Research Article
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Year 2019, , 1500 - 1510, 14.01.2020



  • Adiyanta, FS (2010). Judiciary Good Governance in The Urgency of Administrative Services Institutions as A Constitutional Court Security for Public Access to Obtain Justice. Legal Issues, 48 (3), 257-265. Arrasjid, C. (2005). Basics of Legal Studies (Vol. Molds Third). Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. Atake, OJ, and WA Dodo. (2010). Democracy, good governance and nation-building: A multi-dimensional approach. Advanced Int'l J. Legal Stud. & Governance, 1, 15. Bayu, DJ (2017). Luhut Signed Decree, Continued Jakarta Bay Reclamation. Jakarta: Bies, Robert J., and Thomas M. Tripp. (1995). The use and abuse of power: Justice as social control. Organizational politics, justice, and support: Managing social climate at work, 131-145. Bintari, A. (2018). Conflict Management Resolution Island Reclamation Case G North Coast Jakarta. CosmoGov: Journal of the Science of Government, 4 (1), 119-144. Bourgon, J. (2007). Responsive, responsible and respected government: towards a New Public Administration theory. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 73 (1), 7-26. Budoyo, S. (July 2014). Systemic Step Concept Formation of Legal Harmonization In Regulation Legislation. CIVIS Scientific Journal, 6 (2), 607-622. Byers, M. (2001). Abuse of rights: an old principle, a new age. McGill LJ. Chua, BH (2011). Singapore as a model: Planning innovations, knowledge experts. Worlding Cities: Asian experiments and the art of being globally 31 (pp. 29-54). Singapore. Darumurti, KD (2014). Perspective Philosophical Concept Of Government discretionary powers. Legal Reflection: Journal of Legal Studies, 8 (1), 41-60. De Mulder, EFJ, Van Bruchem, AJ, Claessen, FAM, Hannink, G., Hulsbergen, JG, & Satijn, HMC. (1994). Environmental impact assessment on land reclamation projects in the Netherlands: a case history. Engineering Geology, 37 (1), 15-23. Dudayev, R. (2017). Annotation State Administrative Case Decision between Strong, CS. DK I Jakarta against the government on the Implementation of Reclamation Permit Cancellation G Island (# 193 / G / LH / 2015 / PTUN-JKT). Indonesian Environmental Law Journal, 3 (1), 153-167. Fawcett, JE (1957). Détournement de Pouvoir by International Organizations. Brit. YB Int'l L, 33, 311. Gill, G. (1994). The collapse of a single-party system: the disintegration of the communist party of the Soviet Union (Vol. Vol. 94). Cambridge University Press. Ginting, SB (2016). Cultural Influence Law Against Law Development of Good Governance in Indonesia. Al-Syir'ah Scientific Journal, 14 (1). Glaser, R., P. Haberzettl, and RPD Walsh. (1991). Land reclamation in Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau. GeoJournal, 24 (4), 365-373. Hoeksema, RJ (2007). Three stages in the history of land reclamation in the Netherlands. Irrigation and Drainage: The Journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 6 (1), 113-126. Huda, MC (2013). Licensing arrangements Against Coastal Reclamation Environmental Protection. Perspectives, 18 (2), 126-135. Hvidt, M. (2009). The Dubai Model: An outline of key development-process elements in Dubai. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 41 (3), 397-418. Ikwan, Melina, Fanny Lesmana, and Desi Yoanita. (2018). Frame Jakarta Bay Reclamation News in Media Online. E-Communications Journal, 6 (2). Juliani, H. (2018). Accountability of Government Officials in the Use of Discretion The Financial Burden Countries. Administrative Law & Governance Journal, 1 (3), 280-298. Junaidi, K. (2017). EMPOWERMENT OF INSTITUTIONS AND VALUES Holistic Education Research Contributions leader of the Revolutionary Mental Education. Muaddib: Education and Islamic Studies, 7 (1), 1-12. Kalalo, FP (2008). POLICY AND MARINE AND COASTAL RECLAMATION IMPLlKASINYA LEGAL STATUS IN LAND AND COASTAL COMMUNITY RIGHTS. VI National Conference on Coastal and Marine Resource Management, (pp. 1093-1104). Kolb, R. (1994). L'interpretation de l'article 121, paragraphe 3, de la convention de Montego Bay sur le droit de la mer: les "rochers qui ne se pretent pas à l'habitation humaine ou à une vie économique propre. Annuaire français de droit international , 40, 876-909. Kuruvilla, S. (1996). Linkages between industrialization strategies and industrial relations / human resource policies: Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India. ILR Review, 49 (4), 635-657. LIANA, S. (2016). Ahok COMMUNICATION IN POLITICAL ARENA IN INDONESIA (In Theory Perspective Arena Pierre Bourdieu). College of Communication - Journalist Almamater Surabaya, Communication Studies. Surabaya: Stikosa-AWS. Madigan, TE (1953). Zuiderzeeland: The Province from Under the Sea. Journal of Geography, 52 (7), 265-275. Mangunjaya, FM (2006). Living in harmony with nature: essays environmental development, conservation, and biodiversity in Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Merryman, JH (1977). Comparative law and social change: on the origins, styles, decline and revival of the law and development movement. The American Journal of Comparative Law, 457-491. Nurhidayah, Laely, and Alistair McIlgorm. (2019). Coastal adaptation laws and the social justice of policies to address sea level rise: An Indonesian insight. Ocean & Coastal Management, 171, 11-18. Ouis, P. (2010). "And an island never cries": Cultural and societal perspectives on the mega development of islands in the United Arab Emirates. Macro-Engineering Seawater in Unique Environments, 59-75. Permanasari, E. (2019). INSINUATION POLITICAL READING IN URBAN FORMS: SAVING THE SINKING SEA GIANT WALL THROUGH JAKARTA PROJECT. Geographia Technica, 14. Polderman, PJ (1975). Some notes on the algal vegetation of two Brackish Polders on Texel (The Netherlands). Hydrobiological Bulletin, 9 (1), 23-34. Radbruch, G. (2006). Five minutes of legal philosophy (1945). Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 26 (1), 13-15. Rahardiansah, T. (2018). RECLAMATION DEVELOPMENT POLICY CONFLICT IN THE GULF JAKARTA: POLICY ANALYSIS regulation NUMBER 58 YEAR 2018 REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES RECLAMATION WORK MANAGEMENT COORDINATING PANTURA JAKARTA. Criminal Law and Construction Law, 1 (1). Rahmatulloh. (2017). POPULATION DYNAMICS IN THE CAPITAL OF JAKARTA (Description Development of quantity, quality and Welfare of Residents in Jakarta). Genta Noble: Scientific Journal of Education, 8 (2), 54-67. Roestamy, Martin, and Abraham Yazdi Martin. (2019). BASIC HUMAN NEED OF HOUSING LAND BANK SUPPORTED BY THE SYSTEM. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5 (14), 967-978. Sandro, Rona, Supartono Supartono, and Mhd Halkis. (2018). EFFECT OF RECLAMATION JAKARTA GULF MARITIME SECURITY IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Maritime security, 4 (2). Schilling, Joseph, and Jonathan Logan. (2008). Greening the rust belt: A green infrastructure right sizing models for America's shrinking cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74 (4), 451-466. Scholten, P. (2003). Structure of Legal Studies found Sidharta Arief. Bandung. Schulz, NB (2007). The direct material inputs into Singapore's development. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11 (2), 117-131. Seidman, RB (1956). Law and Economic Development in Independent, English-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa. Wis. L. Rev., 999. Sekarwati, S. (2003). The idea of the Establishment of the Land Bank (Land Bank) in the development of sustainable housing and settlements in Indonesia. Dissertation Padjadjaran, Padjadjaran University, Law, Bandung. Sembiring, KI (2019). Analysis of Legal Protection Society Against North Jakarta Bay Reclamation Due G Island (MARI Decision Study Number: 92K / TUN / LH / 2017 About Licensing Reclamation. Terrain: University of North Sumatra. Sodhi, Navjot S., and Barry W. Brook. (2006). Southeast Asian Biodiversity in Crisis. Cambridge University Press. Soeroso. (2006). Introduction to Law (Vol. Molds Eighth). Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. Son, Narendra Ghaniy, and Eriyanto Eriyanto. (2017). nterest Group in Political Marketing Process: Analyzing The Relationship Between Anies Baswedan-Uno Uno as The Candidates of Governor and Vice Governor of Jakarta at the elections in 2017 with the FPI and Participants of action of Islamic Arts During The Campaign Phase. Indonesia International Graduate Conference on Communication (IndoIGCC) Proceedings, 1. Suparlan, S. (2016). DESIGNATION OF BORDERS STRUGGLE MARINE WATERS IN INDONESIA. Scientific journal of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, 24 (1). Supriya. (2016). Legal Standing of Coastal Reclamation: Islamic and Positive Law Perspectives. Hasanuddin Law Review, 2 (2), 258-276. Susanti, Nonik, and Afrizal Afrizal. (2018). Keeping Greeanpeace efforts Coastal Zone Project Related Indonesia Jakarta Bay Reclamation Island. Online Journal of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riau, 5 (1), 1-15. Tambun, LT (2017). News One. Retrieved 09 30, 2019, from Tektona, RI (2011). Arbitration as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Business Solutions Outside court. Research Law Journal, 6 (1). Toonen, TA (1990). The unitary state as a system of co-governance: The case of the Netherlands. Public Administration, 63 (3), 281-296. Van Apeldoorn, LJ (1972). Inleiding tot de studie van het Nederlandse recht (Vol. 17). Tjeenk Willink: herziene dr. JCM Leyten door. Van Loon, AJ (1975). Lagoonal Holocene silts (formerly called "sloef") from the Zuiderzee. Sedimentary Geology, 13 (1), 47-55. Van Neste, F. (1967). Misbruik van recht. Widya, AP (2019). Strategy Candidate Pairs winning Anies Baswedan AND Sandiaga Uno In Selecting The Governor And Vice Governor In JAKARTA 2017, Jakarta: Faculty of Social and Political Science. World Population Review, (2019). Retrieved September 30, 2019, from


