Research Article
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Year 2022, , 604 - 623, 07.01.2023


This qualitative study was conducted to explore the factors affecting Qassim University EFL students’ acquisition of English language speaking skills. Thirty students enrolled in the Intensive Course Program (ICP) in the English Language and Translation Department of the Sciences and Arts College in Unaizah, Saudi Arabia, participated in this study. Information on the factors affecting students’ acquisition of English Language speaking skills was gathered using semi-structured interviews with students who were usually active participants in the classroom. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the interview-generated data. The qualitative data was interpreted using manual coding, which requires thoroughly in-depth reading of the transcripts and assigning codes and themes. The findings of the study revealed that Qassim University EFL students’ acquisition of English language speaking skills is affected by a variety of factors including psychological factors such as motivation, lack of confidence, second language anxiety, shyness and introversion, pedagogical factors like classmates’ behaviors, teaching methods and materials, instructor’s feedback, classroom atmosphere, topical knowledge and interest, class size, and linguistic factors such grammatical understanding, vocabulary knowledge, and correct pronunciation. It can therefore be assumed that the factors affecting English language speaking acquisition among EFL students have to be considered within multidimensional aspects rather than simply originating from students themselves. In light of the findings, some pedagogical implications were offered, as well as suggestions for future research.


  • Aeni, N., Jabu, B., Rahman, M. A., & Strid, J. E. (2017). English Oral Communication Apprehension in Students of Indonesian Maritime. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(4), 158.
  • Afshar, H. S., & Asakereh, A. (2016). Speaking skills problems encountered by Iranian EFL freshmen and seniors from their own and their English instructors’ perspectives. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 13(1), 112–130
  • Ahmed, S. T. S., & Qasem, B. T. A. (2019). Problems of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in South Yemen: a case study of Lahj Governorate. ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies on Humanities, 2(4)
  • Alhaisoni, M., & Rahman M. (2013). Teaching English in Saudi Arabia: Prospects and challenges. Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistic, 26(1), 112-118.
  • Al-Sobhi, B. M. S., & Preece, A. S. (2018). Teaching English-speaking skills to the Arab students in the Saudi school in Kuala Lumpur: problems and solutions. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6(1), 1–11
  • Asif, F. (2017). The anxiety factors among Saudi EFL learners: A study from English language teachers’ perspective. Canadian Center of Science and Education, English Language Teaching, 10(6) 160-173.
  • Aubrey, S. C. (2010). Influences on Japanese students’ willingness to communicate across three different sized EFL classes. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Bachman, L., & Palmer, A. S. (1996). Language testing in practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baker, J., & Westrup, H. (2003). Essential Speaking Skills: A Handbook for English Language Teachers. London: Continuum.
  • Baran-Lucarz, M. (2014). The link between pronunciation anxiety and willingness to communicate in the foreign-language classroom: The Polish EFL context. Canadian Modern Language Review, 70(4), 445-473.
  • Bouangeune, S. (2009). Using L1 in teaching vocabulary to low English proficiency level students: a case study at the University of Laos. English Language Teaching Journal, 2(3), 186–193.
  • Bouzar, S. (2019). Issues in teaching speaking to EFL Learners. Education and Linguistics Research, 5(1), 70-79.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77–101.
  • Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1983). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Burns, A. (2017). Research and the teaching of speaking in the second language classroom. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume III. New York: Routledge.
  • Burns, A. & Joyce, H. (1997). Focus on speaking. Sydney: National Center for English Language Teaching and Research.
  • Bygate. (1987). Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Chaney, A. (1998). Teaching oral communication in grades k-8. US: A Viacom Company.
  • Chowdhury, N., & Shaila, S. M. (2011). Teaching speaking in large classes: crossing the barriers. Stamford Journal of English, 6, 68–85.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Methods in Education. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Pearson Education.
  • Crossman, Ashley. (2020, August 27). Understanding Purposive Sampling. Retrieved from
  • Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Fallah, N. (2014). Willingness to communicate in English, communication self-confidence, motivation, shyness and teacher immediacy among Iranian English-major undergraduates: A structural equation modeling approach. Learning and Individual Differences, 30, 140-147.
  • Gillies, A. (2019). Consecutive interpreting: A short course. London: Routledge.
  • Goh, C. C. M., & Burns, A. (2012). Teaching speaking: A holistic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gomleksiz, M. N. (2007). Effectiveness of cooperative learning (jigsaw II) method on teaching English as a foreign language to engineering students (Case of Firat University, Turkey). European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(5), 613–625.
