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Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 222 - 230, 22.04.2016


One of the areas in which these technological advances are dramatically influencing people’s lives is information technology and telecommunications hence the claim that we are in the midst of a ‘digital revolution’ that is driving us towards an ‘information society’. The development of human learning abilities has been changed over the past 60 years of technological innovation starting from the widespread use of the radio, through television, and finally to the mass implementation of computers and information and communication technologies (ICT). With information revolution on the go, shift towards knowledge-based economy is the prime target of all nations of the world. Also, there is a growing concern about the current trends in ICT adoption and use. Throughout the world communities are grappling with the concept of knowledge based development. Education is considered, as the most important contributing factor to nations development and achievement of knowledge economy in the era of information revolution. Education especially the primary and secondary education is important; as it is here the foundations of knowledge are led. The literature on educational technology lacks empirical research on the social practice of information and communication technology (ICT) that would enable us to extend our understanding of the barriers to adoption and integration of ICT in the educational context. The present field study was undertaken with teachers, students, parents and staff of a government primary educational institute in a disadvantaged rural area of India. Research was initiated with the investigation by adapting participatory appraisal methods suitable to a rural context. The anthropological approach used in the present research focuses on the influences of culture and society on the individual adoption behavior; it emphasizes participant observation and academic analysis of behavior through both management and consumer perspectives. The cultural capital in question includes knowledge about ICT product features and qualities, ICT skills, digital literacy, the level of education of family elders, and proficiency in English. Economic capital includes access to electricity, lack of knowledge of the ICT market, a transportation system, and ownership of ICT equipment. Social capital includes distrust of rural and semi-urban sources of ICT purchases, lack of motivation, and access to ICT. In addition to finding ways to facilitate the work of teachers and educational institutions in both formal and non-formal learning environments, the informal learning environment has to be considered. The paper explores that every culture, organizational or national, is different, and not all technologies are equally acceptable in all cultures. It brings forward the ground realities including policy concerns, failures in governmental efforts and community’s role in facilitating ICT adoption. It also highlights the role of teacher’s in promoting ICT adoption and use in education. The better we understand culture, the better we can maximize the usefulness of new information technology in the workplace.

Keywords: ICT4d, educational technology, digital literacy, developing countries, barriers to technology, diffusion of innovations.


  • Adeya, N. C. 2002. ICTs and poverty: a literature review. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. Retrieved from uploads/user-S/10541291550ICTPovertyBiblio.doc
  • Al-bataineh, A., S. Anderson, C. Toledo and S. Wellinski. 2008. A study of technology integration in the classroom. Int’l Journal of Instuctional Media 35: 381-387.
  • Ale, Komathi. 2011. Community factors in technology adoption in primary education: perspectives from rural India. Information Technologies and International Development 7(4): 53-68.
  • Apkan, J. P. 2002. Which comes first: computer simulation of dissection or a traditional laboratory practical method of dissection? Electronic Journal of Science Education 6(4): 1–18.
  • Attewell, P. 2001. The first and second digital divides. Sociology of Education 74: 252–259.
  • Banerjee, A, S. Cole, E. Duflo, and L. Linden. 2005. Remedying education: Evidence from two randomized experiments in India. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122(3): 1235–1264.
  • Bork, A. 2003. Interactive learning: twenty years later. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 2(4): 605–611.
  • Bracey, B. 2005. Introduction: Uniting people, technology and powerful ideas for learning. In Harnessing the potential of ICT for education: a multi-stakeholder approach, B. Bracey and T. Cluver eds., New York: The United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force.
  • Brauer, W. 1985. On the role of theory in teaching programming. In The role of programming in teaching informatics, M. Griffiths and E. D. Tagg eds, pp. 149-153. North Holland: Netherlands.
  • Brock, E. 2001. Integrating real practices experience in ICT education. Journal of Information Systems Education 12(3): 133–140.
  • Carlson, S. 2002. The missing link in educational technology: Trained teachers. Retrieved from 435.pdf
  • Carmel, E. 1997. American hegemony in packaged software trade and the "Culture of Software”. The Information Society 13(1): 125-142.
  • Chib, A., and J. Zhao. 2009. Sustainability of ICT interventions: lessons from rural projects in China and India. In Communicating for social impact: engaging communication theory, research, and pedagogy, L. Harter and M. J. Dutta eds., ICA 2008 Conference Theme Book. Hampton Press.