Year 2019, , 1500 - 1510, 14.01.2020


Jakarta Bay
Reclamation is the process of land acquisition by the government of Jakarta
within government Jokowi Widodo, who was replaced by Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok). Later, in the 2017
gubernatorial election Anies Baswedan and Sandiaga Uno won an absolute and
seized power in the capital. With the win, according to the governor's promise
during the election campaign that Anies has suspended the reclamation project
and confirms the termination of the contract with the developers, some of whom
started reclamation and want to restore the land benefit for the greatest
prosperity of the people in accordance with the mandate of the state
constitution. This action reaps the pros and cons because the developers have
invested large enough to planning a new city for business purposes and
converted into for the benefit of the people. The study aims to analyze and
provide alternative solutions regarding the use and utilization of land
reclamation which covers approximately 1500 hectares in order to find a win-win
solution. The method used is normative juridical approach to address how policy
should be appropriate so that the reclaimed land can be reused and do not
become wastelands. From this research found an alternative solution by dividing
the three steps, among others who had given position, which was the reclamation
process, and that has not been processed yet been obtained prior permission
from the governor. Complicating this issue is caused due to developers who
build without permits and permit reclamation is still under debate, so there
are some developers who commit violations in the sphere of administrative and
legal procedures, and increasingly complicated in the land that has been
reclaimed in fact already issued building rights to on behalf of developers
perceived by the governor Anies as a rule are not prudential practice.


