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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 258 - 268, 22.04.2016


Being a citizen or resident of a particular city or urban center does not only refer to a person's participation in the city but also encompasses their sense of belonging to and being a part of the city. In the perspective of urban space, the sense of urban belonging is an indicator of how people feel about themselves as part of the city, their feelings of urban consciousness, and their sense of responsibility toward the city and urbanized areas around it. Cities that have a recognized urban identity increase people's sense of belonging to them. As it happens, when citizens feel that they are a part of the city, they react to it with greater sensitivity. Therefore, creating cities where perception and identity are high affects urban life and contentment levels of its residents. Cities are living beings that evolve from the time of their first settlers and continue to develop and change as long as the city exists. Traces of the past can be found today in many cities as well as signs of the future they are seeking. Although all cities are made up of the same basic physical elements, their semantic structure, organizational principles, and relationships differ to give them their unique character. In other studies on cities, the perception of the city and its permanence are significantly affected by the visual characteristics of the city’s skyline. Urban skylines have great importance for a city's esthetic texture and its evaluation. Maintaining a high quality in the texture of a city is important. Texture refers to the general way it looks, like the skyline, but also factors such as what materials it is built of, whether everything is close together or far apart, or whether the buildings are only a few stories tall or they are skyscrapers. Thus, how people perceive a city’s identity can be profoundly affected not only by its urban skyline but also by other characteristics of its texture. This study examines citizens’ perspective of the city skyline of Istanbul and measures their levels of contentedness given the rapidly changing skyline. To achieve this, surveys have been conducted with two groups of subjects. The first group included professionals in architectural disciplines such as architects, urban planners, interior designers, and landscape architects. The other group included members of other professions. The results revealed that none of the respondents are contented with the changing skyline of the city. They expressed discomfort and irritation about irregular settlements, the lack of green spaces, a lack of a common language of architecture, and the lack of a uniform scale for structures that are visible components of the city skyline. These issues prompt the respondents to not feel like they are a part of the city. Therefore, it would be advantageous for the city leaders to seek more balance and cohesion in the development of the skyline in order to have a more meaningful, sensible, and livable city.

Keywords: urban skyline, city image, urban perception, urban identity.


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  • Önem, A. B., Kılınçarslan, İ. (2005). Haliç Bölgesinde Çevre Algılama ve Kentsel Kimlik. İtü Dergisi/a Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım, 4 (1), 115-125.
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  • Topçu, K. D. (2011). Kent Kimliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Konya Örneği. Internetional Journal of Human Sciences, 8(2), 1048-1072.
  • Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (Members of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) number of members, 2015, Tmmob Üye Sayısı 467 Bini Aştı. (12.12.2015).
Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 258 - 268, 22.04.2016



  • Aksoy, F., (2009). Kent Siluetinin Değerlendirilmesi: 'Boğaziçi Yerleşkesi Örneğinde İncelenmesi'. MSc. Thesis, Yıldız Techinical University, Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul.
  • Barbaros Avenue in 1957, Photos of Old Istanbul, (01.01.2016)
  • Barbaros Avenue in 2004, Wow Turkey, One Million Photos of Turkey, İstanbul Barbaros Bulvarı (Yıldız Yokuşu) (04.02.2016)
  • Bayramoğlu, N. (2010). Kullanıcı Algısı Bağlamında Kentsel Kimlik: Barbaros Bulvarı-Büyükdere Kentsel Aksı. . MSc. Thesis, ITU, Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul.
  • Bilgin, İ. (2014). Zorlu Vakası,, (30.04.2014)
  • Bosphorus Law (1983). The Official Gazette of Rebuplic of Turkey, 18229, 22.11.1983. (10.12.2015)
  • Bostancı, S. H. (2008). Kentsel Siluetinin Entropi Yaklaşımı ile Değerlendirilmesi. Phd. Thesis, ITU, Faculty of Architecture, İstanbul.
  • Burdett, R., ed. (2009) İstanbul: Kesişimler Şehri. Urban Age, İstanbul.
  • Cansever, T. (2015). İstanbul'u Anlamak (4th Ediition). İstanbul: Timaş Yayınları.
  • Construction Law (1983). The Official Gazette of Rebuplic of Turkey, 18749, 09.05.1985. (10.12.2015).
  • Erdönmez, M. E., Akı, A. (2005). Açık Kamusal Kent Mekanlarının Toplum İlişkilerindeki Etkileri. Megaron YTU Architecture Faculty e-Journal 1 (1) 67-87. (10.12.2015).
  • Hasol, D. (2008). Ansiklopedik Mimarlık Sözlüğü (10th Edition). İstanbul: Yem Yayın, 422.
  • Lynch, K. (1960). The Image of City, The MIT Press, Cambridge, 70-86.
  • Management Plan of Historic Peninsula of İstanbul (2011). İstanbul Alanları Alan Yönetim Başkanlığı, (08.12.2015).
  • Mega İstanbul, Project List, The Istanbul Association of Architects in Private Practice, (09.12.2014).
  • Ocakçı, M. (1994). Kimlik Elemanlarının Şehirsel Tasarıma Yönlendirici Etkisi. Kentsel Tasarım ve Uygulamalar Sempozyumu, Kentsel Tasarıma Ekolojik Yaklaşım, 239-245, İstanbul.
  • Ocakçı, M. (1995). Şehir Kimliği ve Çevre İlişkileri, Kent ve Çevre Planlamaya Ekolojik Yaklaşım. 17. Dünya Şehircilik Günü Kolokyumu, 163-170, İstanbul.
  • Önem, A. B., Kılınçarslan, İ. (2005). Haliç Bölgesinde Çevre Algılama ve Kentsel Kimlik. İtü Dergisi/a Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım, 4 (1), 115-125.
  • Oral, M. (2013). Mimarlık & Estetik, Mimarlık Estetik İlişkisi. Kastel, 1 (1), 17-19.
  • Özdeş, G. (1985). Şehircilik, Şehir - Şehirlerin Fonksiyon Bölgeleri, İTÜ Matbaası, 15-40.
  • Rapaport, A. (1977). Human Aspects of Urban Form:Towards a Man-Environment Approach to Urban Form an Design Pergamon Press, Newyork, 20-35.
  • Şentürer, A. (2004). Mimarlıkta, Estetikte, Tasarımda, Eğitimde Eleştirel Yaklaşım, Yapı Yayın, İstanbul.
  • Topçu, K. D. (2011). Kent Kimliği Üzerine Bir Araştırma: Konya Örneği. Internetional Journal of Human Sciences, 8(2), 1048-1072.
  • Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (Members of Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects) number of members, 2015, Tmmob Üye Sayısı 467 Bini Aştı. (12.12.2015).
There are 24 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Zeynep Büşra Altuntaş

Deniz Erinsel Önder

Publication Date April 22, 2016
Submission Date April 21, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 2 Issue: 4


EndNote Altuntaş ZB, Önder DE (April 1, 2016) CHANGES IN URBAN SKYLINES AND PERCEPTION OF THE CITIZENS: A STUDY OF ISTANBUL. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 2 4 258–268.



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