Research Article
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Year 2018, , 852 - 860, 10.01.2019



  • Blühdorn H. (2006) Epistemische Lesarten von Satzkonnektoren – Wie sie zustande kommen und wie man sie erkennt. Breindl E., Walter M. (2009) Der Ausdruck von Kausalität im Deutschen. Eine korpusbasierte Studie zum Zusammenspiel von Konnektoren, Kontextmerkmalen und Diskursrelationen. Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 2009. Bussmann H. (1990) Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1990. Dalbergenova, L., Zharkynbekova, Sh.,&Akynova D.&Aimoldina A. (2014) Cognitive approach to the study of causal relations. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences / Volume 143, 2014, Pages 233-237 Dalbergenova, Lyazzat, Zharkynbekova, Sholpan,&Zhuravlyeva Evgeniya (2014). The Subject Perspective of Causal Relations (in the Cases of Russian and German)”// Studia Slavica Hung. 59/2 (2014) 291–306. DOI: 10.1556/SSlav.59.2014.2.2 © 2014. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. Degand, L. (2004). Contrastive Analyses, Translation, and Speaker Involvement: the Case of Puisque and Aangezien. In: Language, Culture and Mind. M. Achard and S. Kemmer (eds), 1-20. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Degand, L. and Pander Maat H., 2003. A Contrastive Study of Dutch and French Causal Connectives on the Speaker Involvement Scale. In Usage-based Approaches to Dutch. A. Verhagen and J. Maarten van de Weijer (eds), 175-199. Utrecht: LOT. Duden (1994) Das grosse Fremdwörterbuch. Herkunft und Bedeutung der Fremdwörter. Bearb. Günter Drosdowski. Mannheim–Wien–Zürich: Dudenverlag, 1994. Ezra Cook (2013) Epistemic Modals and Common Ground, Inquiry, 56:2-3, 179-209, DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2013.784476 Keller R. (1993) Das epistemische weil. Bedeutungswandel einer Konjunktion. In: Heringer H. J., Stötzel G. (Hg.) Sprachgeschichte und Sprachkritik. Festschrift für Peter von Polenz. Berlin–New York: De Gruyter, 1993. 219–247. Knott A., Sanders T. 1998 The classification of coherence relations and their linguistic markers. An exploration of two languages. Journal of Pragmatics 30 (1998): 135–175. Кomarov А.P. (1970) О lingvisticheskom statuse kausalnoy svyasi. Аlma-Ata: ‘Kasahskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskiy institut’, 1970. Maat P. H., Sanders T. (2002) Subjectivity in causal connectives. An empirical study of language in use. Cognitive Lingustics 12 (2002): 247–273. Madeleine Youmans (2010) Cross-cultural Differences in Polite Epistemic Modal Use in American English,Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 22:1, 57-73, DOI: 10.1080/01434630108666425 Moeschler J. (2003) Causality, lexicon, and discourse meaning. Rivista di Linguistica 15 (2003): 343–368. Nyuts, Jan (2001) Epistemic Modality, Language, and Conceptualization. Ozge Ozturk & Anna Papafragou (2014) The Acquisition of Epistemic Modality: From Semantic Meaning to Pragmatic Interpretation, Language Learning and Development, 11:3, 191-214, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2014.905169 Peter White (2015) Modality as dialogue: a Bakhtinian reanalysis of epistemic stance, WORD, 59:1-2, 143-167, DOI: 10.1080/00437956.2008.11432584 Pieter Byloo & Jan Nuyts (2014) Meaning change in the Dutch core modals: (Inter) subjectification in a grammatical paradigm, Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 46:1, 85-116, DOI: 10.1080/03740463.2014.955978 Sanders, Ted.& Spooren Walter., 1997. Perspective, subjectivity and modality from a cognitive linguistic point of view. In Liebert, W. A., G. Redeker, and L. Waugh (eds.), Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 85-112. Pasch R., Brauße U., Breindl E., Waßner Ulrich H. (2003) Handbuch der deutschen Konnektoren. Linguistische Grundlagen der Beschreibung und syntaktische Merkmale der deutschen Satzverknüpfer. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2003. Schmidthauser B. (1995) Kausalität als linguistische Kategorie. Mittel und Möglichkeiten für Begründungen. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995. Seliverstova О. N. (1982) Semanticheskiye tipy predikatov. Moskva: „Nauka“, 1982. Stojanova N. (1987) Zur Struktur und Funktionen der denn-Sätze. In: Beiträge zur Erforschung der deutschen Sprache 7. Leipzig: VEB Bibliografisches Institut, 1987. 32–68. Stukker N., Sanders T. (2012) Subjectivity and prototype structure in causal connectives: A cross-linguistic perspective. Journal of Pragmatics 44 (2012): 169–190. Susov А. А. Kausalnyye ritoricheskiye otnoscheneniya. Tvesrskoi lingvisticheskii meridian. Vyp. 6. Tver, 2006. 55–81. Sweetser E. E. (1990) From Etymology to Pragmatics. Metaphorical and Cultural Aspects of Semantic Structure. Cambridge, Ma., 1990. Tazhibayeva Saule Zh., 2005. Sposoby vyrazheniya kausalnych otnoshenii. Diss. ...dokt. filol. Nauk. PGB, Moscva. Toleup Мerey М., 2002. Kazirgi kazak tilindegi sebep-saldardyktyn funktionaldyk aspekti. Diss.filol. gylym. Al-Farabi atyndagy Kazak Ultyk Universitettin Baspasy. Almaty. Vincenzo Moscati & Stephen Crain (2014) When Negation and Epistemic Modality Combine: The Role of Information Strength in Child Language, Language Learning and Development, 10:4, 345-380, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2014.880640 Volodina, Ana, 2007. Konditionale und kausale Relationen im gesprochenen Deutsch. Dissertation. Neuphilologische Fakultät. Universität Heidelberg. Volodina, Ana, 2011. Sweetsers Drei-Ebenen-Theorie//Konnektoren im Deutschen und im Sprachvergleich. Narrverlag. Mannheim: S. 127-157. Vsevolodova, Мaya V., 2009. Fields, Category and concepts in the grammatical system of the language. In: Linguistic consciousness 3: 76-99. Vsevolodova, Мaya.V. & Yashchenko Т.А., 2008. Causal relations in the modern Russian language. Issue. 2. LKI, Publishing house, Moscow. Yarygina, Elena.S., 2003. Construction of conclusion of justification in the syntactic system of Russian language. Dissertation doctor Phil. Moscower Staatliche Gebietsuniversität. Moscow. Yashchenko, Тatyana.А., 2006. Causation in Russian linguistic consciousness. Monograph. DIAIPI, Simferopol. Zifonun, Gisela, Hoffmann, Ludger.&Strecker, Bruno et al., 1997. Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. 3 Bde. de Gruyter, Berlin. Zufferey Sandrine., 2012. Car, parceque, puisque revisited: Three empirical studies on French causal connectives. In: Journal of Pragmatics 44: 138–153. Zufferey Sandrine. & Cartoni Bruno, 2012. English and French causal connectives in contrast. In: Languages in Contrast 12 (2), 232-250.


