Research Article
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Year 2017, , 582 - 590, 31.08.2017



  • The Holy Quran Al-Attas, S.M.N. (1980). The Concept of Education in Islam: A Framework for an Islamic Philosophy of Education. Kuala Lumpur: Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM). Al-Qadri, Muhammad Tahir, (2007). Islamic concept of Knowledge. Mainhaj-ul-Quran Publication. Lahore, Pakistan. Aziz, A.A., Hasbullah, R., Ishak, W.A.W, Shariff, S., Ibrahim, M.A, Subri, I.M & Suhaimi, F.F. (2016). Proceeding of Seminar Serantau Peradaban dan Pemikiran islam (ReCIT 2016) & Eksplorasi Da’i Merentasi Benua, 5- 9 November 2106, Perth, Australia. Barbour, Ian G. (2005). Menemukan Tuhan Dalam Sains Kontemporer dan Agama. Bandung: Mizan. Cohen, Manoin, & Marrison, (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th edition). London: RoutledgeFalmer. Harry, N. B. & Deborah, N. B. (2012). Analysing Likert Data. West Virginia: West Virginia University Morgantown, Journal of Extension, 50(2), 1. Ibrahim, M.A., Yusoff, A.M., Aziz, A.A., & Nor, A.M. (2015). Integration Of Naqli And Aqli Knowledge In Education Curriculum : Experience Of Faculty Of Quranic And Sunah Studies, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Proceeding of INTCESS 2015 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 2-4 February 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Ibrahim, M.A (2016). The Integration of Naqli Knowledge Of Science Courses In Institutions Of Higher Learning Foundation Centres: Study On Tamhidi Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Proceeding of ADVED 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 10-12 October 2016- Istanbul, Turkey. Ibrahim, M.A., Shaker, M.H, Sulaiman, S., Aziz, A.A, Ghaffar, N.S & Yusup, M.H. (2016). THE Integration Of Naqli And Aqli Knowledge In Curriculum At Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia: The Study On Student’s Internship Organizations In Kelantan, Malaysia. Proceeding of SOCIOINT 2016 3rd Iinternatiional Conference On Educatiion,, Sociial Sciiences And Humanities, 23rd- 25th May 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. Kerlinger, F. (1973). The Structure of Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Khairi, J. (2010). Sains dan Teknologi dalam Al-Quran dan Implikasinya dalam Pembelajaran. Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Intan Lampung: Ta’dib, Vol. XV No. 01, Edisi Juni 2010, 124. Mahanom M.S. (1998). Evaluation of Malaysian Primary Science Text Books. Tesis M.Ed. University of Warwick, United Kingdom. Masitah R & Aizan A (2015). Sejarah (tipologi) Penginstitusian Sekolah Agama di Malaysia: Satu Analisis Perbandingan di YIK dan JAIS. Journal al-Muqaddimah, Department of Islamic History and Civilization. Manuty, M.N. (1984). Perkembangan Pendidikan di Malaysia: Beberapa Analisa KritisTerhadap Pemikiran-Pemikiran Asas dalam Perspektif Sejarah. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 2, 46. Mohamad, B., Suradin, A. & Khamisan, Z.H. (2008). Persidangan Pembangunan Pelajar Peringkat Kebangsaan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Mohd Hamid, N., & Khaulah, A. Q.D (1994). Tarbiyatul al-Atfal fi al-Baitiwa al-Raudah. Maktabah al- Sawadi li al-Tauzi, Jeddah. Raghib Asfahani, H.M. (1992). Mufradat alfaz al-Quran. Damascus, Syria: Dar-ul-Qalam, 1st ed. Rohana. (2010). What is Education. Nota Kuliah Minggu 1. Skudai: UTM, Not published. Solehah, Y. & Rahimah, E. (2008). The Concept of an Integrated Islamic Curriculum and Its Implications for Contemporary Islamic Schools, 13. Suzalie Mohamad. (2003). Memahami Isu-Isu Pendidikan Islam di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: IKIM. Syed Qutb, I.H. (1992). Tafseer fi zilal al-quran, Dar al-Syuruq-Beirut. Williams, C. (2007). Research methods. Journal of Business & Economic Research. Grand Canyon University. Zainuddin, N, Idrus, R.M & Jamal, A.F.M. (2016). Integration of Naqli (revealed) Knowledge and Aqli (rational) Knowledge in Postgraduate Courses for Open and Distance Learning. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 12, 940. DOI: 10.18178/ijssh.2016.6.12.777 Zetty, N. R. & Ab.Halim T. (2015). Kepentingan Integrasi Ilmu Naqli dan Ilmu Aqli dalam Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal.


Year 2017, , 582 - 590, 31.08.2017


Integrating Naqli and Aqli knowledge is the
vision of Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM), Malaysia, to transform and
create value for country, ummah and humanity. This concept becomes fundamental
in university’s curriculum for students that pursuing their studies in a
various disciplines of knowledge. It is in line with the Malaysian Education
Development Plan, which aims to create young generation who are knowledgeable,
have an ability to think critically and creatively, have a strong leadership
skills and ability to communicate effectively at the global stage. The study
intends to examine the perception of students that adhere to curriculum that
based on the integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge, especially in USIM. Data
was obtained through distributed questionnaire form to students about their
perception towards curriculum of integrating Naqli and Aqli knowledge. 114
students from Tamhidi were selected as respondents in this study case. The study
found that majority of respondents has a basic knowledge about the integration
of knowledge since their secondary school. This is because mostly they came
from religious secondary school from either federal, state or private school.
The study also found that the subject-based Islamic Education plays an
important role as it gives an overview of the integration of Naqli and Aqli.
Majority of respondents were able to differentiate between the two knowledge,
however this study shows that it was difficult for them to present some
examples that explain the integration of both knowledge. In addition, this
study revealed that majority of respondents get clear information regarding to
the integration of both knowledge in the courses offered by the department. As
a student of USIM, the majority of respondents are aware that the institution
is a public university that implements integration of Naqli and Aqli knowledge
in offered curriculum.


