Research Article
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Year 2017, , 923 - 927, 27.12.2017



  • Susanyan, K. (2013). „Role of the offset transactions in the international and Russian foreign trade”. Russian Gazette for Foreign Economy, Moscow, Issue 2. Nichev, N. (2017a). Offset Policies of the Countries of the European Union. New knowledge Journal of science, Vol 6, No 1. Nichev, N. (2017b). Perspectives for Use of the Offset Deals. New knowledge Journal of scence, Vol 6, No 1. Nichev, N., Terziev, V. (2016). Osobenosti na ofseta kato sredstvo za pridobivane na vaorazhenie i tehnika za nuzhdite na vaorazhenite sili na Republika Bulgaria. Nauchni trudove na Sayuza na uchenite v Bulgaria- Smolyan, Tom 2. Ravindran, S. (2009). Technology Inflows: Issues, Challenges and Methodology. Journal of Defence Studies, Vol.3, No.1, retrived from: Radhakrishnan S., Pr., Kumar., P. (2009). Leveraging Defence Offset Policy for Technology Acquisition. Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1. Samaddar, S. (2009). Offset Absorption: Adding Arsenal to Armament. Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009, retrived from: Terziev, V., Nichev N. (2016). Economic characteristics of offset transactions with defense products. Scientific journal „Economics and finance“ EDEX, Madrid, España. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Tendentsii v razvitieto na svetovnia pazar na otbranitelni produkti. Yuridicheski sbornik, tom XXIII, Burgaski svoboden universitet, Tsentar po yuridicheski nauki, Burgas. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Sravnitelen analiz na prilaganeto na ofseta pri sdelki s otbranitelni produkti. Yuridicheski sbornik, tom XXIII, Burgaski svoboden universitet, Tsentar po yuridicheski nauki, Burgas. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Ofseta kato spetsifichen vid ikonomicheska deynost. Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsia Uniteh’16, Sbornik dokladi, Tom ІV, Tehnicheski universitet – Gabrovo. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Rolyata na ofsetnite sdelki za pridobivane na novi tehnologii. Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsia Uniteh’16, Sbornik dokladi, Tom ІV, Tehnicheski universitet – Gabrovo. Decree Nr.180 оf 22 August 2013 for adopting of Regulation according to clause 6 of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act for the criteria and the system for determination of the major national interests in the sphere of protection and defence in the sense of clause 346 of the Agreement for the functioning of the European Union and according to the order of contracting. State Gazette, issue 75 of 27.8.2013. Methodology for the evaluation of the criterion "offset program" on public tenders according to clause 6 of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act in the Ministry of Defence, Directorate „Policy for Armament“, Sofia, 2003.


Year 2017, , 923 - 927, 27.12.2017


The Republic of Bulgaria is striving to create conditions for ensuring
of the whole life cycle of the obtained products while applying the offset
politic and programs. Simultaneously with it, the compensation mechanisms are
aimed at achieving additional economic, technological and financial benefits
for the industry and for the whole country. With its offset policy, the
Republic of Bulgaria strives to contract the investments and the transfer of
know-how and technologies for the companies of its defence industry. The
effective implementation of the offset policy makes a perfect opportunity not
only for the investments and the transfer of technologies, but also for the
acquisition of the best weapon at a good price and for the insurance of the
life cycle of the military products.


  • Susanyan, K. (2013). „Role of the offset transactions in the international and Russian foreign trade”. Russian Gazette for Foreign Economy, Moscow, Issue 2. Nichev, N. (2017a). Offset Policies of the Countries of the European Union. New knowledge Journal of science, Vol 6, No 1. Nichev, N. (2017b). Perspectives for Use of the Offset Deals. New knowledge Journal of scence, Vol 6, No 1. Nichev, N., Terziev, V. (2016). Osobenosti na ofseta kato sredstvo za pridobivane na vaorazhenie i tehnika za nuzhdite na vaorazhenite sili na Republika Bulgaria. Nauchni trudove na Sayuza na uchenite v Bulgaria- Smolyan, Tom 2. Ravindran, S. (2009). Technology Inflows: Issues, Challenges and Methodology. Journal of Defence Studies, Vol.3, No.1, retrived from: Radhakrishnan S., Pr., Kumar., P. (2009). Leveraging Defence Offset Policy for Technology Acquisition. Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1. Samaddar, S. (2009). Offset Absorption: Adding Arsenal to Armament. Journal of Defence Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009, retrived from: Terziev, V., Nichev N. (2016). Economic characteristics of offset transactions with defense products. Scientific journal „Economics and finance“ EDEX, Madrid, España. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Tendentsii v razvitieto na svetovnia pazar na otbranitelni produkti. Yuridicheski sbornik, tom XXIII, Burgaski svoboden universitet, Tsentar po yuridicheski nauki, Burgas. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Sravnitelen analiz na prilaganeto na ofseta pri sdelki s otbranitelni produkti. Yuridicheski sbornik, tom XXIII, Burgaski svoboden universitet, Tsentar po yuridicheski nauki, Burgas. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Ofseta kato spetsifichen vid ikonomicheska deynost. Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsia Uniteh’16, Sbornik dokladi, Tom ІV, Tehnicheski universitet – Gabrovo. Terziev, V., Nichev, N. (2016). Rolyata na ofsetnite sdelki za pridobivane na novi tehnologii. Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsia Uniteh’16, Sbornik dokladi, Tom ІV, Tehnicheski universitet – Gabrovo. Decree Nr.180 оf 22 August 2013 for adopting of Regulation according to clause 6 of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act for the criteria and the system for determination of the major national interests in the sphere of protection and defence in the sense of clause 346 of the Agreement for the functioning of the European Union and according to the order of contracting. State Gazette, issue 75 of 27.8.2013. Methodology for the evaluation of the criterion "offset program" on public tenders according to clause 6 of the Public Procurement and Concessions Act in the Ministry of Defence, Directorate „Policy for Armament“, Sofia, 2003.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Venelin Terziev

Veselin Madanski

Marin Georgiev

Publication Date December 27, 2017
Submission Date September 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


EndNote Terziev V, Madanski V, Georgiev M (December 1, 2017) OFFSET IMPLEMENTATION IMPACT ON TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER IN BULGARIA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 3 9 923–927.

Cited By

IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences
Venelin Terziev



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