Writing Rules

Principles Regarding Writing Rules

1. The language of publication is Turkish and English.

2. Studies should include the following sections:

• Title, Full names of the author(s) and the institutions they work for, contact information, article title), Turkish Abstract, key concepts, English summary and key concepts,

• Main article text,

• References,

• Appendices, tables, figures.

3. At the beginning of the article, a Turkish and English summary of at least 200 words, and Turkish and English keywords of 3-7 words; Turkish and English titles should be included.

4. Studies to be sent to the journal must be in .doc or .docx format.

5. Articles, minimum 4000 and maximum 8000 words; Book reviews should be between 1000 and 1500 words.

6. The letters of the words in the main title should be written in capital letters, Times New Roman 14 point, bold.

7. A maximum of two subheadings should be used; The second title should also be in italics.

8. The author's name should be written in the upper right corner, one line below the title, in Times New Roman 12-point font; The title, place of work and e-mail address of the author(s) should be given as a footnote (8.5 font size). Footnotes for other explanations should be numbered within the text and at the bottom of the page.

9. Abstracts should be in Times New Roman 10 point font.

10. Main texts should be in Times New Roman 12 point font.

11. Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt and line spacing should be 1.5.

12. The first line indent should be 0.5 cm.

13. Footnotes should be Times New Roman 8.5 point.

14. Double quotes (“...") should be used in direct quotes.

15. Figures, pictures, graphs and tables should be numbered. Under the names of figures, pictures and graphics; The table name must appear above the table. Text and numbers in figures, pictures, graphs and tables should be written in 10 point font.

16. Graphs must be openable in Windows MS Word, and graphs and tables must be numbered.

17. Photos must be in .jpeg format, high resolution and in relevant places within the text.

18. APA (http://www.apastyle.org/) style must be used to indicate the works used in the bibliography.

19. For quotations from the internet, the guide published by Harvard University can be used: http://www15.uta.fi/FAST/PK6/REF/writing_with_internet_sources.pdf

20. Articles must be uploaded to ULAKBİM DergiPark site