Year 2018, , 852 - 860, 10.01.2019


article is aimed at making a cross-linguistic analysis of evidentials and their
meaning in German and Kazakh argumentative discourse. It provides an overview
of similarities and differences of expression of evidentials in two
typologically different languages. The comparative analysis of the argumentation
in the cognitive-intercultural aspect using the example of typologically
makes it possible to find out the peculiarities of expressive means of this
category in the discourse. In the present paper we made an attempt to define
the types of grammatical means of evidentials that determine source of
information since they contribute greatly to the development of
cognitive-pragmatic functions in the discourse. Evidentiality expresses a
source of information and reflects the subjective opinion of the speaker, the
degree of the speaker’s knowledge of the objective situation and his/her
beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes to objective reality
in the
argumentative discourse. The conducted linguistic analysis in two typologically
different languages helped to identify two basic types of information that
determine the subjective character of 
argumentative discourse – reliable and indirect information.
Argumentation is based on the reliable information known to the subject due to
his/her personal experience or observations. On the indirect information the
subject cannot pass a reliable judgment without making certain logical
conclusions. The cross-linguistic analysis of evidentials and their meaning in
German and Kazakh argumentative discourse showed that the
speaker’s degree of awareness and nature of knowledge, and the degree of
subjective confidence in the reliability of the things said are reflected in
the semantics of modal words.


