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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 5, 501 - 510, 26.08.2016


The article focuses on the legal media discourse as a contemporary and complex communicative phenomenon, which is at the interface of two major and widespread institutional types of discourses – the legal and the media discourses. Having closely intertwined with each other, the legal and the media discourses form a special type of discourse known as the legal media discourse which is realized in the field of mass communication and aimed at integrating mediated legal topics and categories in a daily reality. Moreover, the author also considers the position of legal media discourse in the discursive area.

The author proposes the hypothesis that the legal media discourse is a kind of media discourse and -increasingly– institutional discourse that has specific features related to its mass informational nature. This hypothesis is based on the arguments and conclusions of the scientists studying the legal discourse as a meaning-reproducing activities aimed at regulating and supervising the public relations through a system of social control, which is created with the help of such institutions as education, religion and the media; and considering the media discourse as any kind of discourse, realized in the field of mass communication produced by the media. Author argues that the legal media discourse is seen as a special kind of media discourse, as a result of mediatization of the legal discourse, which is characterized as a process of broadcasting and interpretation of mass information of the social and legal nature by the mass media. In this case, the media are an important tool not only in the interpreting and popularizing of the legal concepts and reality to a wide audience, but also in the improving of legal literacy and legal culture. Thus, having many similarities, the author concludes that the media discourse and legal discourse intersect in some area of its application.

Keywords: discourse, legal discourse, media, legal media discourse, mediatization. 


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  • Stepanov, Y.S. (1996). Alternative world, Discourse, Fact and Principle of causality. Language and the Science of the late 20th century. Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Silanova, M.A. (2014). Mediatization of legal discourse. Electronic scientific "Mediaskop" magazine Issue №4..
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  • Zassoursky, Y.N. (2008). International Journalism in a multipolar world. Vestnic of electronic and print media. - Issue № 8. - Part 2.
Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 5, 501 - 510, 26.08.2016