  • Adiyanta, FS (2010). Judiciary Good Governance in The Urgency of Administrative Services Institutions as A Constitutional Court Security for Public Access to Obtain Justice. Legal Issues, 48 (3), 257-265. Arrasjid, C. (2005). Basics of Legal Studies (Vol. Molds Third). Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. Atake, OJ, and WA Dodo. (2010). Democracy, good governance and nation-building: A multi-dimensional approach. Advanced Int'l J. Legal Stud. & Governance, 1, 15. Bayu, DJ (2017). Luhut Signed Decree, Continued Jakarta Bay Reclamation. Jakarta: Bies, Robert J., and Thomas M. Tripp. (1995). The use and abuse of power: Justice as social control. Organizational politics, justice, and support: Managing social climate at work, 131-145. Bintari, A. (2018). Conflict Management Resolution Island Reclamation Case G North Coast Jakarta. CosmoGov: Journal of the Science of Government, 4 (1), 119-144. Bourgon, J. (2007). Responsive, responsible and respected government: towards a New Public Administration theory. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 73 (1), 7-26. Budoyo, S. (July 2014). Systemic Step Concept Formation of Legal Harmonization In Regulation Legislation. CIVIS Scientific Journal, 6 (2), 607-622. Byers, M. (2001). Abuse of rights: an old principle, a new age. McGill LJ. Chua, BH (2011). Singapore as a model: Planning innovations, knowledge experts. Worlding Cities: Asian experiments and the art of being globally 31 (pp. 29-54). Singapore. Darumurti, KD (2014). Perspective Philosophical Concept Of Government discretionary powers. Legal Reflection: Journal of Legal Studies, 8 (1), 41-60. De Mulder, EFJ, Van Bruchem, AJ, Claessen, FAM, Hannink, G., Hulsbergen, JG, & Satijn, HMC. (1994). Environmental impact assessment on land reclamation projects in the Netherlands: a case history. Engineering Geology, 37 (1), 15-23. Dudayev, R. (2017). Annotation State Administrative Case Decision between Strong, CS. DK I Jakarta against the government on the Implementation of Reclamation Permit Cancellation G Island (# 193 / G / LH / 2015 / PTUN-JKT). Indonesian Environmental Law Journal, 3 (1), 153-167. Fawcett, JE (1957). Détournement de Pouvoir by International Organizations. Brit. YB Int'l L, 33, 311. Gill, G. (1994). The collapse of a single-party system: the disintegration of the communist party of the Soviet Union (Vol. Vol. 94). Cambridge University Press. Ginting, SB (2016). Cultural Influence Law Against Law Development of Good Governance in Indonesia. Al-Syir'ah Scientific Journal, 14 (1). Glaser, R., P. Haberzettl, and RPD Walsh. (1991). Land reclamation in Singapore, Hong Kong and Macau. GeoJournal, 24 (4), 365-373. Hoeksema, RJ (2007). Three stages in the history of land reclamation in the Netherlands. Irrigation and Drainage: The Journal of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, 6 (1), 113-126. Huda, MC (2013). Licensing arrangements Against Coastal Reclamation Environmental Protection. Perspectives, 18 (2), 126-135. Hvidt, M. (2009). The Dubai Model: An outline of key development-process elements in Dubai. International Journal of Middle East Studies, 41 (3), 397-418. Ikwan, Melina, Fanny Lesmana, and Desi Yoanita. (2018). Frame Jakarta Bay Reclamation News in Media Online. E-Communications Journal, 6 (2). Juliani, H. (2018). Accountability of Government Officials in the Use of Discretion The Financial Burden Countries. Administrative Law & Governance Journal, 1 (3), 280-298. Junaidi, K. (2017). EMPOWERMENT OF INSTITUTIONS AND VALUES Holistic Education Research Contributions leader of the Revolutionary Mental Education. Muaddib: Education and Islamic Studies, 7 (1), 1-12. Kalalo, FP (2008). POLICY AND MARINE AND COASTAL RECLAMATION IMPLlKASINYA LEGAL STATUS IN LAND AND COASTAL COMMUNITY RIGHTS. VI National Conference on Coastal and Marine Resource Management, (pp. 1093-1104). Kolb, R. (1994). L'interpretation de l'article 121, paragraphe 3, de la convention de Montego Bay sur le droit de la mer: les "rochers qui ne se pretent pas à l'habitation humaine ou à une vie économique propre. Annuaire français de droit international , 40, 876-909. Kuruvilla, S. (1996). Linkages between industrialization strategies and industrial relations / human resource policies: Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, and India. ILR Review, 49 (4), 635-657. LIANA, S. (2016). Ahok COMMUNICATION IN POLITICAL ARENA IN INDONESIA (In Theory Perspective Arena Pierre Bourdieu). College of Communication - Journalist Almamater Surabaya, Communication Studies. Surabaya: Stikosa-AWS. Madigan, TE (1953). Zuiderzeeland: The Province from Under the Sea. Journal of Geography, 52 (7), 265-275. Mangunjaya, FM (2006). Living in harmony with nature: essays environmental development, conservation, and biodiversity in Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia. Merryman, JH (1977). Comparative law and social change: on the origins, styles, decline and revival of the law and development movement. The American Journal of Comparative Law, 457-491. Nurhidayah, Laely, and Alistair McIlgorm. (2019). Coastal adaptation laws and the social justice of policies to address sea level rise: An Indonesian insight. Ocean & Coastal Management, 171, 11-18. Ouis, P. (2010). "And an island never cries": Cultural and societal perspectives on the mega development of islands in the United Arab Emirates. Macro-Engineering Seawater in Unique Environments, 59-75. Permanasari, E. (2019). INSINUATION POLITICAL READING IN URBAN FORMS: SAVING THE SINKING SEA GIANT WALL THROUGH JAKARTA PROJECT. Geographia Technica, 14. Polderman, PJ (1975). Some notes on the algal vegetation of two Brackish Polders on Texel (The Netherlands). Hydrobiological Bulletin, 9 (1), 23-34. Radbruch, G. (2006). Five minutes of legal philosophy (1945). Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 26 (1), 13-15. Rahardiansah, T. (2018). RECLAMATION DEVELOPMENT POLICY CONFLICT IN THE GULF JAKARTA: POLICY ANALYSIS regulation NUMBER 58 YEAR 2018 REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES RECLAMATION WORK MANAGEMENT COORDINATING PANTURA JAKARTA. Criminal Law and Construction Law, 1 (1). Rahmatulloh. (2017). POPULATION DYNAMICS IN THE CAPITAL OF JAKARTA (Description Development of quantity, quality and Welfare of Residents in Jakarta). Genta Noble: Scientific Journal of Education, 8 (2), 54-67. Roestamy, Martin, and Abraham Yazdi Martin. (2019). BASIC HUMAN NEED OF HOUSING LAND BANK SUPPORTED BY THE SYSTEM. International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 5 (14), 967-978. Sandro, Rona, Supartono Supartono, and Mhd Halkis. (2018). EFFECT OF RECLAMATION JAKARTA GULF MARITIME SECURITY IN SUPPORT OF NATIONAL SECURITY. Maritime security, 4 (2). Schilling, Joseph, and Jonathan Logan. (2008). Greening the rust belt: A green infrastructure right sizing models for America's shrinking cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 74 (4), 451-466. Scholten, P. (2003). Structure of Legal Studies found Sidharta Arief. Bandung. Schulz, NB (2007). The direct material inputs into Singapore's development. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 11 (2), 117-131. Seidman, RB (1956). Law and Economic Development in Independent, English-speaking Sub-Saharan Africa. Wis. L. Rev., 999. Sekarwati, S. (2003). The idea of the Establishment of the Land Bank (Land Bank) in the development of sustainable housing and settlements in Indonesia. Dissertation Padjadjaran, Padjadjaran University, Law, Bandung. Sembiring, KI (2019). Analysis of Legal Protection Society Against North Jakarta Bay Reclamation Due G Island (MARI Decision Study Number: 92K / TUN / LH / 2017 About Licensing Reclamation. Terrain: University of North Sumatra. Sodhi, Navjot S., and Barry W. Brook. (2006). Southeast Asian Biodiversity in Crisis. Cambridge University Press. Soeroso. (2006). Introduction to Law (Vol. Molds Eighth). Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. Son, Narendra Ghaniy, and Eriyanto Eriyanto. (2017). nterest Group in Political Marketing Process: Analyzing The Relationship Between Anies Baswedan-Uno Uno as The Candidates of Governor and Vice Governor of Jakarta at the elections in 2017 with the FPI and Participants of action of Islamic Arts During The Campaign Phase. Indonesia International Graduate Conference on Communication (IndoIGCC) Proceedings, 1. Suparlan, S. (2016). DESIGNATION OF BORDERS STRUGGLE MARINE WATERS IN INDONESIA. Scientific journal of Pancasila and Citizenship Education, 24 (1). Supriya. (2016). Legal Standing of Coastal Reclamation: Islamic and Positive Law Perspectives. Hasanuddin Law Review, 2 (2), 258-276. Susanti, Nonik, and Afrizal Afrizal. (2018). Keeping Greeanpeace efforts Coastal Zone Project Related Indonesia Jakarta Bay Reclamation Island. Online Journal of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Riau, 5 (1), 1-15. Tambun, LT (2017). News One. Retrieved 09 30, 2019, from Tektona, RI (2011). Arbitration as an Alternative Dispute Resolution Business Solutions Outside court. Research Law Journal, 6 (1). Toonen, TA (1990). The unitary state as a system of co-governance: The case of the Netherlands. Public Administration, 63 (3), 281-296. Van Apeldoorn, LJ (1972). Inleiding tot de studie van het Nederlandse recht (Vol. 17). Tjeenk Willink: herziene dr. JCM Leyten door. Van Loon, AJ (1975). Lagoonal Holocene silts (formerly called "sloef") from the Zuiderzee. Sedimentary Geology, 13 (1), 47-55. Van Neste, F. (1967). Misbruik van recht. Widya, AP (2019). Strategy Candidate Pairs winning Anies Baswedan AND Sandiaga Uno In Selecting The Governor And Vice Governor In JAKARTA 2017, Jakarta: Faculty of Social and Political Science. World Population Review, (2019). Retrieved September 30, 2019, from
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Martin Roestamy

Abraham Yazdi Martin

Sudiman Sihotang

Publication Date January 14, 2020
Submission Date October 30, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019


EndNote Roestamy M, Martin AY, Sihotang S (January 1, 2020) LAND USE REFORMULATION OF NORTH JAKARTA EX-RECLAMATION FOR LAND PROCUREMENT TOWARD AFFORDABLE HOUSES IN JAKARTA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 5 15 1500–1510.



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