. Education, culture, science and communication in the modern world: Proceedings of the Second International Scientific Web Conference "UNESCO's Basic Ideas in Modern Education, Culture, Science, Information and Communication" (December 2014 - February 2015) Iss. 2, V. Egorov. Education, Culture, Science, and Communication in the Contemporary World. 2nd Publication, Moscow: Pashkov House. Astafyeva, O. N. (2015c). Modeling of inter - cultural dialog space in cultural policy: opportunities and limitations. Global scientific potential. No. 9 (54), pp. 49-58. Astafyeva, O. N. (2016). Dialog as an instrument for overcoming the "cultural risks": modeling practices of intercultural interaction. The World of Culture and Culturology. Almanac NOCO. Iss. 5, St.Petersburg: Center for Humanitarian Initiatives, pp.20 – 32. Astafyeva, O. N. (2014). Theoretical problems of cultural policy and integration of the idea of culture in the public discourse. Library and information Science(Russia). №6, pp.13 - 19. Avanesova, G. A. (2014). Local civilizations: theoretical postulates and twists in the practice of global interactions. Polygnosis. No. 1-2, pp. 105-118. Bakhti, M. M. (1980). Aesthetics of verbal creativity. Moscow. Benoist, A. de. (2009). Against the fourth liberal political theory. Transl. from Fr. by Dugin A., Kuznetsov A., Brazhnikova I. A., Golobodko A., et al. St.Petersburg: Amfora, 480 p. Bibler, V. S. (1991). From the study of science to the logic of culture. Two philosophical introductions in the twenty-first century. Moscow. Buchanan, P. J. (2003). The Death of the West. Transl. from Eng. by A. Bashkirova. Moscow: AST; St.Petersburg: Terra fantastica, 445 p. Cultural Policy of Russia: Topical Aspects: Collective Monograph. (2015). Ed. by A. N. Chumakova. Moscow: Publishing House "Prospekt", 192 p. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 24, 2014 No. Pr-808 "On the Fundamentals of State Cultural Policy" Elias, N. (2001).Society of Individuals.Trans. with him. M .: Praxis, 120 p. Habermas, J. (2009). Moral consciousness and communicative action. St. Petersburg. Humanistic twist: imperative of human civilization: monograph (2018). Ed. by S. A. Kravchenko. Moscow: MGIMO-University, 209 p. Inter - cultural and inter - religious dialog for sustainable development: Proceedings of the International Conference (2008). Ed. by V. Egorov. Moscow: Publishing House RAGS, pp.120 - 138. Itskovits, G. (2010). Triple helix. Universities - enterprises - state. Innovation in action. Trans. from Eng. by ed. A. Uvarova. Tomsk: Publishing House of Tomsk State University of Conrol Systems and Radioelectronics, 238 p. Leontev, M. (2012). A great game: The British Empire against Russia and the USSR. Moscow – St. Petersburg: Astrel, 347 p. Lorenz, K. (1994). Aggression (the so-called "evil"). trans. from Ger. G. F. Shvejnik. Moscow: Progress: Universe, 272 p. Mazurova, L. (2007, Aug 8). The consumer is now in short supply. Literaturnaya gazeta. No. 32 (6132). [Online]. Available: Marx, D. (2008). The meaning of basic higher education in the context of competition in the market of educational services. Higher education today. No. 9, p. 8. On higher and postgraduate professional education: feder. law: from 22 Aug. 1996 № 125-FZ: Guarantor: information legal support. [Online]. Available On the conspiracy: Sat. monog. (2013). by comp. AI Fursov. Moscow: Association of Scientific Publications KMK, 522 p. Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 29, 2016 No. 326-r. "Strategy of the state cultural policy for the period until 2030". Peretolchin, D. Yu. (2014). World Wars and World Elites. Moscow: The Book World, 416 p. Philosophy in the dialogue of cultures. (2010). World Philosophy Day, November 16-19, 2009. Moscow - St.Petersburg. Podberezkin, A., Borishpolets, K., Podberezkina, O. (2013). Eurasia and Russia. Moscow: MGIMO University, 1070 p. Privezentsev, V. (2011). Cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education. Educational Law, No. 2. from 20 Jan. [Online]. Available: Raven, J. (2002). Competence in modern society: identification, development and implementation. Trans. from Eng. by V. I. Belopolsky. Moscow: Kogito-Center, 396 p. Shakhrai, S. (2014). MSU in China. The arguments of the week. No. 31 (423), Aug. 21. Sheregi, F. E., Savinkov, V. I. (2011). Education as a factor in the formation of the intellectual potential of Russia. Moscow: TsSPiM, 288 p. Talgat. (2014). SWOT-analysis for the Eurasian Union. Military review. September 2, 2014. [Online]. Available: The strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation until 2025. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2012 No. 1666. [Online]. Available: http://president.rf/news/17165 Toffler, A. (1999). The Third Wave. Moscow: AST, 784 p. Vandam (Edrikhin), A. (2009). Our position. St. Petersburg: Science, 176 p.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Olga Astafyeva

Publication Date August 31, 2018
Submission Date May 28, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018Volume: 4 Issue: 11


EndNote Astafyeva O (August 1, 2018) DIALOG PARADIGM OF CULTURAL POLICY: EXPERT PROJECTIONS AND DESIGN RESOURCES. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 4 11 265–273.



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