Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1259 - 1265, 14.01.2020


Social policy as a set of principles, legal norms,
activities and institutions, aimed at creating conditions that ensure the
quality of life of the citizens of a country, is an expression of the social
relations between the state and its citizens. Social policy determines safety
(social, health, economic) and security of the individuals in society


  •, (2019)., (2019а). Bozhilova, B. (2006). Byuletin №3, yuni 2006 g., MTSP (Б. Божилова, (Бюлетин №3, юни 2006 г., МТСП). Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Simeonov, S. (2018). Teoretichni osnovi i modeli na osiguritelnite sistemi. // Sbornik dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya „Aktualni problemi na sigurnostta” 25-26 oktomvri 2018 g., Nauchno napravlenie „Sotsialni i pravni aspekti na sigurnostta i otbranata”, NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, Balgariya, 4, 2018, str. 138-145, ISSN 2367-7465 (Терзиев, В., Ничев, Н., Симеонов, С. Теоретични основи и модели на осигурителните системи. // Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Актуални проблеми на сигурността” 25-26 октомври 2018 г., Научно направление „Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”, НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, България, 4, 2018, стр. 138-145, ISSN 2367-7465). Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Simeonov, S. (2018a). Zdraveopazvaneto kato chast ot sistemite za sotsialna zashtita – sravnitelen analiz na razvitieto v stranite ot Evropeyskiya sayuz. // Sbornik dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya „Aktualni problemi na sigurnostta” 25-26 oktomvri 2018 g., Nauchno napravlenie „Sotsialni i pravni aspekti na sigurnostta i otbranata”, NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, Balgariya, 4, 2018, str. 146-159, ISSN 2367-7465 (Терзиев, В., Ничев, Н., Симеонов, С. Здравеопазването като част от системите за социална защита – сравнителен анализ на развитието в страните от Eвропейския съюз. // Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Актуални проблеми на сигурността” 25-26 октомври 2018 г., Научно направление „Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”, НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, България, 4, 2018, стр. 146-159, ISSN 2367-7465). Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Simeonov, S. (2018b). Istorichesko razvitie na pensionnoto osiguryavane na voennosluzheshtite v Balgariya. // Sbornik dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya „Aktualni problemi na sigurnostta” 25-26 oktomvri 2018 g., Nauchno napravlenie „Sotsialni i pravni aspekti na sigurnostta i otbranata”, NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, Balgariya, 4, 2018, str. 160-172, ISSN 2367-7465 (Терзиев, В., Ничев, Н., Симеонов, С. Историческо развитие на пенсионното осигуряване на военнослужещите в България. // Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Актуални проблеми на сигурността” 25-26 октомври 2018 г., Научно направление „Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”, НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, България, 4, 2018, стр. 160-172, ISSN 2367-7465). Terziev, V., Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2018c). Modern dimensions of social policies. // International journal scientific papers Vol 23.4 Promoted in Budva, Montenegro 24-27.05.2018, IKM - Skopje, 23, 2018, N 4, pp. 935-944, ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version) ISSN 2545- 4439 (for printed version). Terziev, V., Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2018d). Social support as part of social policy. // International journal scientific papers Vol 23.4 Promoted in Budva, Montenegro 24-27.05.2018, IKM - Skopje, 23, 2018, N 4, pp. 973-980, ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version) ISSN 2545 - 4439 (for printed version). Petkova, S., (2019b). The Impact of Nanomaterials Usage on the Human Health and Nature Environment. // Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, b.2(20), 2019, pp. 345 - 353, ISSN 1311-5065. Petkova – Georgieva, S. (2018e). Contemporary Economic Analysis of The Bulgarian Health Care System – Human Resources, Facilities and Establishments. // Mezhdunarodnayy nauchnayy zhurnal “Nauchnaye gorizontay”, 12 (16), 2018, s. 93 – 99, ISSN 2587-618X (Petkova – Georgieva, S. Contemporary Economic Analysis of The Bulgarian Health Care System – Human Resources, Facilities and Establishments. // Международный научный журнал “Научные горизонты”, 12 (16), 2018, с. 93 – 99, ISSN 2587-618Х) . Petkova – Georgieva, S., Yanakieva, A. (2018f). The Psychological Pressure Factors as a Part of Medical Ergonomics. // International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice, Saratov: Saratov State University, V.5 (1), 2018, pp. 21-28, ISSN 2313-4097. Petkova – Georgieva, S. (2017). The Importance of the Conceptual Controlling Model in the Health and Care Management System Using as an Example the Management of a Hospital. // Annual of University “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria, V. XLVI (2), 2017, pp. 109 – 114, ISSN 2603-3976. Petkova - Georgieva, S. (2016). Nasoki za usavarshenstvane strukturiraneto na deynostite po zdraveopazvane. // International Scientific Conference “Management and Education”, 23-24. 06, 2016, Burgas, Bulgaria, Volume II, 2016, str. 122-128, ISSN 13126121 (Петкова - Георгиева, С. Насоки за усъвършенстване структурирането на дейностите по здравеопазване. // International Scientific Conference “Management and Education”, 23-24. 06, 2016, Burgas, Bulgaria, Volume II, 2016, стр. 122-128, ISSN 13126121). Karadzhova, Z., Petkova – Georgieva, S. (2016a). Zdravniyat turizam v konteksta na natsionalnoto potreblenie. // Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya na tema: chlenstvoto na Balgariya v Evropeyskiya sayuz: devet godini po-kasno, 7 oktomvri 2016, UNSS, Fakultet “Mezhdunarodna ikonomika i politika”, Katedra “Mezhdunarodni ikonomicheski otnosheniya i biznes”, Sofiya, str. 397 - 405, ISBN 978-954-644-976-4 (Караджова, З., Петкова – Георгиева, С. Здравният туризъм в контекста на националното потребление. // Международна научна конференция на тема: членството на България в Европейския съюз: девет години по-късно, 7 октомври 2016, УНСС, Факултет “Международна икономика и политика”, Катедра “Международни икономически отношения и бизнес”, София, стр. 397 - 405, ISBN 978-954-644-976-4). Petkova - Georgieva, S, Tasheva, Y. (2018g). Analysis of condition and possibilities for improving of financial management of healthcare in Bulgaria. // International Journal “Knowledge in practice”, XIX-th International Scientific Conference, Vol. 28.1, Bansko, IKM – Skopje, 28, 2018, 1, pp. 309 - 314, ISSN 1857- 923X (for e-version), ISSN 2545 – 4439 (for printed version). Terziev, Venelin. (2019c). Social efficiency as a measure of social activities. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 363-373, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1. Terziev, V., Petkova- Georgieva, S. (2019d). The performance measurment system key indicators and the determinants impact on the level of decentralization using as an example a subdivisional unit from the Bulgarian social health and care experience. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 515-524, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1. Terziev, V., Petkova- Georgieva, S. (2019e). A research study of nonlinearity experiencing in the rate of current account deficit to the Bulgarian health and care national product. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 525-533, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1.
Year 2019, , 1259 - 1265, 14.01.2020