  • Gower & Phillips & Walter. (1995). Teaching Practice. Oxford: Heineman.
  • Harmer, J., 2001. The practice of English language teaching. 3rd ed. Harlow: Longman
  • Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Humaera, I. (2015). Inhibition in speaking performance. Journal of The Association for Arabic and English, 1(1), 31-50.
  • Humphries, R. (2011). Language anxiety in international students. Griffith Working Papers in Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication, 4, 1/2, 65-77.
  • Ibna Seraj, P. M., & Habil, H. (2021). A systematic overview of issues for developing EFL learners’ oral English communication skills. Journal of Language and Education, 1(1), 229–240
  • Jenkins, J. (2007). English as a lingua franca: attitude and identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Jianing, X. (2007). Storytelling in the EFL Speaking Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, 13(11), Retrieved on April 10, 2022 from
  • Joe, H. K., Hiver, P., & Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2017). Classroom social climate, self-determined motivation, willingness to communicate, and achievement: A study of structural relationships in instructed second language settings. Learning and Individual Differences, 53, 133-144.
  • Johnson, K. E. (1995). Understanding communication in second language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Johnson, R.B. and Christensen, L.B. (2008) Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. 3rd Edition, Sage Publications, Inc., Lose Angeles.
  • Kang, S. J. (2005). Dynamic emergence of situational willingness to communicate in a second language. System, 33(2), 277-292.
  • Kelly, G. (2006). How to teach pronunciation. India: Pearson Education.
  • Khajavy, G. H., MacIntyre, P.D., & Barabadi, E. (2017). Role of the emotions and classroom environment in willingness to communicate: Applying doubly latent multilevel analysis in second language acquisition research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-20.
  • Khazaei, Z. M., Zadeh, A. M., & Ketabi, S. (2012). Willingness to communicate in Iranian EFL learners: The Effect of Class Size. English Language Teaching, 5(11), 181-187.
  • Lazaraton, A. (2014). Second language speaking. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton, & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (4th ed., pp. 106–120). Boston: National Geographic Learning.
  • Liu, M. & Jackson, J. (2009). Reticence in Chinese EFL students at varied proficiency levels. TESL Canada Journal, 26(2), 65-81.
  • Luoma, S. (2004). Assessing speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lwin, S. M. (2016). Promoting language learners’ cross-cultural awareness through comparative analyses of Asian folktales. Teflin Journal, 27(2), 166-181.
  • MacIntyre, P. D., Babin, P. A., & Clément, R. (1999). Willingness to communicate: Antecedents & consequences. Communication Quarterly, 47(2), 215-229.
  • MacIntyer, P.D. & Gardner, R.C. (1991). Language anxiety. Its relationship to other anxieties and to processing in native and second languages. Language Learning, 41, 513-534.
  • MacIntyre, P. D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, 283–305
  • Mart, Ç. T. (2013). The facilitating role of L1 in ESL classes. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(1), 9–14.
  • Maulidar, K., Gani, S. A., & Samad, I. A. (2019). Teacher’s strategies in teaching speaking for Cadets. English Education Journal, 10(1), 80-94.
  • Maykut, P., & Morehouse, R. (2005). Beginning qualitative research: A philosophic and practical guide. The Falmer Press e-library.
  • Mazouzi, S. (2013). Analysis of some factors affecting learner’s oral performance. A case study: 3rd Year Pupils of Menaa’s Middle Schools. M. A. Dissertation Department of Foreign Languages, English Division, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Mohamed Khider University of Biskra, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
  • Méndez, M. G., & Peña, A. (2013). Emotions as learning enhancers of foreign language learning motivation. Profile Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 15(1), 109–124.
  • Miller, A., & Pearson, J. (2013). Can I talk to you? The effects of instructor position, nationality, and teaching style on students' perceived willingness to communicate and on teacher evaluations. Communication Quarterly, 61(1), 18-34.
  • Nunan, D. (1999). Second language teaching & learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Nurjannah, A. et. al. (2013). The Effect of Motivation on Students’ Speaking Ability. Jurnal Fkip Unila. 2 (9).
  • Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2014). Speaking anxiety among Turkish EFL learners: The case at a state university. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(1), 1-17. Retrieved from
  • Pandey, M., & Pandey, P. (2014). Better English for better employment opportunities. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, 01(4), 93–100.
