Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1231 - 1237, 14.01.2020



  • Georgiev, Marin. (2017). The Role of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool of strategic man-agement and control. // Journal of innovations and sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 3, 2017, N 2, pp. 31-63, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Petkova, St., (2008). Balanced scorecard as instrument of strategic controlling, Forum Gesundheit und Soziales, Beitrage aus Lehre, Forschung und Praxis der Studiengange der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Berlin, Heft 6, p.60-68, Berlin, 2008, ISSN 1863-1851. Petkova, St. (2009). Tendentsii za upravlyavane na strategicheskiya risk s pomoshtta na balansirani sistemi ot pokazateli, Godishnik na MGU „Sveti Ivan Rilski”, tom 52, str.87-91, ISSN 1312-1820, Sofiya, 2009 (Петкова, Ст., Тенденции за управляване на стратегическия риск с помощта на балансирани системи от показатели, Годишник на МГУ „Свети Иван Рилски”, том 52, стр.87-91, ISSN 1312-1820, София, 2009). Petkova - Georgieva, St., Yanakieva, A. (2012). Balansiranata sistema ot pokazateli kato savremenen metod na upravlenie v turisticheskoto predpriyatie, akademichno spisanie “Upravlenie i obrazovanie”, tom VIII, kn. 1, str.140-144, ISSN 13126121, Burgas, 2012. (Петкова - Георгиева, Ст., А., Янакиева, Балансираната система от показатели като съвременен метод на управление в туристическото предприятие, академично списание “Управление и образование”, том VIII, кн. 1, стр.140-144, ISSN 13126121, Бургас, 2012). Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017a). The Balanced Scorecard Model as a tool for improvement of the national defense system management. // International Journal of Sci-entific papers. Institute of Knowledge Management, Skopje, 17, 2017, N 1, pp. 511-525, ISSN 1857-923X (for e- version), ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017b). The Balanced Scorecard Model as a tool for effective management. // Scientific journal «Economics and finance». Editorial Arane, S.A. de C.V. Research: tendencies and prospects, Collection of scientific articles, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017, pp. 239-243, ISBN 978-0-9942661-5-6. Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017c). The Balanced Scorecard Model as a tool for improvement of the national defense system management. // Scientific journal „Econom-ics and finance“. Editorial Arane, S.A. de C.V. Research: tendencies and prospects, Collection of scientific articles, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017, pp. 7-12, ISBN 978-0-9942661-5-6. Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017d). Prerequisites for the development of the balanced scorecard model. // Scientific journal „Economics and finance“. Topical issues of contemporary science: Collection of scientific articles, C.E.I.M., Valencia, Venezuela, 2017, pp. 55-61, ISBN 978-0-9942661-1-8. Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017e). Prerequisites for the implementation of the balanced scorecard model. // Scientific journal „Economics and finance“. Topical issues of contemporary science: Collection of scientific articles, C.E.I.M., Valencia, Venezuela, 2017, pp. 61-68, ISBN 978-0-9942661-1-8. Terziev, V., Georgiev, M. (2017f). Highlights of the evolution of the 'Balanced Scorecard' idea as a model for managing strategy development and control. // SOCIOINT 2017- 4th In-ternational Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 10-12 July 2017- Du-bai, UAE, OCERINT- International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2017, pp. 607-610, ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6. Terziev, V., Banabakova, V., Latyshev, O., Georgiev, M. (2017g). Opportunities of appli-cation of the balanced scorecard in management and control. // 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences. International Organization Center of Aca-demic Research,, 2017, pp. 773-791, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9. Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017h). A general principle of the development process of balanced scorecards as an instrument of control. // Proceedings of ADVED 2017- 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey. International Organization Center of Academic Re-search,, 2017, pp. 690-694, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9.