  • Cope, C., and P. Ward. 2002. Integrating learning technology into classrooms: The importance of teachers’ perceptions. Educational Technology & Society 5(1): 67–74.
  • Delannoy, F. 2000. Teacher training or lifelong professional development? Worldwide trends and challenges. TecKnowLogia 2(6): 10–13.
  • Department of Education, and Science, England. 1967. Computer education: report of an interdepartmental working group. UK: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
  • Ercoli, P. 1985. Are there cultural reasons for teaching programming? In the role of programming in teaching informatics, M. Griffiths and E. D. Tagg eds, Pp. 37-42. North Holland: Netherlands.
  • Farrell, G. and C. Wachholz. 2004. Integrating information and communication technologies in education in Asia and the Pacific: Trends and observations. In Meta-survey on the use of technologies in education in Asia and the Pacific, G. Farrell and C. Wachholz eds., Pp. 265–272. Bangkok: UNESCO.
  • Galliers, R. B. 1987. Educating information systems managers into the 1990s: the wait example. In Information systems education, R.A. Buckingham, R. A. Hirschheim, F. Land, and C. J. Tully eds, Pp. 167-178, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative (GESCI). 2009. Deploying ICTs in schools: a framework for identifying and assessing technology options, their benefits, feasibility and total cost of ownership. Retrieved from
  • Hawkins, B. L., and D.G. Oblinger. 2006. The myth about the digital divide. Educause Review 41(4): 12–13.
  • Honan, E. 2008. Barriers to teachers using digital texts in literacy classrooms. Literacy 42: 36-43.
  • Hutchison, A. and D. Reinking. 2011. Teachers’ perceptions of integrating information and communication technologies into literacy instruction: a national survey in the United States. Reading Research Quarterly 46: 312-333.
  • infoDev. 2003. ICT for development: Contributing to the Millennium Development Goals. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 2007. Profiles for technology (ICT) literate students. Retrieved from
  • International Telecommunication Union. 2009. Information society statistical profiles 2009: Asia and the Pacific. Retrieved from http://www
  • Jhurree, V. 2005. Technology integration in education in developing countries: guidelines to policy makers. International Education Journal 6(4), 467–483.
  • Kinyanjui, L. 2002. Preparing a workforce for the evolving information economy: A survey on ICT access and use in Kenya secondary schools. Nairobi: SchoolNet Kenya.
  • Kozma, R. B. 2006. Monitoring and evaluation of ICT for education impact: a review. In Monitoring and evaluation of ICT in education projects. A handbook for developing countries, D. Wagner, R. Day, T. James, R. Kozma, J. Miller, and T. Unwin eds., Pp. 11–20. Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank.
  • Manzar, O., B. Phalachandra, and S. Sinha. 2005. Technology in India 2005. Retrieved from http://
  • Martins, C. B. M. J., A.V. Steil, and J.L. Todesco. 2004. Factors influencing the adoption of the Internet as a teaching tool at foreign language schools. Computers & Education 42: 353–374.
  • McGhee, R., and R. B. Kozma. 1999. World links for development: Accomplishments and challenges, monitoring and evaluation annual report. Retrieved from docs/library/36013/sri_world_me_report_1999_ 00.pdf
  • Mumtaz, S. 2000. Factors affecting teachers’ use of information and communications technology: a review of the literature. Journal of Information Techology for Teacher Education 9(3): 319–342.
  • Negroponte, N. 1995. Being digital. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Oettinger, A. G. 1968. Computers and education. In University Education in Computing Science, A. Finerman eds. Pp: 27-38. USA: Academic Press.
  • Oppenheimer, T. 1997. The computer delusion. The Atlantic Online 280(1): 45–62.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). 2005. Are students ready for a technology-rich world? what PISA studies tell us. Paris: OECD.
  • Papert, S. 1996. The connected family: bridging the digital generation gap. Atlanta: Longstreet.
  • Peat, M. and S. Franklin. 2003. Has student learning been improved by the use of online and offline press. Australian Journal of Educational Technology 19(1): 87–99.
  • Pierce, R., and L. Ball. 2009. Perceptions that may affect teachers’ intention to use technology in secondary mathematics classes. Educational Studies in Mathematics 71(3): 299–317.
  • Riel, M. 1992. Learning circles: A functional analysis of educational telecomputing. Interactive Learning Environments 2: 15–30.