  • Park, H., & Lee, A. R. (2005). L2 learners’ anxiety, self-confidence and oral performance. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (pp. 107-208).
  • Patil, Z.N. (2008). Rethinking the objectives of teaching English in Asia. Asian EFL Journal.10 (4), 227-240.
  • Pawlak, M., & Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A. (2015). Investigating the dynamic nature of L2 willingness to communicate. System, 50, 1-9.
  • Peng, J. E. (2007). Willingness to communicate in the Chinese EFL classroom: A cultural perspective. In J. Liu (Ed.), English language teaching in China: New approaches, perspectives and standards (pp. 250-269). London: Continuum.
  • Putri, I. C., Damri, D., Engkizar, E., Asril, Z., & Efendi, E. (2020). The use of Android Game to improve impaired hearing student vocabulary mastery. Journal of Research and Educational Research Evaluation, 9 (2), 85-93.
  • Rahman, M. M., & Singh, M. K. M. (2021). English Medium university STEM teachers’ and students’ ideologies in constructing content knowledge through translanguaging. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
  • Riasati, M. J. (2012). EFL learners’ perception of factors influencing willingness to speak English in language classrooms: A qualitative study. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(10), 1287-1297.
  • Richards & Renandya. (2002). Methodology in Language. Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Robson, M. (2013). THE ENGLISH EFFECT: the impact of English, what it’s worth to the UK and why it matters to the world. London: British Council.
  • Safotso, G. T. (2018). A study of Chadian learners/speakers of English's pronunciation. English Language Teaching, 11(10), 1-9.
  • Seraj, P. M. I., Habil, H., & Hasan, M. K. (2021). Investigating the problems of teaching oral English communication skills in an EFL context at the tertiary level. International Journal of Instruction, 14(2), 501–516
  • Shabani, M.B. (2013). The Effect of Background Knowledge on Speaking Ability of Iranian EFL Learners. Journal of Marketing and Management. 1(1)
  • Shanmugasundaram, S. (2013). Factors Affecting the Spoken English of Tertiary Level Students from Arts and Science Colleges in the District of Tiruchirapalli and Thanjavur- A Study, PhD Thesis, Department of Humanities, NITT
  • Soureshjani, K. H., & Riahipour, P. (2012). Demotivating factors on English speaking skill: A study of EFL language learners and teachers’ attitudes. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17 (3), 327-339.
  • Svensson, J. (2016). The influence of classmates on students' willingness to communicate in English: A study based on teacher and student views and experiences at a Swedish upper secondary school. (Unpublished degree project). Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.
  • TESOL International Association. (2014). TESOL International Association Research Agenda 2014.
  • Thornbury, S. (2005). How to Teach speaking. Harlow, England: Longman.
  • Tokoz-Goktepe, F. (2014). Speaking problems of 9th grade high school Turkish learners of L2 English and possible reasons for those problems: Exploring the teachers and students’ perspectives. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 1875-1879. Retrieved from
  • Toujani, M. M., & Hermessi, T. (2018). English language teaching research in the Middle East and North Africa: multiple perspectives. In S. Hidri (Ed.), Self-esteem, self-expectancy and oral achievement in the Tunisian EFL context. Springer International Publishing
  • Tuan, N.H. & Mai, T.N. (2015). Factors Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance at Le Thanh Hien High School. Asian journal of Educational Research. 3(2).
  • Wells, G., Chang-Wells, G.L. (1992). Constructing knowledge together: classrooms as centers of inquiry and literacy. Heinemenn, Portsmouth, NH.
  • Wierzbicka, A. (2006). English: meaning and culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Xie, Q. (2020). Teaching English oral communication for China’s English minor undergraduates: barriers, challenges and options. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 73–90 ISSN 2308-6262,
  • Yashima, T., Zenuk-Nishide, L., & Shimizu, K. (2004). The influence of attitudes and effect on willingness to communicate and second language communication. Language Learning, 54(1), 119-152.
  • Yu, M. (2015). An examination of the dynamic feature of WTC through dyadic group interaction. System, 55, 11-20.
  • Zarrinabadi, N. (2014). Communicating in a second language: Investigating the effect of teacher on learners' willingness to communicate. System, 42, 288-295.