  • Blühdorn H. (2006) Epistemische Lesarten von Satzkonnektoren – Wie sie zustande kommen und wie man sie erkennt. Breindl E., Walter M. (2009) Der Ausdruck von Kausalität im Deutschen. Eine korpusbasierte Studie zum Zusammenspiel von Konnektoren, Kontextmerkmalen und Diskursrelationen. Mannheim: Institut für Deutsche Sprache, 2009. Bussmann H. (1990) Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft. Stuttgart: Kröner, 1990. Dalbergenova, L., Zharkynbekova, Sh.,&Akynova D.&Aimoldina A. (2014) Cognitive approach to the study of causal relations. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences / Volume 143, 2014, Pages 233-237 Dalbergenova, Lyazzat, Zharkynbekova, Sholpan,&Zhuravlyeva Evgeniya (2014). The Subject Perspective of Causal Relations (in the Cases of Russian and German)”// Studia Slavica Hung. 59/2 (2014) 291–306. DOI: 10.1556/SSlav.59.2014.2.2 © 2014. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. Degand, L. (2004). Contrastive Analyses, Translation, and Speaker Involvement: the Case of Puisque and Aangezien. In: Language, Culture and Mind. M. Achard and S. Kemmer (eds), 1-20. Stanford: CSLI Publications. Degand, L. and Pander Maat H., 2003. A Contrastive Study of Dutch and French Causal Connectives on the Speaker Involvement Scale. In Usage-based Approaches to Dutch. A. Verhagen and J. Maarten van de Weijer (eds), 175-199. Utrecht: LOT. Duden (1994) Das grosse Fremdwörterbuch. Herkunft und Bedeutung der Fremdwörter. Bearb. Günter Drosdowski. Mannheim–Wien–Zürich: Dudenverlag, 1994. Ezra Cook (2013) Epistemic Modals and Common Ground, Inquiry, 56:2-3, 179-209, DOI: 10.1080/0020174X.2013.784476 Keller R. (1993) Das epistemische weil. Bedeutungswandel einer Konjunktion. In: Heringer H. J., Stötzel G. (Hg.) Sprachgeschichte und Sprachkritik. Festschrift für Peter von Polenz. Berlin–New York: De Gruyter, 1993. 219–247. Knott A., Sanders T. 1998 The classification of coherence relations and their linguistic markers. An exploration of two languages. Journal of Pragmatics 30 (1998): 135–175. Кomarov А.P. (1970) О lingvisticheskom statuse kausalnoy svyasi. Аlma-Ata: ‘Kasahskii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskiy institut’, 1970. Maat P. H., Sanders T. (2002) Subjectivity in causal connectives. An empirical study of language in use. Cognitive Lingustics 12 (2002): 247–273. Madeleine Youmans (2010) Cross-cultural Differences in Polite Epistemic Modal Use in American English,Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 22:1, 57-73, DOI: 10.1080/01434630108666425 Moeschler J. (2003) Causality, lexicon, and discourse meaning. Rivista di Linguistica 15 (2003): 343–368. Nyuts, Jan (2001) Epistemic Modality, Language, and Conceptualization. Ozge Ozturk & Anna Papafragou (2014) The Acquisition of Epistemic Modality: From Semantic Meaning to Pragmatic Interpretation, Language Learning and Development, 11:3, 191-214, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2014.905169 Peter White (2015) Modality as dialogue: a Bakhtinian reanalysis of epistemic stance, WORD, 59:1-2, 143-167, DOI: 10.1080/00437956.2008.11432584 Pieter Byloo & Jan Nuyts (2014) Meaning change in the Dutch core modals: (Inter) subjectification in a grammatical paradigm, Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 46:1, 85-116, DOI: 10.1080/03740463.2014.955978 Sanders, Ted.& Spooren Walter., 1997. Perspective, subjectivity and modality from a cognitive linguistic point of view. In Liebert, W. A., G. Redeker, and L. Waugh (eds.), Discourse and Perspective in Cognitive Linguistics. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 85-112. Pasch R., Brauße U., Breindl E., Waßner Ulrich H. (2003) Handbuch der deutschen Konnektoren. Linguistische Grundlagen der Beschreibung und syntaktische Merkmale der deutschen Satzverknüpfer. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2003. Schmidthauser B. (1995) Kausalität als linguistische Kategorie. Mittel und Möglichkeiten für Begründungen. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1995. Seliverstova О. N. (1982) Semanticheskiye tipy predikatov. Moskva: „Nauka“, 1982. Stojanova N. (1987) Zur Struktur und Funktionen der denn-Sätze. In: Beiträge zur Erforschung der deutschen Sprache 7. Leipzig: VEB Bibliografisches Institut, 1987. 32–68. Stukker N., Sanders T. (2012) Subjectivity and prototype structure in causal connectives: A cross-linguistic perspective. Journal of Pragmatics 44 (2012): 169–190. Susov А. А. Kausalnyye ritoricheskiye otnoscheneniya. Tvesrskoi lingvisticheskii meridian. Vyp. 6. Tver, 2006. 55–81. Sweetser E. E. (1990) From Etymology to Pragmatics. Metaphorical and Cultural Aspects of Semantic Structure. Cambridge, Ma., 1990. Tazhibayeva Saule Zh., 2005. Sposoby vyrazheniya kausalnych otnoshenii. Diss. ...dokt. filol. Nauk. PGB, Moscva. Toleup Мerey М., 2002. Kazirgi kazak tilindegi sebep-saldardyktyn funktionaldyk aspekti. Diss.filol. gylym. Al-Farabi atyndagy Kazak Ultyk Universitettin Baspasy. Almaty. Vincenzo Moscati & Stephen Crain (2014) When Negation and Epistemic Modality Combine: The Role of Information Strength in Child Language, Language Learning and Development, 10:4, 345-380, DOI: 10.1080/15475441.2014.880640 Volodina, Ana, 2007. Konditionale und kausale Relationen im gesprochenen Deutsch. Dissertation. Neuphilologische Fakultät. Universität Heidelberg. Volodina, Ana, 2011. Sweetsers Drei-Ebenen-Theorie//Konnektoren im Deutschen und im Sprachvergleich. Narrverlag. Mannheim: S. 127-157. Vsevolodova, Мaya V., 2009. Fields, Category and concepts in the grammatical system of the language. In: Linguistic consciousness 3: 76-99. Vsevolodova, Мaya.V. & Yashchenko Т.А., 2008. Causal relations in the modern Russian language. Issue. 2. LKI, Publishing house, Moscow. Yarygina, Elena.S., 2003. Construction of conclusion of justification in the syntactic system of Russian language. Dissertation doctor Phil. Moscower Staatliche Gebietsuniversität. Moscow. Yashchenko, Тatyana.А., 2006. Causation in Russian linguistic consciousness. Monograph. DIAIPI, Simferopol. Zifonun, Gisela, Hoffmann, Ludger.&Strecker, Bruno et al., 1997. Grammatik der deutschen Sprache. 3 Bde. de Gruyter, Berlin. Zufferey Sandrine., 2012. Car, parceque, puisque revisited: Three empirical studies on French causal connectives. In: Journal of Pragmatics 44: 138–153. Zufferey Sandrine. & Cartoni Bruno, 2012. English and French causal connectives in contrast. In: Languages in Contrast 12 (2), 232-250.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Lyazzat Dalbergenova

аssem Duisenbina

Ainagul Ismagulova

Assel Akhmetova

Anel Turebekova

Publication Date January 10, 2019
Submission Date November 3, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


EndNote Dalbergenova L, Duisenbina а, Ismagulova A, Akhmetova A, Turebekova A (January 1, 2019) EVIDENTIALITY IN ARGUMENTATIVE DISCOURSE. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 4 12 852–860.



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