  • Arutyunova, N.D. (1990). Discourse. Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. Soviet Encyclopedia Publ.
  • Ahtaeva, L.A. (2010). Scientific discourse as a specific kind of discursive activity. Young scientist. - 2010.№7
  • Alefirenko, N.F. (2007). Speech genre, discourse, culture. Type of speech: Coll. scientific articles. - Vol. 5. The Genre and Culture. "Science» Publishing Center.
  • Aleschanova, I.V. (2000). Newspaper text as a kind of mass-information discourse. Linguistic personality: institutional and personal discourse: Collec. Scientific articles: Issue 1 / Volgograd State Pedagogical University.
  • Belkin, A.A. (1995). Constitutional protection: three aspects of Russian ideology and practice. "Petropolis" Publishing Center.
  • Chernyh, A.I. (2008). Sociology of Mass Communications. Textbook. Publishing House of High School of Economics.
  • Dijk, van T.A. (1986). Language. Cognition. Communication. “Progress” Publishing House.
  • Dubrovskaya, T. V. (2010). Judicial discourse: judge’s speech behavior: Dissertation abstract of Dr. Philology. Science. 10.02.19.
  • Gee, James Paul. (1990). Social linguistics and literacies: Ideology in discourses. Critical perspectives on literacy and education. Falmer Press.
  • Grushevskaya, T.M. (2002). Political discourse in the aspect of a newspaper text. RGPU publishing house of A.I. Herzen.
  • Gurochkina, A. G. (1999). The concept of discourse in modern linguistics [Text]. Nomination and Discourse: Inter-University collection of scientific papers.
  • Krasnyh, V.V. (2010). Fundamentals of psycholinguistics and communication theory: Lectures. ITDGK "Gnosis".
  • Kubryakova, E.S. (1999). On the contours of a new paradigm of knowledge in linguistics / Kubryakova E.S., Alexandrova O.V. // Structure and semantics of a literary text. Reports of the VII Intern. Conf.
  • Kirov, E.F. (2004). The chain of events - the discourse / text - concept // Actual problems of linguistics and intercultural communication. Lingua-didactic aspects of intercultural communication: materials of scientific session of the Faculty of LiMK Volgograd State University. Collection of scientific articles. "Volgograd" publishing house, Vol. 2.
  • Kress, G. (1985). Ideological Structures in Discourse // Handbook of Discourse Analysis. Vol. 4. Discourse Analysis in Society.
  • Karasik, V.I. (2004). Linguistic circle: personality, concepts, discourse. monographia. Second edition. «Volgograd» publishing house.
  • Karasik, V.I. (2000) Types of discourse // Linguistic personality: institutional and personal discourse. Peremena.
  • Kozhemyakin, E.A. (2011). Legal discourse as a cultural phenomenon: the structure and smysloobrazovanie. Legal linguistics -11: Law as a discourse, text and word: Inter-university collection of scientific papers / edit. by Goleva N.D. and Brineva K.I.; Kemerovo State University.
  • Kozhemyakin, E.A. (2010). Mass communication and media discourse: to research methodology. Scientific statements of Belgorod State University. Series: Humanities.№12 (83).
  • Mikhaleva, O.V. (2004). Political discourse as the scope of the implementation of the manipulative influence. Dissertation abstract of Cand. Philology. Science. 10.02.01.
  • Makarov, M.L. (2003). Fundamentals of discourse theory. Gnosis.
  • Malysheva, E.G. (2011). Russian sport discourse: theory and methodology of the linguacognitive studies. Dissertation abstract of Cand. Sciences. 10.02.01.
  • Maltsev, G.V. (2007). Social foundation of law. Monograph.
  • Pihtovnikova, L.S. (2013). Discourse in the aspect of informativeness. URL: http: // synergy. kh. ua / discurs2.html
  • Prokoshenkova, L.P., Getskina I.B. (2006). Discourse analysis and its role in modern linguistics. Vestnik of Chuvash University № 4.
  • Polonsky, A. V. (2011). Discourse: root phenomenon of culture and social communications. Language of professional communication and linguistic studies: Collection of papers in intern. scientific practical seminar / ed. By Samosenkova T.V. IPK NIU "BelSU".
  • Pervukhina, E.V. (2013). Semantic and syntactic characteristics of the adapted text in the legal discourse. Philological science. Theory and practice, № 4 (22) 2013, Part 2.
  • Polonsky, A. V. (2009). Modern media discourse: the key ideas and words. Russian language in the modern media space. Materials of Intern. scientific-practical. Conf. Belgorod State University.
  • Sheigal, E.I. (2004). Semiotics of political discourse. Diss. doctor.phil.sciences. Gnosis.
  • Stepanov, Y.S. (1996). Alternative world, Discourse, Fact and Principle of causality. Language and the Science of the late 20th century. Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Silanova, M.A. (2014). Mediatization of legal discourse. Electronic scientific "Mediaskop" magazine Issue №4..
  • Sokolov, A.V. (2002). The general theory of social communication // Publishing house of Mikhailov V.A.,
  • Tonkov, E.N. (2013). The interpretation of the law in England. Monograph.
  • Vartanova, E.L. (2003). Media economy of foreign countries. Аspekt Press
  • Zheltuhina, M.R. (2003). Tropological suggestiveness of mass media discourse: On the problem of speech influence of tropes in the language of the media. Monograph. Univ. VF IASC.
  • Zassoursky, Y.N. (2008). International Journalism in a multipolar world. Vestnic of electronic and print media. - Issue № 8. - Part 2.
There are 36 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Gulchehra Noruzova

Publication Date August 26, 2016
Submission Date August 24, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 2 Issue: 5


EndNote Noruzova G (August 1, 2016) LEGAL MEDIA DISCOURSE AS A MODERN PHENOMENON OF DISCURSIVE AREA. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 2 5 501–510.



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