  • Zhang, X., & Head, K. (2010). Dealing with learner reticence in the speaking class. ELT Journal, 64(1), 1–9
  • Zhang, Y. (2009). Reading to speak: Integrating oral communication skills. English Teaching Forum, 1(1), 31-34
Year 2022, , 604 - 623, 07.01.2023



  • Aeni, N., Jabu, B., Rahman, M. A., & Strid, J. E. (2017). English Oral Communication Apprehension in Students of Indonesian Maritime. International Journal of English Linguistics, 7(4), 158.
  • Afshar, H. S., & Asakereh, A. (2016). Speaking skills problems encountered by Iranian EFL freshmen and seniors from their own and their English instructors’ perspectives. Electronic Journal of Foreign Language Teaching, 13(1), 112–130
  • Ahmed, S. T. S., & Qasem, B. T. A. (2019). Problems of teaching and learning English as a foreign language in South Yemen: a case study of Lahj Governorate. ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies on Humanities, 2(4)
  • Alhaisoni, M., & Rahman M. (2013). Teaching English in Saudi Arabia: Prospects and challenges. Journal of Literature, Languages and Linguistic, 26(1), 112-118.
  • Al-Sobhi, B. M. S., & Preece, A. S. (2018). Teaching English-speaking skills to the Arab students in the Saudi school in Kuala Lumpur: problems and solutions. International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies, 6(1), 1–11
  • Asif, F. (2017). The anxiety factors among Saudi EFL learners: A study from English language teachers’ perspective. Canadian Center of Science and Education, English Language Teaching, 10(6) 160-173.
  • Aubrey, S. C. (2010). Influences on Japanese students’ willingness to communicate across three different sized EFL classes. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). The University of Auckland, New Zealand.
  • Bachman, L., & Palmer, A. S. (1996). Language testing in practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Baker, J., & Westrup, H. (2003). Essential Speaking Skills: A Handbook for English Language Teachers. London: Continuum.
  • Baran-Lucarz, M. (2014). The link between pronunciation anxiety and willingness to communicate in the foreign-language classroom: The Polish EFL context. Canadian Modern Language Review, 70(4), 445-473.
  • Bouangeune, S. (2009). Using L1 in teaching vocabulary to low English proficiency level students: a case study at the University of Laos. English Language Teaching Journal, 2(3), 186–193.
  • Bouzar, S. (2019). Issues in teaching speaking to EFL Learners. Education and Linguistics Research, 5(1), 70-79.
  • Braun, V., & Clarke, V. (2006). Using thematic analysis in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 3(2), 77–101.
  • Brown, G. & Yule, G. (1983). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Burns, A. (2017). Research and the teaching of speaking in the second language classroom. In E. Hinkel (Ed.), Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Volume III. New York: Routledge.
  • Burns, A. & Joyce, H. (1997). Focus on speaking. Sydney: National Center for English Language Teaching and Research.
  • Bygate. (1987). Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Chaney, A. (1998). Teaching oral communication in grades k-8. US: A Viacom Company.
  • Chowdhury, N., & Shaila, S. M. (2011). Teaching speaking in large classes: crossing the barriers. Stamford Journal of English, 6, 68–85.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Methods in Education. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research (4th ed.). Pearson Education.
  • Crossman, Ashley. (2020, August 27). Understanding Purposive Sampling. Retrieved from
  • Crystal, D. (2003). English as a global language (2nd edition). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Dörnyei, Z. (2007). Research methods in applied linguistics: Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Fallah, N. (2014). Willingness to communicate in English, communication self-confidence, motivation, shyness and teacher immediacy among Iranian English-major undergraduates: A structural equation modeling approach. Learning and Individual Differences, 30, 140-147.
  • Gillies, A. (2019). Consecutive interpreting: A short course. London: Routledge.
  • Goh, C. C. M., & Burns, A. (2012). Teaching speaking: A holistic approach. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Gomleksiz, M. N. (2007). Effectiveness of cooperative learning (jigsaw II) method on teaching English as a foreign language to engineering students (Case of Firat University, Turkey). European Journal of Engineering Education, 32(5), 613–625.
  • Gower & Phillips & Walter. (1995). Teaching Practice. Oxford: Heineman.
  • Harmer, J., 2001. The practice of English language teaching. 3rd ed. Harlow: Longman
  • Hedge, T. (2000). Teaching and learning in the language classroom. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Humaera, I. (2015). Inhibition in speaking performance. Journal of The Association for Arabic and English, 1(1), 31-50.
  • Humphries, R. (2011). Language anxiety in international students. Griffith Working Papers in Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication, 4, 1/2, 65-77.