Year 2019, , 1231 - 1237, 14.01.2020


The aim of this study is
to gather sufficient evidence and arguments in order to prove to society that
during the process of change in thinking and especially of effective practical
implementation of management models such as the balanced scorecard model, high
levels of efficiency can be achieved on all hierarchical levels in systems key
for the society and the state. The author
s opportunities for the effective
implementation of the model and trialling it in different systems and levels of


  • Georgiev, Marin. (2017). The Role of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool of strategic man-agement and control. // Journal of innovations and sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 3, 2017, N 2, pp. 31-63, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Petkova, St., (2008). Balanced scorecard as instrument of strategic controlling, Forum Gesundheit und Soziales, Beitrage aus Lehre, Forschung und Praxis der Studiengange der Evangelischen Fachhochschule Berlin, Heft 6, p.60-68, Berlin, 2008, ISSN 1863-1851. Petkova, St. (2009). Tendentsii za upravlyavane na strategicheskiya risk s pomoshtta na balansirani sistemi ot pokazateli, Godishnik na MGU „Sveti Ivan Rilski”, tom 52, str.87-91, ISSN 1312-1820, Sofiya, 2009 (Петкова, Ст., Тенденции за управляване на стратегическия риск с помощта на балансирани системи от показатели, Годишник на МГУ „Свети Иван Рилски”, том 52, стр.87-91, ISSN 1312-1820, София, 2009). Petkova - Georgieva, St., Yanakieva, A. (2012). Balansiranata sistema ot pokazateli kato savremenen metod na upravlenie v turisticheskoto predpriyatie, akademichno spisanie “Upravlenie i obrazovanie”, tom VIII, kn. 1, str.140-144, ISSN 13126121, Burgas, 2012. (Петкова - Георгиева, Ст., А., Янакиева, Балансираната система от показатели като съвременен метод на управление в туристическото предприятие, академично списание “Управление и образование”, том VIII, кн. 1, стр.140-144, ISSN 13126121, Бургас, 2012). Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017a). The Balanced Scorecard Model as a tool for improvement of the national defense system management. // International Journal of Sci-entific papers. Institute of Knowledge Management, Skopje, 17, 2017, N 1, pp. 511-525, ISSN 1857-923X (for e- version), ISSN 2545-4439 (for printed version). Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017b). The Balanced Scorecard Model as a tool for effective management. // Scientific journal «Economics and finance». Editorial Arane, S.A. de C.V. Research: tendencies and prospects, Collection of scientific articles, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017, pp. 239-243, ISBN 978-0-9942661-5-6. Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017c). The Balanced Scorecard Model as a tool for improvement of the national defense system management. // Scientific journal „Econom-ics and finance“. Editorial Arane, S.A. de C.V. Research: tendencies and prospects, Collection of scientific articles, Mexico City, Mexico, 2017, pp. 7-12, ISBN 978-0-9942661-5-6. Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017d). Prerequisites for the development of the balanced scorecard model. // Scientific journal „Economics and finance“. Topical issues of contemporary science: Collection of scientific articles, C.E.I.M., Valencia, Venezuela, 2017, pp. 55-61, ISBN 978-0-9942661-1-8. Terziev, V., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017e). Prerequisites for the implementation of the balanced scorecard model. // Scientific journal „Economics and finance“. Topical issues of contemporary science: Collection of scientific articles, C.E.I.M., Valencia, Venezuela, 2017, pp. 61-68, ISBN 978-0-9942661-1-8. Terziev, V., Georgiev, M. (2017f). Highlights of the evolution of the 'Balanced Scorecard' idea as a model for managing strategy development and control. // SOCIOINT 2017- 4th In-ternational Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 10-12 July 2017- Du-bai, UAE, OCERINT- International Organization Center of Academic Research, 2017, pp. 607-610, ISBN: 978-605-82433-1-6. Terziev, V., Banabakova, V., Latyshev, O., Georgiev, M. (2017g). Opportunities of appli-cation of the balanced scorecard in management and control. // 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences. International Organization Center of Aca-demic Research,, 2017, pp. 773-791, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9. Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017h). A general principle of the development process of balanced scorecards as an instrument of control. // Proceedings of ADVED 2017- 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey. International Organization Center of Academic Re-search,, 2017, pp. 690-694, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Venelin Terziev

Margarita Bogdanova

Dimitar Kanev

мarin Georgiev

Publication Date January 14, 2020
Submission Date October 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


EndNote Terziev V, Bogdanova M, Kanev D, Georgiev м (January 1, 2020) USES OF THE STRATEGIC CARD IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA’S LAND FORCES. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 15 1231–1237.



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