Research Article
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Year 2017, , 450 - 458, 31.08.2017



  • Anghel, I. (2016). Profesorul Silviu Cerna: Cel mai bun proiect de ţară este adoptarea euro în 2019 [Professor Silviu Cerna: the best country project is adopting the euro by 2019]. Ziarul financiar. Sept. 23. Retrieved from: Apetri, N.A., & Mihalciuc, C. (2010).The analysis of Romania’s integration stage in the economic and monetary union and of the nominal convergency criteria in the perspective of adopting. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş, Arad - Seria Ştiinţe Economice, (1-1), 240-249. Apetri, N.A., Sandu, G., & Cibotariu, I.S. (2010). The analysis on the preparation degree of the Eastern Europe block states to adopt the unique currency. The Annals of The "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2(12). Arratibel, O., Furceri, D. & Martin, R. (2008). Real convergence in Central and Eastern European EU member states – which role for exchange rate volatility?. European Central Bank Working Paper, 929. Bănciulea, G. (2017). Isărescu: România îndeplinește din 2015 criteriile de la Maastricht [Isărescu: Romania has been meeting the Maastricht criteria since 2015]. Agerpress. Apr. 7. Retrieved from: Bukowski, S. (2006). The Maastricht convergence criteria and economic growth in the EMU. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica, 24. Cerna, S. (2016). De ce să amânăm adoptarea euro? Trecerea la euro în 2019 este posibilă şi ar putea fi un moment astral în istoria recentă a României [Why postpone euro adoption? switching to the euro in 2019 is possible and it would be a turning point for Romania]. Ziarul financiar. Sept. 21. Retrieved from: Chiru, L. (2009). Popa, BNR: Adoptarea unilaterala a euro nu este o optiune pentru Romania [Popa, NBR: A unilateral adoption of the euro is not an option for Romania]. Ziarul financiar. Apr. 30. Retrieved from: Dovleac, L. & Broju, A. (2013). Why Is Romania still outside the euro zone?. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 6(1), 187-192. Duican, E.R. (2015). Romania's path to the euro area – the importance of real convergence. Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy, 8(2), 497-509. Dulgheriu, R.G. (2015). Nominal and real convergence in the euro area. SEA-Practical Application of Science, 1(7), 215-226. ECB (2016). Convergence report. European Central Bank and European Commission. June. Retrieved from: EC (2016). Flash Eurobarometer 440. Introduction of the euro in the Member States that have not yet adopted the common currency. European Commission. May. Retrieved from: Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Psychology Press. Gheorghe, G. (2017). Grindeanu: Romania will adopt euro after Romanians’ incomes reach EU level. Business Review. April 10. Retrieved from: GR (2016). Convergence program 2016-2019. Government of Romania. April. Bucharest. Retrieved from: Hajer, M. (1995). The Politics of Environmental Discourse. Ecological Modernization and the Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ialomițianu, R.G. & Boldeanu, T.F. (2017). Romania and the euro. An overview of Maastricht convergence criteria fulfilment. Revista Economică, 69(1), 74-87. Iancu, A. (2008a). Nominal convergence. Review of Economic and Business Studies, 2(17), 53-76. Iancu, A. (2008b). Real convergence and integration. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 9(1), 15-28. Iancu, A. (2009). Convergența instituțională și integrarea în UE, Studii Economice. National Institute of Economic Research, 18. Isărescu, M. (2007). România – Trecerea la euro [Romania – switching to the Euro]. In The South-East European Financial Forum, Bucharest (Vol. 17). Isărescu, M. (2008). Probleme ale convergenţei reale în drumul spre Euro [Problems of real convergence on the path to euro]. Bucharest: Academia Română. Isărescu, M. (2015). Nominal convergence versus real convergence. Paper presented at the Romania's Path towards Euro conference. Bucharest. April 20. Lazea, V. (2015). Problemele zonei euro și mentalitatea balcanică [The problems of the euro zone and the Balkanic mentality]. Curs de guvernare. July 6. Retrieved from: Marinaş, M.C. (2013). The risks of euro adoption in Romania – an analysis based on ten criteria. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 20(1 (578)), 33-50. Mănoiu, C. (2017). Traian Băsescu: România trebuie să intre în zona euro în 2019, ca să nu devină ţară de mâna a doua. [TraianBăsescu: Romania must join the euro zone in 2019 so it won't become a second class country]. Mediafax. Mar. 6. Retrieved from: McCloskey, D.M. (1985). The Rhetoric of economics. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. Mundell, R.A. (1961). A theory of optimum currency areas. American Economic Review, 51(4): 657-665. Năftănăilă, C.A., Bragă, V.& Zărnescu, O.M. (2017). Analysis of the convergence criteria in Romania for adopting the single currency and the Convergence Programme 2016-2019 regarding the monetary policy and the exchange rate. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 7(1), 162-169. Păun, C. (2016). The adoption of euro in case of Romania: the main (counter) arguments. The Review of Social and Economic Issues, 1(3), 76-94. Peia, F. (2016). Iohannis: Romania's best ever country project to be finalised in about one year. Agerpres. Oct. 4. Retrieved from: Szeles, M.R., &Marinescu, N. (2010).Real convergence in the CEECs, euro area accession and the role of Romania. The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 7(1), 181-202. Tache, I. (2010). The challenges of euro adoption in Romania: some lessons from the Greek experience. European Research Studies, 13(2), 171-186. Triandafil, C.M. (2011). The analysis of the convergence criteria. Empirical perspective in the context of the sustainable character highlight (No. 111205). Working Papers of National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy.


