Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1219 - 1230, 14.01.2020



  • Antonov S.I, Hristozov I.S (2018). Information systems for armament and equipment exploitation control, Sbornik dokladi ot Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya na Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski” – „105 godini znanie v interes na sigurnostta i otbranata“ 6 – 7 april 2017 g., Sofiya, 2018, str. 268–374, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6 (Antonov S.I, Hristozov I.S, Information systems for armament and equipment exploitation control, Сборник доклади от Международна научна конференция на Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски” – „105 години знание в интерес на сигурността и отбраната“ 6 – 7 април 2017 г., София, 2018, стр. 268–374, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6). Antonov S.I. (2017). Comparative analysis of the armament and equipment support modules in the field of command and control information systems of NATO armies, International Scientific Journal "SECURITY & FUTURE", Year I, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 163-167, WEB ISSN 2535-082X; PRINT ISSN 2535-0668. Antonov S.I, Hristozov I.S. (2017а). Otsenka na vazmozhnostite na polevite sistemi za komandvane i upravlenie za poddarzhane na eksploatatsiyata na vaorazhenieto i tehnikata, Sbornik dokladi ot godishnata nauchna konferentsiya na fakultet „Natsionalna sigurnost i otbrana“ – “Savremenni predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta i otbranata”, 18 – 19 may 2017 g., Parva chast, Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski“, Sofiya, 2017, str. 99–104, ISBN 978-954-9348-92-7 (Антонов С.И, Христозов И.С, Оценка на възможностите на полевите системи за командване и управление за поддържане на експлоатациятa на въоръжението и техниката, Сборник доклади от годишната научна конференция на факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“ – “Съвременни предизвикателства пред сигурността и отбраната”, 18 – 19 май 2017 г., Първа част, Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“, София, 2017, стр. 99–104, ISBN 978-954-9348-92-7). Angelov, Ivaylo. (2015). Aviatsionnoto obrazovanie v usloviyata na globalizatsiya. // Sbornik dokladi ot Godishnata universitetska nauchna konferentsiya na NVU „Vasil Levski” 2015, tom 10, s. 99-108, Izdatelski kompleks na NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, 2015, ISSN 1314-1937 (Ангелов, Ивайло. Aвиационното образование в условията на глобализация. // Сборник доклади от Годишната университетска научна конференция на НВУ „Васил Левски” 2015, том 10, с. 99-108, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, 2015, ISSN 1314-1937). Angelov, Ivaylo. (2016). Politika na evropeyskiya sayuz za razvitieto na aviatsiyata i aviatsionnoto obrazovanie. // Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya 14 - 15 april 2016 g., Fakultet “Aviatsionen” NVU „V. Levski”- Dolna Mitropoliya, s.301-311, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5 (Ангелов, Ивайло. Политика на европейския съюз за развитието на авиацията и авиационното образование. // Юбилейна научна конференция 14 - 15 април 2016 г., Факултет “Авиационен” НВУ „В. Левски”- Долна Митрополия, с.301-311, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5). Angelov, Ivaylo. (2016а). Vissheto aviatsionno obrazovanie v drugi evropeyski darzhavi. // Sbornik ot dokladi na Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya 14 - 15 april 2016 g., Fakultet” Aviatsionen” NVU „V. Levski”- Dolna Mitropoliya, s.292-300, Elektronno izdanie, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5 (Ангелов, Ивайло. Висшето авиационно образование в други европейски държави. // Сборник от доклади на Юбилейна научна конференция 14 - 15 април 2016 г., Факултет” Авиационен” НВУ „В. Левски”- Долна Митрополия, с.292-300, Електронно издание, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5). Tsanov, Emil. (2002), Sovremennaye podhoday upravleniya korporativnoy informatsiey (savremenni podhodi za upravlenie na korporativnata informatsiya), Visnik donetsykogo universitetu, 5, br. 1, s. 139-145, 2002, ISSN 1817-2261 (Цанов, Емил. Современные подходы управления корпоративной информацией (съвременни подходи за управление на корпоративната информация), Вiсник донецького унiверситету, 5, бр. 1, с. 139-145, 2002, ISSN 1817-2261). Tsanov, Emil. (2015). Kontseptsiya za sotsialno-orientirano upravlenie na biznes informatsiyata, Evropeyski praktiki i natsionalni refleksii v planiraneto, Mezhdunarodna yubileyna nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiya: sbornik dokladi - Svishtov, 24-25 april 2015 g., s. 369-375, 2015, ISBN 978-954-23-1075-4 (Цанов, Емил, Концепция за социално-ориентирано управление на бизнес информацията, Европейски практики и национални рефлексии в планирането, Международна юбилейна научно-практическа конференция: сборник доклади - Свищов, 24-25 април 2015 г., с. 369-375, 2015, ISBN 978-954-23-1075-4). Tsanov, Emil (2010). Biznes inteligentnite tehnologii - kritichno vazhni za napredaka na sredniya biznes v Balgariya, Sistemi za upravlenie na biznesa v malki i sredni predpriyatiya: mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya - Svishtov, 23-24 april 2010 g., s. 223-229, 2010, ISBN 978-954-23-0455-5 (Цанов, Емил, Бизнес интелигентните технологии - критично важни за напредъка на средния бизнес в България, Системи за управление на бизнеса в малки и средни предприятия: международна научна конференция - Свищов, 23-24 април 2010 г., с. 223-229, 2010, ISBN 978-954-23-0455-5). Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018b). The Change in the approach of the court of justice of the European Union in the context of market freedoms and internal situations. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 85-112, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018c). The Stability and growth pact: pursuing sound public finances and coordinating fiscal policies in the EU member states. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 53-68, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018d). Operative mode for police cooperation between the member states of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.473-476, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018e). European arrest warrant: appearance and preferences for fulfillment. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp. 477-481, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018f). Eurojust casework on mafia-type criminal organisations. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.487-491, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018g). Concept of joint investigation teams. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.492-496, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018h). European arrest warrant and human rights of the accused. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018. pp.501-504, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018i). Pumps for the action on the European Union in the scope of the European agenda on security. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.497- 500, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018j). The process of forming a criminal policy of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.505-510, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018k). Organization on the European Union in the sphere of penal preparation. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.482-486, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018l) Sources of European Union law. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.511-516, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018m). The „Source of law“ category. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.517-521, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, Venelin. (2019). Retraining of the discharged and the ones leaving active military service as a tool for their social and professional mobility. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 452-461, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1. Terziev, Venelin. (2019а). The dependence social adaptation- socialization. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 478-485, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019b). Social adaptation of military servicemen, discharged from military service, in dynamic social environment. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 486-493, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019c). Conceptual framework of social adaptation. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 494-503, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019d). Model for social-psychological assistance for servicemen, discharged from military service. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 504-513, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019e). Social adaptation as an element of social policy. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 514-521, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019f). Analysis of the Bulgarian experience in the development of the social adaptation of servicemen, discharged from military service. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 522-534, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019g). Complex model of social adaptation of servicemen, discharged from military service. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 535-545, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019h). Social activity and human resources as social development factors. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 546-553, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2018n). Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 213-227, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Terziev, Venelin. (2018o). Opportunities of aplication of a competence-based approach in social adaptation of militaries discharged of service. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 237-247, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Terziev, Venelin. (2018p). Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 256-265, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Terziev, Venelin. (2018q). Realities of implementing the social adaptation process of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 266-276, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7.