  • Ibna Seraj, P. M., & Habil, H. (2021). A systematic overview of issues for developing EFL learners’ oral English communication skills. Journal of Language and Education, 1(1), 229–240
  • Jenkins, J. (2007). English as a lingua franca: attitude and identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Jianing, X. (2007). Storytelling in the EFL Speaking Classroom. The Internet TESL Journal, 13(11), Retrieved on April 10, 2022 from
  • Joe, H. K., Hiver, P., & Al-Hoorie, A. H. (2017). Classroom social climate, self-determined motivation, willingness to communicate, and achievement: A study of structural relationships in instructed second language settings. Learning and Individual Differences, 53, 133-144.
  • Johnson, K. E. (1995). Understanding communication in second language classrooms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Johnson, R.B. and Christensen, L.B. (2008) Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. 3rd Edition, Sage Publications, Inc., Lose Angeles.
  • Kang, S. J. (2005). Dynamic emergence of situational willingness to communicate in a second language. System, 33(2), 277-292.
  • Kelly, G. (2006). How to teach pronunciation. India: Pearson Education.
  • Khajavy, G. H., MacIntyre, P.D., & Barabadi, E. (2017). Role of the emotions and classroom environment in willingness to communicate: Applying doubly latent multilevel analysis in second language acquisition research. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 1-20.
  • Khazaei, Z. M., Zadeh, A. M., & Ketabi, S. (2012). Willingness to communicate in Iranian EFL learners: The Effect of Class Size. English Language Teaching, 5(11), 181-187.
  • Lazaraton, A. (2014). Second language speaking. In M. Celce-Murcia, D. M. Brinton, & M. A. Snow (Eds.), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language, (4th ed., pp. 106–120). Boston: National Geographic Learning.
  • Liu, M. & Jackson, J. (2009). Reticence in Chinese EFL students at varied proficiency levels. TESL Canada Journal, 26(2), 65-81.
  • Luoma, S. (2004). Assessing speaking. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lwin, S. M. (2016). Promoting language learners’ cross-cultural awareness through comparative analyses of Asian folktales. Teflin Journal, 27(2), 166-181.
  • MacIntyre, P. D., Babin, P. A., & Clément, R. (1999). Willingness to communicate: Antecedents & consequences. Communication Quarterly, 47(2), 215-229.
  • MacIntyer, P.D. & Gardner, R.C. (1991). Language anxiety. Its relationship to other anxieties and to processing in native and second languages. Language Learning, 41, 513-534.
  • MacIntyre, P. D., & Gardner, R. C. (1994). The subtle effects of language anxiety on cognitive processing in the second language. Language Learning, 44, 283–305
  • Mart, Ç. T. (2013). The facilitating role of L1 in ESL classes. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(1), 9–14.
  • Maulidar, K., Gani, S. A., & Samad, I. A. (2019). Teacher’s strategies in teaching speaking for Cadets. English Education Journal, 10(1), 80-94.
  • Maykut, P., & Morehouse, R. (2005). Beginning qualitative research: A philosophic and practical guide. The Falmer Press e-library.
  • Mazouzi, S. (2013). Analysis of some factors affecting learner’s oral performance. A case study: 3rd Year Pupils of Menaa’s Middle Schools. M. A. Dissertation Department of Foreign Languages, English Division, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Mohamed Khider University of Biskra, People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria
  • Méndez, M. G., & Peña, A. (2013). Emotions as learning enhancers of foreign language learning motivation. Profile Issues in Teachers’ Professional Development, 15(1), 109–124.
  • Miller, A., & Pearson, J. (2013). Can I talk to you? The effects of instructor position, nationality, and teaching style on students' perceived willingness to communicate and on teacher evaluations. Communication Quarterly, 61(1), 18-34.
  • Nunan, D. (1999). Second language teaching & learning. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publishers.
  • Nurjannah, A. et. al. (2013). The Effect of Motivation on Students’ Speaking Ability. Jurnal Fkip Unila. 2 (9).
  • Öztürk, G., & Gürbüz, N. (2014). Speaking anxiety among Turkish EFL learners: The case at a state university. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 10(1), 1-17. Retrieved from
  • Pandey, M., & Pandey, P. (2014). Better English for better employment opportunities. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Approach and Studies, 01(4), 93–100.
  • Park, H., & Lee, A. R. (2005). L2 learners’ anxiety, self-confidence and oral performance. In Proceedings of the 10th Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (pp. 107-208).