Year 2017, , 450 - 458, 31.08.2017


As a member of the European Union (EU), Romania is required to adopt
the European single currency once it fulfils all the convergence criteria. As
of June 2017, the national currency has not yet joined the preparatory two-year
phase (the Exchange Rate Mechanism – ERM) necessary for the adoption of the
euro and a certain target date has not been established. Over the years,
different target dates have been officially set and communicated to the public,
only to be later deemed unrealistic and postponed.

The aim of this study is to present the state of the debate regarding
the adoption of the euro and to describe how the main arguments have developed in
recent years. To this end, academic studies both by Romanian and foreign
specialists that treat the issue of euro adoption by Romania are reviewed and analyzed.
Also, a number of recent typical popular press articles on this subject are
presented and investigated. In addition, public positions recently taken by important
political players and appointed officials such as the ones in the Central Bank are
discussed and the core arguments found in these discourses are highlighted.

Insights from the political discourse analysis body of literature are
used to decipher the policy-related meaning of the text and context that
accompany public declarations of some key political actors. The main storylines
that can be found in this literature are identified and analyzed in terms of
economic and political reasoning as well as rhetoric.


  • Anghel, I. (2016). Profesorul Silviu Cerna: Cel mai bun proiect de ţară este adoptarea euro în 2019 [Professor Silviu Cerna: the best country project is adopting the euro by 2019]. Ziarul financiar. Sept. 23. Retrieved from: Apetri, N.A., & Mihalciuc, C. (2010).The analysis of Romania’s integration stage in the economic and monetary union and of the nominal convergency criteria in the perspective of adopting. Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiş, Arad - Seria Ştiinţe Economice, (1-1), 240-249. Apetri, N.A., Sandu, G., & Cibotariu, I.S. (2010). The analysis on the preparation degree of the Eastern Europe block states to adopt the unique currency. The Annals of The "Ştefan cel Mare" University of Suceava. Fascicle of the Faculty of Economics and Public Administration, 2(12). Arratibel, O., Furceri, D. & Martin, R. (2008). Real convergence in Central and Eastern European EU member states – which role for exchange rate volatility?. European Central Bank Working Paper, 929. Bănciulea, G. (2017). Isărescu: România îndeplinește din 2015 criteriile de la Maastricht [Isărescu: Romania has been meeting the Maastricht criteria since 2015]. Agerpress. Apr. 7. Retrieved from: Bukowski, S. (2006). The Maastricht convergence criteria and economic growth in the EMU. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Economia, Finanza e Statistica, 24. Cerna, S. (2016). De ce să amânăm adoptarea euro? Trecerea la euro în 2019 este posibilă şi ar putea fi un moment astral în istoria recentă a României [Why postpone euro adoption? switching to the euro in 2019 is possible and it would be a turning point for Romania]. Ziarul financiar. Sept. 21. Retrieved from: Chiru, L. (2009). Popa, BNR: Adoptarea unilaterala a euro nu este o optiune pentru Romania [Popa, NBR: A unilateral adoption of the euro is not an option for Romania]. Ziarul financiar. Apr. 30. Retrieved from: Dovleac, L. & Broju, A. (2013). Why Is Romania still outside the euro zone?. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov. Economic Sciences. Series V, 6(1), 187-192. Duican, E.R. (2015). Romania's path to the euro area – the importance of real convergence. Hyperion International Journal of Econophysics & New Economy, 8(2), 497-509. Dulgheriu, R.G. (2015). Nominal and real convergence in the euro area. SEA-Practical Application of Science, 1(7), 215-226. ECB (2016). Convergence report. European Central Bank and European Commission. June. Retrieved from: EC (2016). Flash Eurobarometer 440. Introduction of the euro in the Member States that have not yet adopted the common currency. European Commission. May. Retrieved from: Fairclough, N. (2003). Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research. London: Psychology Press. Gheorghe, G. (2017). Grindeanu: Romania will adopt euro after Romanians’ incomes reach EU level. Business Review. April 10. Retrieved from: GR (2016). Convergence program 2016-2019. Government of Romania. April. Bucharest. Retrieved from: Hajer, M. (1995). The Politics of Environmental Discourse. Ecological Modernization and the Policy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ialomițianu, R.G. & Boldeanu, T.F. (2017). Romania and the euro. An overview of Maastricht convergence criteria fulfilment. Revista Economică, 69(1), 74-87. Iancu, A. (2008a). Nominal convergence. Review of Economic and Business Studies, 2(17), 53-76. Iancu, A. (2008b). Real convergence and integration. Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting, 9(1), 15-28. Iancu, A. (2009). Convergența instituțională și integrarea în UE, Studii Economice. National Institute of Economic Research, 18. Isărescu, M. (2007). România – Trecerea la euro [Romania – switching to the Euro]. In The South-East European Financial Forum, Bucharest (Vol. 17). Isărescu, M. (2008). Probleme ale convergenţei reale în drumul spre Euro [Problems of real convergence on the path to euro]. Bucharest: Academia Română. Isărescu, M. (2015). Nominal convergence versus real convergence. Paper presented at the Romania's Path towards Euro conference. Bucharest. April 20. Lazea, V. (2015). Problemele zonei euro și mentalitatea balcanică [The problems of the euro zone and the Balkanic mentality]. Curs de guvernare. July 6. Retrieved from: Marinaş, M.C. (2013). The risks of euro adoption in Romania – an analysis based on ten criteria. Theoretical and Applied Economics, 20(1 (578)), 33-50. Mănoiu, C. (2017). Traian Băsescu: România trebuie să intre în zona euro în 2019, ca să nu devină ţară de mâna a doua. [TraianBăsescu: Romania must join the euro zone in 2019 so it won't become a second class country]. Mediafax. Mar. 6. Retrieved from: McCloskey, D.M. (1985). The Rhetoric of economics. Madison, Wisconsin: The University of Wisconsin Press. Mundell, R.A. (1961). A theory of optimum currency areas. American Economic Review, 51(4): 657-665. Năftănăilă, C.A., Bragă, V.& Zărnescu, O.M. (2017). Analysis of the convergence criteria in Romania for adopting the single currency and the Convergence Programme 2016-2019 regarding the monetary policy and the exchange rate. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 7(1), 162-169. Păun, C. (2016). The adoption of euro in case of Romania: the main (counter) arguments. The Review of Social and Economic Issues, 1(3), 76-94. Peia, F. (2016). Iohannis: Romania's best ever country project to be finalised in about one year. Agerpres. Oct. 4. Retrieved from: Szeles, M.R., &Marinescu, N. (2010).Real convergence in the CEECs, euro area accession and the role of Romania. The European Journal of Comparative Economics, 7(1), 181-202. Tache, I. (2010). The challenges of euro adoption in Romania: some lessons from the Greek experience. European Research Studies, 13(2), 171-186. Triandafil, C.M. (2011). The analysis of the convergence criteria. Empirical perspective in the context of the sustainable character highlight (No. 111205). Working Papers of National Institute of Economic Research, Romanian Academy.
There are 1 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Radu șimandan

Beatrice Leuștean

Răzvan Dobrescu

Publication Date August 31, 2017
Submission Date September 6, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017


EndNote șimandan R, Leuștean B, Dobrescu R (August 1, 2017) ROMANIA AND THE EURO: THE STATE OF THE DEBATE. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 3 8 450–458.



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