Research Article
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Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 9, 734 - 743, 27.12.2017



  • APM Maramures/Maramures EPA, Raport anual privind starea mediului in Judetul Maramures – anul 2006, Capitolul 4. Solul/Annual Report on the Environment State in Maramures County – 2006, Chapter 4. The Soil, APM Maramures/Maramures EPA, Raport anual privind starea mediului in Judetul Maramures – anul 2015, Capitolul 3. Solul/ Annual Report on the Environment State in Maramures County – 2015, Chapter 3. The Soil, Bud I., Duma S., Gusat D., Pasca I., Bud A. (2016), Environmental Risks of Abandoning a Mining Project Already Started: Romaltyn Mining Baia Mare, Book Series: IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 144, Article Number: 012004, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/144/1/012004, Lemle LD. Chira I., Damian G., Chira R. (2014), Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Soils of Baiut Area, Maramures County, Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 1, p.269-278. C.N.M.P.N. Remin S.A. Baia Mare (2016), Necesitatea si oportunitatea activitatilor de conservare pasiva in cadrul perimetrelor apartinatoare C.N.M.P.N. Remin S.A. Baia Mare (2016)/Necessity and opportunity of passive conservation activities within the perimeters belonging to Remin Corporation Baia Mare, Coman M. (2006), Depresiunea Baia Mare – protectia mediului din perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile/Baia Mare Depression – Environmental Protection from the Perspective of Sustainable Development, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. Cordos E.A., Frentiu T., Ponta M., Marginean I., Abraham B., Roman C. (2006), Distribution Study of Inorganic Arsenic (III) and (V) Species in Soil and Their Mobility in the Area of Baia Mare, Romania, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, Vol.18, Issue 1, p.11-25, DOI: 10.3184/095422906782146294. Cordos E., Roman C., Ponta M., Frentiu T., Rautiu R. (2007), Evaluation of Soil Pollution with Copper, Lead, Zinc and Cadmium in the Mining Area Baia Mare, Revista de Chimie, Vol.58, Issue 5, p.470-474. Culicov O.A., Frontasyeva M.V., Steinnes E., Okina O.S., Santa Z., Todoran R. (2002), Atmospheric Deposition Of Heavy Metals Around The Lead And Copper-Zinc Smelters In Baia Mare, Romania, Studied By The Moss Biomonitoring Technique, Neutron Activation Analysis And Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 254, No. 1, p.109–115. Damian F., Damian G., Lacatusu R., Macovei G., Iepure G., Napradean I., Chira R., Kollar L., Rata L., Zaharia D.C. (2008), Soils from the Baia Mare Zone and the Heavy Metals Pollution, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.3, Issue 1, p.85-98. Damian G., Damian F., Nasui D., Pop C., Pricop C. (2010), The Soils Quality from the Southern-Eastern Part of Baia Mare Zone Affected by Metallurgical Industry, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.5, Issue 1, p.139-147. Donisa C., Mocanu R., Steinnes E., Vasu A. (2000), Heavy Metal Pollution By Atmospheric Transport In Natural Soils From The Northern Part Of Eastern Carpathians, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 120: 347–358, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dorotan D., Ozunu A., Costin D. (2015), Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soils and Alluvial Deposits of Lapus River, Maramures County, Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 4, p.181-190. Gurzau E.S., Baciu C., Gurzau A.E., Surdu S., Damian G. (2012), Impact of the Tailings Impoundments on Groundwater Quality in Bozanta Area (Baia Mare - NW Romania) and Human Exposure, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.7, Issue 4, p.231-240. Hojda D. – Infomm (March 3, 2016), Maramures – 10 halde de steril inchise in 2016 in Maramures. Autoritatile cauta solutii pentru rezolvarea problemelor de mediu/Maramures – 10 tailing dumps closed in 2016 in Maramures. Authorities are looking for solutions to address environmental issues, Ielenicz M. (2000), Geografia Romaniei – Mica Enciclopedie/Geography of Romania – The Little Encyclopaedia, Editura Corint, Bucuresti. Korodi A. (2014), Raspuns la interpelarea nr. 1325B/2014 privind iazurile de decantare din Romania, catre Domnul Eugen Nicolicea, Ministru Delegat/Answer to interrogation no. 1325B/2014 on the tailing ponds in Romania to Mr. Eugen Nicolicea, Delegate Minister, Levei E.A., Frentiu T., Ponta M., Senila M., Miclean M., Roman C., Cordos E.A. (2009), Characterisation of Soil Quality and Mobility of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Baia Mare Area Northwest Romania Following the Historical Pollution, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Vol.89, Issue 8-12, Special Issue: SI, p.635-649, DOI: 10.1080/03067310902792586. Miclean M., Levei E.A., Senila M., Abraham B., Roman C., Cordos E.A. (2008), Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil in Baia Mare Mining Area, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, Vol.53, Issue 3, p.57-63. Mihali C., Oprea G., Michnea A., Jelea S.-G., Jelea M., Man C., Senila M., Grigor L. (2013), Assessment of Heavy Metals Content and Pollution Level in Soil and Plants in Baia Mare Area, NW Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.8, Issue 2, p.143-152. Ministerul Mediului/Ministry of Environment (2006), Angajamentele asumate de Romania in Capitolul 22 Mediu privind iazurile de decantare din industria miniera/Commitments undertaken by Romania in Chapter 22 Environment for tailing ponds in the mining industry,[1].%205%20sep.pdf Modoi O.-C., Vlad S.-N., Stezar I.-C., Manciula D., Gagiu A.C., Marginean S. (2011), Integrated Tailing Dams Management in Baia Mare Area, Romania, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.10, Issue 1, p.43-51. Romplumb website, Rosu A. (1973), Geografia Fizica a Romaniei/Physical Geography of Romania, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti. Stiri din Maramures 2mnews, March 7, 2017, Modificare – Ce strategie se pregateste pentru reintroducerea Remin in circuitul economic: creditorii sa devina actionari/Change – What strategy is being prepared to reintroduce Remin Corporation into the economic circuit: lenders become shareholders, Teremtus N. – Gazeta de Maramures (April 17, 2015), Cuprom Baia Mare, un faliment iminent ca o retrocedare banoasa/Cuprom Corporation, an imminent bankruptcy as a profitable retrocession, Vischi C. – Infomm (February 20, 2016), Buni de plata – Romplumb trebuie sa restituie 11 milioane de euro Ministerului Economiei in urma unei sentinte/Passed for payment – Romplumb Corporation must return 11 million Euros to the Ministry of Economy following a sentence,


Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 9, 734 - 743, 27.12.2017


The city of Baia Mare is located in the
Baia Mare Depression, a region which is characterized by intense anthropogenic
activity. Due to the long-lasting local mining and metallurgical tradition,
this area was among the most problematic in the country in terms of historical
pollution and its consequences. In Baia Mare, pollution is chronic
(historical), but also diversified, with several notable sources. The present
paper, the first part of a complex three-piece study, aims to provide an
overview of the historical sources of air pollution in Baia Mare, while the
second part will highlight the air quality evolution in Baia Mare between 1995
and 2006, and the third and final piece will analyse the effects of this
chronic pollution on human health. This article is a historical, descriptive
and analytical investigation of the main sources of historical environmental
pollution (including air pollution) in Baia Mare. The aim of the study is to
highlight the activities carried out by these polluting companies and to
emphasize the contribution of these activities and various technological
processes to air pollution in Baia Mare, between 1995 and 2006. The industry in
Maramures County, where Baia Mare is located, had a significant contribution to
the country’s lead, copper, gold and silver production. At the same time, due
to the nature of their activities, these industrial branches were heavy
polluters. The historical environmental pollution (including air pollution) in
Baia Mare had three major sources: the National Company of Precious and
Nonferrous Metals (NCPNM) - Remin Corporation; Cuprom Corporation; Romplumb
Corporation. NCPNM - Remin Corporation processed polymetallic deposits of lead,
zinc, copper and ferro-manganese deposits, and the company was an important
producer of gold, silver, lead, zinc and copper concentrates. The basic
activity of Cuprom Corporation consisted of extracting nonferrous metals by
pyrometallurgically processing cuprous and gold concentrates. The main activity
performed by Romplumb Corporation was obtaining decopperised lead by
pyrometallurgically processing lead-cuprous concentrates. The activities of the
three major companies led to the systematic exceedances of limit values set for
the pollutants resulting from various technological processes, namely suspended
particulate matter, heavy metals and SO2. All three companies were
active for decades and, until the early 2000s, environmental protection was not
a priority in the technological process management of these three metallurgical
centres. Unfortunately, after the year 2000, investments in green technologies
were insufficient and, starting with 2008, the economic crisis also affected
the three companies mentioned above. Currently, NCPNM - Remin and Romplumb
Corporations are insolvent and Cuprom Corporation is bankrupt.   