  • The Holy Quran Al-Attas, S.M.N. (1980). The Concept of Education in Islam: A Framework for an Islamic Philosophy of Education. Kuala Lumpur: Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM). Al-Qadri, Muhammad Tahir, (2007). Islamic concept of Knowledge. Mainhaj-ul-Quran Publication. Lahore, Pakistan. Aziz, A.A., Hasbullah, R., Ishak, W.A.W, Shariff, S., Ibrahim, M.A, Subri, I.M & Suhaimi, F.F. (2016). Proceeding of Seminar Serantau Peradaban dan Pemikiran islam (ReCIT 2016) & Eksplorasi Da’i Merentasi Benua, 5- 9 November 2106, Perth, Australia. Barbour, Ian G. (2005). Menemukan Tuhan Dalam Sains Kontemporer dan Agama. Bandung: Mizan. Cohen, Manoin, & Marrison, (2000). Research Methods in Education (5th edition). London: RoutledgeFalmer. Harry, N. B. & Deborah, N. B. (2012). Analysing Likert Data. West Virginia: West Virginia University Morgantown, Journal of Extension, 50(2), 1. Ibrahim, M.A., Yusoff, A.M., Aziz, A.A., & Nor, A.M. (2015). Integration Of Naqli And Aqli Knowledge In Education Curriculum : Experience Of Faculty Of Quranic And Sunah Studies, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Proceeding of INTCESS 2015 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 2-4 February 2015, Istanbul, Turkey. Ibrahim, M.A (2016). The Integration of Naqli Knowledge Of Science Courses In Institutions Of Higher Learning Foundation Centres: Study On Tamhidi Centre, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. Proceeding of ADVED 2016 2nd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 10-12 October 2016- Istanbul, Turkey. Ibrahim, M.A., Shaker, M.H, Sulaiman, S., Aziz, A.A, Ghaffar, N.S & Yusup, M.H. (2016). THE Integration Of Naqli And Aqli Knowledge In Curriculum At Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia: The Study On Student’s Internship Organizations In Kelantan, Malaysia. Proceeding of SOCIOINT 2016 3rd Iinternatiional Conference On Educatiion,, Sociial Sciiences And Humanities, 23rd- 25th May 2016, Istanbul, Turkey. Kerlinger, F. (1973). The Structure of Scientific Revolution. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Khairi, J. (2010). Sains dan Teknologi dalam Al-Quran dan Implikasinya dalam Pembelajaran. Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Raden Intan Lampung: Ta’dib, Vol. XV No. 01, Edisi Juni 2010, 124. Mahanom M.S. (1998). Evaluation of Malaysian Primary Science Text Books. Tesis M.Ed. University of Warwick, United Kingdom. Masitah R & Aizan A (2015). Sejarah (tipologi) Penginstitusian Sekolah Agama di Malaysia: Satu Analisis Perbandingan di YIK dan JAIS. Journal al-Muqaddimah, Department of Islamic History and Civilization. Manuty, M.N. (1984). Perkembangan Pendidikan di Malaysia: Beberapa Analisa KritisTerhadap Pemikiran-Pemikiran Asas dalam Perspektif Sejarah. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam 2, 46. Mohamad, B., Suradin, A. & Khamisan, Z.H. (2008). Persidangan Pembangunan Pelajar Peringkat Kebangsaan, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Mohd Hamid, N., & Khaulah, A. Q.D (1994). Tarbiyatul al-Atfal fi al-Baitiwa al-Raudah. Maktabah al- Sawadi li al-Tauzi, Jeddah. Raghib Asfahani, H.M. (1992). Mufradat alfaz al-Quran. Damascus, Syria: Dar-ul-Qalam, 1st ed. Rohana. (2010). What is Education. Nota Kuliah Minggu 1. Skudai: UTM, Not published. Solehah, Y. & Rahimah, E. (2008). The Concept of an Integrated Islamic Curriculum and Its Implications for Contemporary Islamic Schools, 13. Suzalie Mohamad. (2003). Memahami Isu-Isu Pendidikan Islam di Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: IKIM. Syed Qutb, I.H. (1992). Tafseer fi zilal al-quran, Dar al-Syuruq-Beirut. Williams, C. (2007). Research methods. Journal of Business & Economic Research. Grand Canyon University. Zainuddin, N, Idrus, R.M & Jamal, A.F.M. (2016). Integration of Naqli (revealed) Knowledge and Aqli (rational) Knowledge in Postgraduate Courses for Open and Distance Learning. International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, Vol. 6, No. 12, 940. DOI: 10.18178/ijssh.2016.6.12.777 Zetty, N. R. & Ab.Halim T. (2015). Kepentingan Integrasi Ilmu Naqli dan Ilmu Aqli dalam Pengajaran Pendidikan Islam. Jurnal.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Mohamed Akhiruddin Ibrahim

Azniwati Abdul Aziz

Wan Amir Nudin Wan Ishak

Sanusi Shariff

Rasmina Hasbullah

İrwan Mohd Subri

Publication Date August 31, 2017
Submission Date September 7, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


EndNote Ibrahim MA, Abdul Aziz A, Wan Ishak WAN, Shariff S, Hasbullah R, Mohd Subri İ (August 1, 2017) THE INTERGRATION CONCEPT OF NAQLI AND AQLI KNOWLEDGE: STUDY ON STUDENTS’ PERCEPTION. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 3 8 582–590.



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