Year 2019, , 1219 - 1230, 14.01.2020


The main task of providing military and economic
protection is the creation of conditions for sustainable development while also
maintaining the capabilities of the state’s military-economic and
military-technical potential. Maintaining these capabilities at a level
necessary for the implementation of the defense policy and ensuring the
reliable fulfillment of military needs during peacetime, in the immediate
threat of aggression or in case of armed hostilities


  • Antonov S.I, Hristozov I.S (2018). Information systems for armament and equipment exploitation control, Sbornik dokladi ot Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya na Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski” – „105 godini znanie v interes na sigurnostta i otbranata“ 6 – 7 april 2017 g., Sofiya, 2018, str. 268–374, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6 (Antonov S.I, Hristozov I.S, Information systems for armament and equipment exploitation control, Сборник доклади от Международна научна конференция на Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски” – „105 години знание в интерес на сигурността и отбраната“ 6 – 7 април 2017 г., София, 2018, стр. 268–374, ISBN 978-619-7478-00-6). Antonov S.I. (2017). Comparative analysis of the armament and equipment support modules in the field of command and control information systems of NATO armies, International Scientific Journal "SECURITY & FUTURE", Year I, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 163-167, WEB ISSN 2535-082X; PRINT ISSN 2535-0668. Antonov S.I, Hristozov I.S. (2017а). Otsenka na vazmozhnostite na polevite sistemi za komandvane i upravlenie za poddarzhane na eksploatatsiyata na vaorazhenieto i tehnikata, Sbornik dokladi ot godishnata nauchna konferentsiya na fakultet „Natsionalna sigurnost i otbrana“ – “Savremenni predizvikatelstva pred sigurnostta i otbranata”, 18 – 19 may 2017 g., Parva chast, Voenna akademiya „Georgi Stoykov Rakovski“, Sofiya, 2017, str. 99–104, ISBN 978-954-9348-92-7 (Антонов С.И, Христозов И.С, Оценка на възможностите на полевите системи за командване и управление за поддържане на експлоатациятa на въоръжението и техниката, Сборник доклади от годишната научна конференция на факултет „Национална сигурност и отбрана“ – “Съвременни предизвикателства пред сигурността и отбраната”, 18 – 19 май 2017 г., Първа част, Военна академия „Георги Стойков Раковски“, София, 2017, стр. 99–104, ISBN 978-954-9348-92-7). Angelov, Ivaylo. (2015). Aviatsionnoto obrazovanie v usloviyata na globalizatsiya. // Sbornik dokladi ot Godishnata universitetska nauchna konferentsiya na NVU „Vasil Levski” 2015, tom 10, s. 99-108, Izdatelski kompleks na NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, 2015, ISSN 1314-1937 (Ангелов, Ивайло. Aвиационното образование в условията на глобализация. // Сборник доклади от Годишната университетска научна конференция на НВУ „Васил Левски” 2015, том 10, с. 99-108, Издателски комплекс на НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, 2015, ISSN 1314-1937). Angelov, Ivaylo. (2016). Politika na evropeyskiya sayuz za razvitieto na aviatsiyata i aviatsionnoto obrazovanie. // Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya 14 - 15 april 2016 g., Fakultet “Aviatsionen” NVU „V. Levski”- Dolna Mitropoliya, s.301-311, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5 (Ангелов, Ивайло. Политика на европейския съюз за развитието на авиацията и авиационното образование. // Юбилейна научна конференция 14 - 15 април 2016 г., Факултет “Авиационен” НВУ „В. Левски”- Долна Митрополия, с.301-311, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5). Angelov, Ivaylo. (2016а). Vissheto aviatsionno obrazovanie v drugi evropeyski darzhavi. // Sbornik ot dokladi na Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya 14 - 15 april 2016 g., Fakultet” Aviatsionen” NVU „V. Levski”- Dolna Mitropoliya, s.292-300, Elektronno izdanie, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5 (Ангелов, Ивайло. Висшето авиационно образование в други европейски държави. // Сборник от доклади на Юбилейна научна конференция 14 - 15 април 2016 г., Факултет” Авиационен” НВУ „В. Левски”- Долна Митрополия, с.292-300, Електронно издание, 2016, ISBN 978-954-713-109-5). Tsanov, Emil. (2002), Sovremennaye podhoday upravleniya korporativnoy informatsiey (savremenni podhodi za upravlenie na korporativnata informatsiya), Visnik donetsykogo universitetu, 5, br. 1, s. 139-145, 2002, ISSN 1817-2261 (Цанов, Емил. Современные подходы управления корпоративной информацией (съвременни подходи за управление на корпоративната информация), Вiсник донецького унiверситету, 5, бр. 1, с. 139-145, 2002, ISSN 1817-2261). Tsanov, Emil. (2015). Kontseptsiya za sotsialno-orientirano upravlenie na biznes informatsiyata, Evropeyski praktiki i natsionalni refleksii v planiraneto, Mezhdunarodna yubileyna nauchno-prakticheska konferentsiya: sbornik dokladi - Svishtov, 24-25 april 2015 g., s. 369-375, 2015, ISBN 978-954-23-1075-4 (Цанов, Емил, Концепция за социално-ориентирано управление на бизнес информацията, Европейски практики и национални рефлексии в планирането, Международна юбилейна научно-практическа конференция: сборник доклади - Свищов, 24-25 април 2015 г., с. 369-375, 2015, ISBN 978-954-23-1075-4). Tsanov, Emil (2010). Biznes inteligentnite tehnologii - kritichno vazhni za napredaka na sredniya biznes v Balgariya, Sistemi za upravlenie na biznesa v malki i sredni predpriyatiya: mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya - Svishtov, 23-24 april 2010 g., s. 223-229, 2010, ISBN 978-954-23-0455-5 (Цанов, Емил, Бизнес интелигентните технологии - критично важни за напредъка на средния бизнес в България, Системи за управление на бизнеса в малки и средни предприятия: международна научна конференция - Свищов, 23-24 април 2010 г., с. 223-229, 2010, ISBN 978-954-23-0455-5). Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018b). The Change in the approach of the court of justice of the European Union in the context of market freedoms and internal situations. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 85-112, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Bankov, S., Georgiev, M. (2018c). The Stability and growth pact: pursuing sound public finances and coordinating fiscal policies in the EU member states. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4, 2018, 3, pp. 53-68, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018d). Operative mode for police cooperation between the member states of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.473-476, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018e). European arrest warrant: appearance and preferences for fulfillment. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp. 477-481, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018f). Eurojust casework on mafia-type criminal organisations. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.487-491, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018g). Concept of joint investigation teams. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.492-496, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018h). European arrest warrant and human rights of the accused. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018. pp.501-504, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018i). Pumps for the action on the European Union in the scope of the European agenda on security. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.497- 500, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018j). The process of forming a criminal policy of the European Union. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.505-510, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018k). Organization on the European Union in the sphere of penal preparation. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.482-486, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018l) Sources of European Union law. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.511-516, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, V., Petkov, M., Krastev, D. (2018m). The „Source of law“ category. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2018- 5th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities, 2-4 July 2018- Dubai, U.A.E, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2018, pp.517-521, ISBN: 978-605-82433-3-0. Terziev, Venelin. (2019). Retraining of the discharged and the ones leaving active military service as a tool for their social and professional mobility. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 452-461, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1. Terziev, Venelin. (2019а). The dependence social adaptation- socialization. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 478-485, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019b). Social adaptation of military servicemen, discharged from military service, in dynamic social environment. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 486-493, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019c). Conceptual framework of social adaptation. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 494-503, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019d). Model for social-psychological assistance for servicemen, discharged from military service. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 504-513, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019e). Social adaptation as an element of social policy. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 514-521, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019f). Analysis of the Bulgarian experience in the development of the social adaptation of servicemen, discharged from military service. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 522-534, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019g). Complex model of social adaptation of servicemen, discharged from military service. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 535-545, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2019h). Social activity and human resources as social development factors. // INTCESS 2019- 6th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences, 4-6 February, 2019, Dubai, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 546-553, ISBN: 978-605-82433-5-4. Terziev, Venelin. (2018n). Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 213-227, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Terziev, Venelin. (2018o). Opportunities of aplication of a competence-based approach in social adaptation of militaries discharged of service. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 237-247, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Terziev, Venelin. (2018p). Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 256-265, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7. Terziev, Venelin. (2018q). Realities of implementing the social adaptation process of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. // ADVED 2018- 4th International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences Abstracts & Proceedings, 15-17 October 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 266-276, ISBN: 978-605-82433-4-7.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Zhivo Petrov

Publication Date January 14, 2020
Submission Date October 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


EndNote Petrov Z (January 1, 2020) CONTEMPORARY TENDENCIES IN THE ORGANIZATION OF ALL-EUROPEAN DEFENSE RESEARCH. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 15 1219–1230.



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