  • APM Maramures/Maramures EPA, Raport anual privind starea mediului in Judetul Maramures – anul 2006, Capitolul 4. Solul/Annual Report on the Environment State in Maramures County – 2006, Chapter 4. The Soil, APM Maramures/Maramures EPA, Raport anual privind starea mediului in Judetul Maramures – anul 2015, Capitolul 3. Solul/ Annual Report on the Environment State in Maramures County – 2015, Chapter 3. The Soil, Bud I., Duma S., Gusat D., Pasca I., Bud A. (2016), Environmental Risks of Abandoning a Mining Project Already Started: Romaltyn Mining Baia Mare, Book Series: IOP Conference Series-Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 144, Article Number: 012004, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/144/1/012004, Lemle LD. Chira I., Damian G., Chira R. (2014), Spatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in the Soils of Baiut Area, Maramures County, Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.9, Issue 1, p.269-278. C.N.M.P.N. Remin S.A. Baia Mare (2016), Necesitatea si oportunitatea activitatilor de conservare pasiva in cadrul perimetrelor apartinatoare C.N.M.P.N. Remin S.A. Baia Mare (2016)/Necessity and opportunity of passive conservation activities within the perimeters belonging to Remin Corporation Baia Mare, Coman M. (2006), Depresiunea Baia Mare – protectia mediului din perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile/Baia Mare Depression – Environmental Protection from the Perspective of Sustainable Development, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. Cordos E.A., Frentiu T., Ponta M., Marginean I., Abraham B., Roman C. (2006), Distribution Study of Inorganic Arsenic (III) and (V) Species in Soil and Their Mobility in the Area of Baia Mare, Romania, Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, Vol.18, Issue 1, p.11-25, DOI: 10.3184/095422906782146294. Cordos E., Roman C., Ponta M., Frentiu T., Rautiu R. (2007), Evaluation of Soil Pollution with Copper, Lead, Zinc and Cadmium in the Mining Area Baia Mare, Revista de Chimie, Vol.58, Issue 5, p.470-474. Culicov O.A., Frontasyeva M.V., Steinnes E., Okina O.S., Santa Z., Todoran R. (2002), Atmospheric Deposition Of Heavy Metals Around The Lead And Copper-Zinc Smelters In Baia Mare, Romania, Studied By The Moss Biomonitoring Technique, Neutron Activation Analysis And Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 254, No. 1, p.109–115. Damian F., Damian G., Lacatusu R., Macovei G., Iepure G., Napradean I., Chira R., Kollar L., Rata L., Zaharia D.C. (2008), Soils from the Baia Mare Zone and the Heavy Metals Pollution, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.3, Issue 1, p.85-98. Damian G., Damian F., Nasui D., Pop C., Pricop C. (2010), The Soils Quality from the Southern-Eastern Part of Baia Mare Zone Affected by Metallurgical Industry, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.5, Issue 1, p.139-147. Donisa C., Mocanu R., Steinnes E., Vasu A. (2000), Heavy Metal Pollution By Atmospheric Transport In Natural Soils From The Northern Part Of Eastern Carpathians, Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 120: 347–358, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dorotan D., Ozunu A., Costin D. (2015), Accumulation of Heavy Metals in Soils and Alluvial Deposits of Lapus River, Maramures County, Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.10, Issue 4, p.181-190. Gurzau E.S., Baciu C., Gurzau A.E., Surdu S., Damian G. (2012), Impact of