  • Tinio, V. L. 2002. Survey of information and communication technology utilization in Philippine public high schools: Preliminary findings. Tokyo, Japan: Center of International Cooperation for Computerization.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2005. Promoting ICT for human development in Asia: realizing the millennium development goals. Gurgaon, India: Elsevier.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2009. Human development report 2009. Overcoming Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2004. Education for all: The quality imperative. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005. Paris: UNESCO.
  • United Nations. 2003. Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals. New York: United Nations.
  • Weir, S. 1992. Electronic communities of learners: Fact or fiction. TERC Working Paper 3-92. Cambridge, MA: TERC Communications.
  • Yildirim, S. 2007. Current utilization of ICT in Turkish basic education schools: A review of teachers’ ICT use and barriers to integration. International Journal of Instructional Media 34: 171-186.
Year 2016, Volume: 2 Issue: 4, 222 - 230, 22.04.2016



  • Adeya, N. C. 2002. ICTs and poverty: a literature review. Ottawa: International Development Research Centre. Retrieved from uploads/user-S/10541291550ICTPovertyBiblio.doc
  • Al-bataineh, A., S. Anderson, C. Toledo and S. Wellinski. 2008. A study of technology integration in the classroom. Int’l Journal of Instuctional Media 35: 381-387.
  • Ale, Komathi. 2011. Community factors in technology adoption in primary education: perspectives from rural India. Information Technologies and International Development 7(4): 53-68.
  • Apkan, J. P. 2002. Which comes first: computer simulation of dissection or a traditional laboratory practical method of dissection? Electronic Journal of Science Education 6(4): 1–18.
  • Attewell, P. 2001. The first and second digital divides. Sociology of Education 74: 252–259.
  • Banerjee, A, S. Cole, E. Duflo, and L. Linden. 2005. Remedying education: Evidence from two randomized experiments in India. The Quarterly Journal of Economics 122(3): 1235–1264.
  • Bork, A. 2003. Interactive learning: twenty years later. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 2(4): 605–611.
  • Bracey, B. 2005. Introduction: Uniting people, technology and powerful ideas for learning. In Harnessing the potential of ICT for education: a multi-stakeholder approach, B. Bracey and T. Cluver eds., New York: The United Nations Information and Communication Technologies Task Force.
  • Brauer, W. 1985. On the role of theory in teaching programming. In The role of programming in teaching informatics, M. Griffiths and E. D. Tagg eds, pp. 149-153. North Holland: Netherlands.
  • Brock, E. 2001. Integrating real practices experience in ICT education. Journal of Information Systems Education 12(3): 133–140.
  • Carlson, S. 2002. The missing link in educational technology: Trained teachers. Retrieved from 435.pdf
  • Carmel, E. 1997. American hegemony in packaged software trade and the "Culture of Software”. The Information Society 13(1): 125-142.
  • Chib, A., and J. Zhao. 2009. Sustainability of ICT interventions: lessons from rural projects in China and India. In Communicating for social impact: engaging communication theory, research, and pedagogy, L. Harter and M. J. Dutta eds., ICA 2008 Conference Theme Book. Hampton Press.
  • Cope, C., and P. Ward. 2002. Integrating learning technology into classrooms: The importance of teachers’ perceptions. Educational Technology & Society 5(1): 67–74.
  • Delannoy, F. 2000. Teacher training or lifelong professional development? Worldwide trends and challenges. TecKnowLogia 2(6): 10–13.
  • Department of Education, and Science, England. 1967. Computer education: report of an interdepartmental working group. UK: Her Majesty's Stationery Office.
  • Ercoli, P. 1985. Are there cultural reasons for teaching programming? In the role of programming in teaching informatics, M. Griffiths and E. D. Tagg eds, Pp. 37-42. North Holland: Netherlands.
  • Farrell, G. and C. Wachholz. 2004. Integrating information and communication technologies in education in Asia and the Pacific: Trends and observations. In Meta-survey on the use of technologies in education in Asia and the Pacific, G. Farrell and C. Wachholz eds., Pp. 265–272. Bangkok: UNESCO.