  •, (2019)., (2019а). Bozhilova, B. (2006). Byuletin №3, yuni 2006 g., MTSP (Б. Божилова, (Бюлетин №3, юни 2006 г., МТСП). Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Simeonov, S. (2018). Teoretichni osnovi i modeli na osiguritelnite sistemi. // Sbornik dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya „Aktualni problemi na sigurnostta” 25-26 oktomvri 2018 g., Nauchno napravlenie „Sotsialni i pravni aspekti na sigurnostta i otbranata”, NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, Balgariya, 4, 2018, str. 138-145, ISSN 2367-7465 (Терзиев, В., Ничев, Н., Симеонов, С. Теоретични основи и модели на осигурителните системи. // Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Актуални проблеми на сигурността” 25-26 октомври 2018 г., Научно направление „Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”, НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, България, 4, 2018, стр. 138-145, ISSN 2367-7465). Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Simeonov, S. (2018a). Zdraveopazvaneto kato chast ot sistemite za sotsialna zashtita – sravnitelen analiz na razvitieto v stranite ot Evropeyskiya sayuz. // Sbornik dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya „Aktualni problemi na sigurnostta” 25-26 oktomvri 2018 g., Nauchno napravlenie „Sotsialni i pravni aspekti na sigurnostta i otbranata”, NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, Balgariya, 4, 2018, str. 146-159, ISSN 2367-7465 (Терзиев, В., Ничев, Н., Симеонов, С. Здравеопазването като част от системите за социална защита – сравнителен анализ на развитието в страните от Eвропейския съюз. // Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Актуални проблеми на сигурността” 25-26 октомври 2018 г., Научно направление „Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”, НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, България, 4, 2018, стр. 146-159, ISSN 2367-7465). Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Simeonov, S. (2018b). Istorichesko razvitie na pensionnoto osiguryavane na voennosluzheshtite v Balgariya. // Sbornik dokladi ot nauchna konferentsiya „Aktualni problemi na sigurnostta” 25-26 oktomvri 2018 g., Nauchno napravlenie „Sotsialni i pravni aspekti na sigurnostta i otbranata”, NVU „Vasil Levski”, Veliko Tarnovo, Balgariya, 4, 2018, str. 160-172, ISSN 2367-7465 (Терзиев, В., Ничев, Н., Симеонов, С. Историческо развитие на пенсионното осигуряване на военнослужещите в България. // Сборник доклади от научна конференция „Актуални проблеми на сигурността” 25-26 октомври 2018 г., Научно направление „Социални и правни аспекти на сигурността и отбраната”, НВУ „Васил Левски”, Велико Търново, България, 4, 2018, стр. 160-172, ISSN 2367-7465). Terziev, V., Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2018c). Modern dimensions of social policies. // International journal scientific papers Vol 23.4 Promoted in Budva, Montenegro 24-27.05.2018, IKM - Skopje, 23, 2018, N 4, pp. 935-944, ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version) ISSN 2545- 4439 (for printed version). Terziev, V., Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2018d). Social support as part of social policy. // International journal scientific papers Vol 23.4 Promoted in Budva, Montenegro 24-27.05.2018, IKM - Skopje, 23, 2018, N 4, pp. 973-980, ISSN 1857-923X (for e-version) ISSN 2545 - 4439 (for printed version). Petkova, S., (2019b). The Impact of Nanomaterials Usage on the Human Health and Nature Environment. // Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, b.2(20), 2019, pp. 345 - 353, ISSN 1311-5065. Petkova – Georgieva, S. (2018e). Contemporary Economic Analysis of The Bulgarian Health Care System – Human Resources, Facilities and Establishments. // Mezhdunarodnayy nauchnayy zhurnal “Nauchnaye gorizontay”, 12 (16), 2018, s. 93 – 99, ISSN 2587-618X (Petkova – Georgieva, S. Contemporary Economic Analysis of The Bulgarian Health Care System – Human