the Tailings Impoundments on Groundwater Quality in Bozanta Area (Baia Mare - NW Romania) and Human Exposure, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.7, Issue 4, p.231-240. Hojda D. – Infomm (March 3, 2016), Maramures – 10 halde de steril inchise in 2016 in Maramures. Autoritatile cauta solutii pentru rezolvarea problemelor de mediu/Maramures – 10 tailing dumps closed in 2016 in Maramures. Authorities are looking for solutions to address environmental issues, Ielenicz M. (2000), Geografia Romaniei – Mica Enciclopedie/Geography of Romania – The Little Encyclopaedia, Editura Corint, Bucuresti. Korodi A. (2014), Raspuns la interpelarea nr. 1325B/2014 privind iazurile de decantare din Romania, catre Domnul Eugen Nicolicea, Ministru Delegat/Answer to interrogation no. 1325B/2014 on the tailing ponds in Romania to Mr. Eugen Nicolicea, Delegate Minister, Levei E.A., Frentiu T., Ponta M., Senila M., Miclean M., Roman C., Cordos E.A. (2009), Characterisation of Soil Quality and Mobility of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in the Baia Mare Area Northwest Romania Following the Historical Pollution, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, Vol.89, Issue 8-12, Special Issue: SI, p.635-649, DOI: 10.1080/03067310902792586. Miclean M., Levei E.A., Senila M., Abraham B., Roman C., Cordos E.A. (2008), Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil in Baia Mare Mining Area, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, Vol.53, Issue 3, p.57-63. Mihali C., Oprea G., Michnea A., Jelea S.-G., Jelea M., Man C., Senila M., Grigor L. (2013), Assessment of Heavy Metals Content and Pollution Level in Soil and Plants in Baia Mare Area, NW Romania, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol.8, Issue 2, p.143-152. Ministerul Mediului/Ministry of Environment (2006), Angajamentele asumate de Romania in Capitolul 22 Mediu privind iazurile de decantare din industria miniera/Commitments undertaken by Romania in Chapter 22 Environment for tailing ponds in the mining industry,[1].%205%20sep.pdf Modoi O.-C., Vlad S.-N., Stezar I.-C., Manciula D., Gagiu A.C., Marginean S. (2011), Integrated Tailing Dams Management in Baia Mare Area, Romania, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Vol.10, Issue 1, p.43-51. Romplumb website, Rosu A. (1973), Geografia Fizica a Romaniei/Physical Geography of Romania, Editura Didactica si Pedagogica, Bucuresti. Stiri din Maramures 2mnews, March 7, 2017, Modificare – Ce strategie se pregateste pentru reintroducerea Remin in circuitul economic: creditorii sa devina actionari/Change – What strategy is being prepared to reintroduce Remin Corporation into the economic circuit: lenders become shareholders, Teremtus N. – Gazeta de Maramures (April 17, 2015), Cuprom Baia Mare, un faliment iminent ca o retrocedare banoasa/Cuprom Corporation, an imminent bankruptcy as a profitable retrocession, Vischi C. – Infomm (February 20, 2016), Buni de plata – Romplumb trebuie sa restituie 11 milioane de euro Ministerului Economiei in urma unei sentinte/Passed for payment – Romplumb Corporation must return 11 million Euros to the Ministry of Economy following a sentence,
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Valentina-mariana Manoiu

Razvan Madalin Spiridon

Publication Date December 27, 2017
Acceptance Date December 10, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017Volume: 3 Issue: 9





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