  • Galliers, R. B. 1987. Educating information systems managers into the 1990s: the wait example. In Information systems education, R.A. Buckingham, R. A. Hirschheim, F. Land, and C. J. Tully eds, Pp. 167-178, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  • Global E-Schools and Communities Initiative (GESCI). 2009. Deploying ICTs in schools: a framework for identifying and assessing technology options, their benefits, feasibility and total cost of ownership. Retrieved from
  • Hawkins, B. L., and D.G. Oblinger. 2006. The myth about the digital divide. Educause Review 41(4): 12–13.
  • Honan, E. 2008. Barriers to teachers using digital texts in literacy classrooms. Literacy 42: 36-43.
  • Hutchison, A. and D. Reinking. 2011. Teachers’ perceptions of integrating information and communication technologies into literacy instruction: a national survey in the United States. Reading Research Quarterly 46: 312-333.
  • infoDev. 2003. ICT for development: Contributing to the Millennium Development Goals. Washington, DC: The World Bank.
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 2007. Profiles for technology (ICT) literate students. Retrieved from
  • International Telecommunication Union. 2009. Information society statistical profiles 2009: Asia and the Pacific. Retrieved from http://www
  • Jhurree, V. 2005. Technology integration in education in developing countries: guidelines to policy makers. International Education Journal 6(4), 467–483.
  • Kinyanjui, L. 2002. Preparing a workforce for the evolving information economy: A survey on ICT access and use in Kenya secondary schools. Nairobi: SchoolNet Kenya.
  • Kozma, R. B. 2006. Monitoring and evaluation of ICT for education impact: a review. In Monitoring and evaluation of ICT in education projects. A handbook for developing countries, D. Wagner, R. Day, T. James, R. Kozma, J. Miller, and T. Unwin eds., Pp. 11–20. Washington, DC: The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank.
  • Manzar, O., B. Phalachandra, and S. Sinha. 2005. Technology in India 2005. Retrieved from http://
  • Martins, C. B. M. J., A.V. Steil, and J.L. Todesco. 2004. Factors influencing the adoption of the Internet as a teaching tool at foreign language schools. Computers & Education 42: 353–374.
  • McGhee, R., and R. B. Kozma. 1999. World links for development: Accomplishments and challenges, monitoring and evaluation annual report. Retrieved from docs/library/36013/sri_world_me_report_1999_ 00.pdf
  • Mumtaz, S. 2000. Factors affecting teachers’ use of information and communications technology: a review of the literature. Journal of Information Techology for Teacher Education 9(3): 319–342.
  • Negroponte, N. 1995. Being digital. New York: Vintage Books.
  • Oettinger, A. G. 1968. Computers and education. In University Education in Computing Science, A. Finerman eds. Pp: 27-38. USA: Academic Press.
  • Oppenheimer, T. 1997. The computer delusion. The Atlantic Online 280(1): 45–62.
  • Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD). 2005. Are students ready for a technology-rich world? what PISA studies tell us. Paris: OECD.
  • Papert, S. 1996. The connected family: bridging the digital generation gap. Atlanta: Longstreet.
  • Peat, M. and S. Franklin. 2003. Has student learning been improved by the use of online and offline press. Australian Journal of Educational Technology 19(1): 87–99.
  • Pierce, R., and L. Ball. 2009. Perceptions that may affect teachers’ intention to use technology in secondary mathematics classes. Educational Studies in Mathematics 71(3): 299–317.
  • Riel, M. 1992. Learning circles: A functional analysis of educational telecomputing. Interactive Learning Environments 2: 15–30.
  • Tinio, V. L. 2002. Survey of information and communication technology utilization in Philippine public high schools: Preliminary findings. Tokyo, Japan: Center of International Cooperation for Computerization.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2005. Promoting ICT for human development in Asia: realizing the millennium development goals. Gurgaon, India: Elsevier.
  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). 2009. Human development report 2009. Overcoming Overcoming barriers: Human mobility and development. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 2004. Education for all: The quality imperative. EFA Global Monitoring Report 2005. Paris: UNESCO.
  • United Nations. 2003. Indicators for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals. New York: United Nations.
  • Weir, S. 1992. Electronic communities of learners: Fact or fiction. TERC Working Paper 3-92. Cambridge, MA: TERC Communications.
  • Yildirim, S. 2007. Current utilization of ICT in Turkish basic education schools: A review of teachers’ ICT use and barriers to integration. International Journal of Instructional Media 34: 171-186.
There are 48 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Avanee Khatri

Publication Date April 22, 2016
Submission Date April 21, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016Volume: 2 Issue: 4





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