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Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 8, 683 - 690, 31.08.2017



  • Alfian, Teuku Ibrahim (, Metode dan Metodologi Sejarah, Makalah al-Wahwah, Ismail, 2017.Dunia Membutuhkan Khilafah, dalam Buletin al-Wa'ie, VII, edisi 1-31 September 2007 An-nabhani, Taqiyuddin . 2014. Peraturan Hidup Dalam Islam, terj. Jakarta Selatan: HTI Press. ____ , 2001, Al-Takattul al-Hizb, Beirut:Dar al-Ummah Bodgan, Roberth dan Steven J. Taylor,1993, Kualitatif Dasar-Dasar Penelitian, Surabaya: Usaha Nasional Endang Turmudzi dan Riza Sihabudin (ed.), 2006. Islam dan Radikalisme di Indonesia, Jakarta: LIPI Press Erdiayanto, Kristian. 2017. Pembubaran HTI dan Jalan Panjang Menuju Perppu. July 12. Retrivied August 25,2017( Fahmi,Yusron. 2017. Tanggapan Yusril soal Pembubaran Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia. May 8. Retrivied August 25, 2017.(( Hizbut Tahrir. 2000.Titik Tolak Perjalanan Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir. terj. Muhammad Maghfur, Bogor: Pustaka Thariqul Izzah Hizbut Tahrir. 2007. Mengenal Hizbut Tahrir dan Strategi Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir . Bogor: Thariqul Izzah, 2007 accessed in 9 Juni 2017 Muhadjir, Noeng (1996), Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif: Pendekatan positivistic, rasional, phenomenology, dan realisme, methaphisik telaah studi teks dan penelitian agama. Yogyakarta:Rake Sarasin Mas’oed, Mohtar (1990), Ilmu Hubungan Internasional: Disiplin dan Metodologi, Jakarta: LP3ES Rafiuddin , Mohamad. 2015. MENGENAL HIZBUT TAHRIR (Studi Analisis Ideologi Hizbut Tahrir vis a vis NU) Islamuna Volume 2, Nomor 1 Juni 2015 Shobron,Sudarno (2014), Model Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia. Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15 Nomor 1 Edisi Juni 2014: 44-62


Year 2017, Volume: 3 Issue: 8, 683 - 690, 31.08.2017



posisition and role of women in religion have still been debatetable. In
Indonesia, Some people judge that there are many religious doctrines placing
female as a lower creature than man. The Muslimah of Hizbut tahrir Indonesia,
women organization of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, undertake an awarness dedication
of the position and role of women in Islam and invites Muslims to be regualted
by Syariah Islam. In other words, religion fundamentalism is an intens booster
of their movement.
The Islamic political movement with international
leadership outside Indonesia is unprecedented in Indonesia political life
. The ideas
adopted by its movement seems like anti-capitalism, liberalism and secularism.
So the movement of this organization is claimed as a radical movement. In fact, the MHTI is an anti-violence organization and braves in conveying aspirations as well as can break arguments
adressed to them. According to MHTI, all of accusations adreessed to them is
the source of misery of Muslims. MHTI always performs rally, dialogue such as
seminar and cinference as means of awakening women to the Islamic law.
The recent agenda of the MHTI was the International Women’s Conference,
which was attended by 1,750 influential women, from Turkey to the United
By applying historical approach and verstehen's analyzes
aimed at revealing the motives behind MHTI's actions in all its activities, It
was found that the MHTI movement gave the role of progressively influencing the
women's perspective on social life, politics to the level of government policy
and other aspects of life with Islamic point of view. Islamic political
awareness activities as well as criticism of government policies that are
contrary to Islamic sharia that began in 1983 in Indonesia, created the awakening
of Indonesian Muslim women's thinking as well as being a source of criticism of
the Indonesian government's status quo. So that
it causes many hostilities from the mainstream of security of Indonesia’s
political authority


  • Alfian, Teuku Ibrahim (, Metode dan Metodologi Sejarah, Makalah al-Wahwah, Ismail, 2017.Dunia Membutuhkan Khilafah, dalam Buletin al-Wa'ie, VII, edisi 1-31 September 2007 An-nabhani, Taqiyuddin . 2014. Peraturan Hidup Dalam Islam, terj. Jakarta Selatan: HTI Press. ____ , 2001, Al-Takattul al-Hizb, Beirut:Dar al-Ummah Bodgan, Roberth dan Steven J. Taylor,1993, Kualitatif Dasar-Dasar Penelitian, Surabaya: Usaha Nasional Endang Turmudzi dan Riza Sihabudin (ed.), 2006. Islam dan Radikalisme di Indonesia, Jakarta: LIPI Press Erdiayanto, Kristian. 2017. Pembubaran HTI dan Jalan Panjang Menuju Perppu. July 12. Retrivied August 25,2017( Fahmi,Yusron. 2017. Tanggapan Yusril soal Pembubaran Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia. May 8. Retrivied August 25, 2017.(( Hizbut Tahrir. 2000.Titik Tolak Perjalanan Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir. terj. Muhammad Maghfur, Bogor: Pustaka Thariqul Izzah Hizbut Tahrir. 2007. Mengenal Hizbut Tahrir dan Strategi Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir . Bogor: Thariqul Izzah, 2007 accessed in 9 Juni 2017 Muhadjir, Noeng (1996), Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif: Pendekatan positivistic, rasional, phenomenology, dan realisme, methaphisik telaah studi teks dan penelitian agama. Yogyakarta:Rake Sarasin Mas’oed, Mohtar (1990), Ilmu Hubungan Internasional: Disiplin dan Metodologi, Jakarta: LP3ES Rafiuddin , Mohamad. 2015. MENGENAL HIZBUT TAHRIR (Studi Analisis Ideologi Hizbut Tahrir vis a vis NU) Islamuna Volume 2, Nomor 1 Juni 2015 Shobron,Sudarno (2014), Model Dakwah Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia. Jurnal Studi Islam Vol. 15 Nomor 1 Edisi Juni 2014: 44-62
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Syamsam -

Publication Date August 31, 2017
Submission Date September 8, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017Volume: 3 Issue: 8


EndNote - S (August 1, 2017) “MHTI” IN INDONESIA: THE ROLE OF POLITICAL AWARENESS FOR INDONESIAN MUSLIM WOMEN. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 3 8 683–690.



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