  • Patil, Z.N. (2008). Rethinking the objectives of teaching English in Asia. Asian EFL Journal.10 (4), 227-240.
  • Pawlak, M., & Mystkowska-Wiertelak, A. (2015). Investigating the dynamic nature of L2 willingness to communicate. System, 50, 1-9.
  • Peng, J. E. (2007). Willingness to communicate in the Chinese EFL classroom: A cultural perspective. In J. Liu (Ed.), English language teaching in China: New approaches, perspectives and standards (pp. 250-269). London: Continuum.
  • Putri, I. C., Damri, D., Engkizar, E., Asril, Z., & Efendi, E. (2020). The use of Android Game to improve impaired hearing student vocabulary mastery. Journal of Research and Educational Research Evaluation, 9 (2), 85-93.
  • Rahman, M. M., & Singh, M. K. M. (2021). English Medium university STEM teachers’ and students’ ideologies in constructing content knowledge through translanguaging. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
  • Riasati, M. J. (2012). EFL learners’ perception of factors influencing willingness to speak English in language classrooms: A qualitative study. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17(10), 1287-1297.
  • Richards & Renandya. (2002). Methodology in Language. Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Richards, J. C., & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and methods in language teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Robson, M. (2013). THE ENGLISH EFFECT: the impact of English, what it’s worth to the UK and why it matters to the world. London: British Council.
  • Safotso, G. T. (2018). A study of Chadian learners/speakers of English's pronunciation. English Language Teaching, 11(10), 1-9.
  • Seraj, P. M. I., Habil, H., & Hasan, M. K. (2021). Investigating the problems of teaching oral English communication skills in an EFL context at the tertiary level. International Journal of Instruction, 14(2), 501–516
  • Shabani, M.B. (2013). The Effect of Background Knowledge on Speaking Ability of Iranian EFL Learners. Journal of Marketing and Management. 1(1)
  • Shanmugasundaram, S. (2013). Factors Affecting the Spoken English of Tertiary Level Students from Arts and Science Colleges in the District of Tiruchirapalli and Thanjavur- A Study, PhD Thesis, Department of Humanities, NITT
  • Soureshjani, K. H., & Riahipour, P. (2012). Demotivating factors on English speaking skill: A study of EFL language learners and teachers’ attitudes. World Applied Sciences Journal, 17 (3), 327-339.
  • Svensson, J. (2016). The influence of classmates on students' willingness to communicate in English: A study based on teacher and student views and experiences at a Swedish upper secondary school. (Unpublished degree project). Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.
  • TESOL International Association. (2014). TESOL International Association Research Agenda 2014.
  • Thornbury, S. (2005). How to Teach speaking. Harlow, England: Longman.
  • Tokoz-Goktepe, F. (2014). Speaking problems of 9th grade high school Turkish learners of L2 English and possible reasons for those problems: Exploring the teachers and students’ perspectives. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 116, 1875-1879. Retrieved from
  • Toujani, M. M., & Hermessi, T. (2018). English language teaching research in the Middle East and North Africa: multiple perspectives. In S. Hidri (Ed.), Self-esteem, self-expectancy and oral achievement in the Tunisian EFL context. Springer International Publishing
  • Tuan, N.H. & Mai, T.N. (2015). Factors Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance at Le Thanh Hien High School. Asian journal of Educational Research. 3(2).
  • Wells, G., Chang-Wells, G.L. (1992). Constructing knowledge together: classrooms as centers of inquiry and literacy. Heinemenn, Portsmouth, NH.
  • Wierzbicka, A. (2006). English: meaning and culture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Xie, Q. (2020). Teaching English oral communication for China’s English minor undergraduates: barriers, challenges and options. The Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 7(1), 73–90 ISSN 2308-6262,
  • Yashima, T., Zenuk-Nishide, L., & Shimizu, K. (2004). The influence of attitudes and effect on willingness to communicate and second language communication. Language Learning, 54(1), 119-152.
  • Yu, M. (2015). An examination of the dynamic feature of WTC through dyadic group interaction. System, 55, 11-20.
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There are 89 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Mustafa Elsayed

Publication Date January 7, 2023
Submission Date November 1, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


EndNote Elsayed M (January 1, 2023) EXPLORING FACTORS AFFECTING QASSIM UNIVERSITY EFL STUDENTS’ ACQUISITION OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SPEAKING SKILLS. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 8 24 604–623.



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