Resources, Facilities and Establishments. // Международный научный журнал “Научные горизонты”, 12 (16), 2018, с. 93 – 99, ISSN 2587-618Х) . Petkova – Georgieva, S., Yanakieva, A. (2018f). The Psychological Pressure Factors as a Part of Medical Ergonomics. // International Annual Edition of Applied Psychology: Theory, Research, and Practice, Saratov: Saratov State University, V.5 (1), 2018, pp. 21-28, ISSN 2313-4097. Petkova – Georgieva, S. (2017). The Importance of the Conceptual Controlling Model in the Health and Care Management System Using as an Example the Management of a Hospital. // Annual of University “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, Burgas, Bulgaria, V. XLVI (2), 2017, pp. 109 – 114, ISSN 2603-3976. Petkova - Georgieva, S. (2016). Nasoki za usavarshenstvane strukturiraneto na deynostite po zdraveopazvane. // International Scientific Conference “Management and Education”, 23-24. 06, 2016, Burgas, Bulgaria, Volume II, 2016, str. 122-128, ISSN 13126121 (Петкова - Георгиева, С. Насоки за усъвършенстване структурирането на дейностите по здравеопазване. // International Scientific Conference “Management and Education”, 23-24. 06, 2016, Burgas, Bulgaria, Volume II, 2016, стр. 122-128, ISSN 13126121). Karadzhova, Z., Petkova – Georgieva, S. (2016a). Zdravniyat turizam v konteksta na natsionalnoto potreblenie. // Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya na tema: chlenstvoto na Balgariya v Evropeyskiya sayuz: devet godini po-kasno, 7 oktomvri 2016, UNSS, Fakultet “Mezhdunarodna ikonomika i politika”, Katedra “Mezhdunarodni ikonomicheski otnosheniya i biznes”, Sofiya, str. 397 - 405, ISBN 978-954-644-976-4 (Караджова, З., Петкова – Георгиева, С. Здравният туризъм в контекста на националното потребление. // Международна научна конференция на тема: членството на България в Европейския съюз: девет години по-късно, 7 октомври 2016, УНСС, Факултет “Международна икономика и политика”, Катедра “Международни икономически отношения и бизнес”, София, стр. 397 - 405, ISBN 978-954-644-976-4). Petkova - Georgieva, S, Tasheva, Y. (2018g). Analysis of condition and possibilities for improving of financial management of healthcare in Bulgaria. // International Journal “Knowledge in practice”, XIX-th International Scientific Conference, Vol. 28.1, Bansko, IKM – Skopje, 28, 2018, 1, pp. 309 - 314, ISSN 1857- 923X (for e-version), ISSN 2545 – 4439 (for printed version). Terziev, Venelin. (2019c). Social efficiency as a measure of social activities. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 363-373, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1. Terziev, V., Petkova- Georgieva, S. (2019d). The performance measurment system key indicators and the determinants impact on the level of decentralization using as an example a subdivisional unit from the Bulgarian social health and care experience. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 515-524, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1. Terziev, V., Petkova- Georgieva, S. (2019e). A research study of nonlinearity experiencing in the rate of current account deficit to the Bulgarian health and care national product. // Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2019- 6th International Conference on Education, Social Sciences and Humanities 24-26 June 2019- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research, Istanbul, Turkey, 2019, pp. 525-533, ISBN: 978-605-82433-6-1.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Venelin Terziev

Margarita Bogdanova

Dimitar Kanev

мarin Georgiev

Simeon Simeonov

Publication Date January 14, 2020
Submission Date October 31, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


EndNote Terziev V, Bogdanova M, Kanev D, Georgiev м, Simeonov S (January 1, 2020) THE SOCIAL ASSISTANCE SYSTEM IN BULGARIA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 15 1259–1265.



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