Research Article
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Year 2018, , 732 - 745, 10.01.2019



  • Terziev, Venelin. (2017). Opportunities for improving the efficiency of the socialadaptation of servicemen discharged from military service in Bulgaria. // Catalogue of the scientific, educational and methodical literature presented by authors at the I –XXXIV All-Russian book exhibitions held by Academy of Natural History, Exposition on the Frankfurter Buchmessе 2017, XXVII, Moskow, Academy of Natural History, 2017. Terziev, Venelin. (2017a). Social adaptation as a social process in the adaptation of military personnel. // Journal of Economic Geography, International Health, Oxford University Press, 17, 2017, N 6(2), pp.1375-1399, ISSN 1468-2702, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.358, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.909. Terziev, Venelin. (2017b). Insights into some examples of triggering the process of social adaptation. // International Health, Oxford University Press, 9, 2017, N6 (2), pp.1362-1377, ISSN 1876-3413, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.721, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.835. Terziev, Venelin. (2017c). Examples of modelling social adaptation of servicemen discharged from military service. // International Health, Oxford University Press, 9, 2017, N 6 (2), pp.1378-1392, ISSN 1876-3413, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.721, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.835. Terziev, Venelin. (2017d). Studying different aspects of social adaptation. // International Health, Oxford University Press, 9, 2017, N6 (2), pp.1352-1361, ISSN 1876-3413, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.721, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.835. Terziev, Venelin. (2017e). Social adaptation and socialization as processes: characteristics, principles, factors. // European Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, 28, 2017, N 4 (2), pp.914 - 922, ISSN 0938-5428, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.424, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.722. Terziev, Venelin. (2017f). Factors affecting the process of social adaptation. // European Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, 28, 2017, N 4 (2), pp. 923 – 935, ISSN 0938-5428, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.424, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.722. Terziev, Venelin. (2017g). A new view on social adaptation of the military, discharged from military service in Bulgaria. // IJASOS- International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, April 2017, 3, 2017, N 7, ISSN 2411-183X, pp.49-59. Terziev, Venelin. (2017h). Factors affecting the process of social adaptation. // 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2017 29th to 30th March, 2017, 1, 2017, ISBN: 978-967-13620-2-0, pp.452-458. Terziev, Venelin. (2017i). A New View on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged From Military Service in Bulgaria. // Intcess 2017, 4th International conference on education and social sciences, 6-8 February, 2017 - Istanbul, Turkey, 2017, ISBN 978-605-64453-9-2, pp.786-796. Terziev, Venelin. (2017j). A new view on social adaptation of the military, discharged from military service in Bulgaria. // Oxford Review of Economic policy, 33, 2017, N 4 (2), pp. 997-1024, ISSN 0266-903X. Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.014 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.974 Impact factor: 0.764 5-Yr impact factor: 1.629. Terziev, V., Bogdanov, P., Madanski, V., Stefanov, S. (2017k). Approaches to social adaptation of servicemen discharged of military service. // Eight international scientific conference Knowledge without borders, 8-10 април 2016 г., Банско, България. International Journal Scientific papers, 12, 2016, N 2, ISSN1857-92, pp.85-97. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017l). Military professional forming of the cadets at Vasil Levski National Military University. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, April 2018, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 46-51, 4, 2018, N 10, e-ISSN: 2411-1821. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017m). Military professional forming of the cadets at Vasil Levski National Military University. // Proceedings of INTCESS2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 462-467, ISBN :978-605-82433-2-3. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017n). The role of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool of strategic management and control. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, April 2018, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 84-99, 4, 2018, N 10, e-ISSN: 2411-183X. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017o). The role of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool of strategic management and control. // Proceedings of INTCESS2018- 5th In-ternational Conference on Education and Social Sciences 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 468-483, ISBN :978-605-82433-2-3. Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017p). Offset implementation impact on technology transfer in Bulgaria. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 3, 2017, N 9, pp. 923-927, e-ISSN: 2411-18. Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017q). Offset as an economic operation and a trade practice. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 3, 2017, N 9, pp. 1051-1055, e-ISSN: 2411-18. Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017r). A general principle of the development process оf Balanced scorecards as an instrument of control. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 3, 2017, N 9, pp. 888-892, e-ISSN: 2411-18. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017s). Problems and perspectives in Military professional education and realization of cadets in Bulgaria. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Innovations and Sustainability Academy. 3, 2017, N 4, pp. 37-47, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017t). Offset as an economic operation and a trade practice. // Proceedings of ADVED 2017- 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey. International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2017, pp. 748-753, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9. Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017u). Offset implementation impact on technology transfer in Bulgaria. // Proceedings of ADVED 2017- 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2017, pp. 743-747, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9. Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017v). The offset as a specific sort of economic activity. // Scientific journal «Economics and finance». Academic publishing house of the Agricultural University, Priority research areas: Collection of scientific articles, 2017, pp. 4-13, ISBN 978-617-7214-53-2. Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017w). Study of the effect of offset implementation on technology transfer in the Republic of Bulgaria. // Scientific journal «Economics and finance». Academic publishing house of the Agricultural University, Priority research areas: Collection of scientific articles, 2017, pp. 43-51, ISBN 978-617-7214-53-2. Terziev, V., Dzhumalieva, A. (2016a). Dostapnost do pazara na truda i sotsialna adaptatsiya na osvobodenite ot balgarskata armiya voennosluzheshti i chlenovete na tehnite semeystva. // XI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii „Innovatsii v tehnologiyah i obrazovanii", 18-19 Marta 2016 g., Kuzbasskiy gosudarstvennayy tehnicheskiy universitet im. T.F. Gorbacheva, Belovo, 4, 2016, ISBN 978-5-906888-04-4, s.233-253 (Терзиев, В., Джумалиева, А. Достъпност до пазара на труда и социална адаптация на освободените от българската армия военнослужещи и членовете на техните семейства. // XI Международной научной конференции „Инновации в технологиях и образовании", 18-19 Марта 2016 г., Кузбасский государственный технический университет им. Т.Ф. Горбачева, Беловo, 4, 2016, ISBN 978-5-906888-04-4, с.233-253). Terziev, Venelin. (2014). Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya „Nauka XXI veka: teoriya, praktika, perspektivay”, 6 Iyunya 2014, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, s.176-183 (Terziev, Venelin. Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Международная научно-практическая конференция „Наука XXI века: теория, практика, перспективы”, 6 Июня 2014, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, с.176-183). Terziev, Venelin. (2014a). Realities of implementing the social adaptation procees of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya „Nauka XXI veka: teoriya, praktika, perspektivay”, 6 Iyunya 2014, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, s.183-191 (Terziev, Venelin. Realities of implementing the social adaptation procees of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. // Международная научно-практическая конференция „Наука XXI века: теория, практика, перспективы”, 6 Июня 2014, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, с.183-191). Terziev, Venelin. (2014b). Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya „Nauka XXI veka: teoriya, praktika, perspektivay”, 27 Iyunya 2014, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, s.192-204 (Terziev, Venelin. Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Международная научно-практическая конференция „Наука XXI века: теория, практика, перспективы”, 27 Июня 2014, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, с.192-204). Terziev, Venelin. (2014c). Possible aspects of occupational and psyhological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Международная научно-практическая конференция: 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, pp.194-201 (Terziev Venelin. Possible aspects of occupational and psyhological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: 27 Iyunya 2014, „Nauka i Sovremennosty”, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, pp.194-201). Terziev, Venelin. (2014d). Realities of implementing the social adaptation process of military personnel, discharged from service in Bulgaria. // Международная научно-практическая конференция 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, с.201-210 (Terziev, Venelin. Realities of implementing the social adaptation process of military personnel, discharged from service in Bulgaria. // Международная научно-практическая конференция 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, с.201-210). Terziev, Venelin. (2014e). Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 27 Iyunya 2014, „Nauka i Sovremennosty”, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, s.210-222 (Terziev, Venelin. Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Международная научно-практическая конференция 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, с.210-222).


Year 2018, , 732 - 745, 10.01.2019


paper, originating from the understanding and approaches to the term
„adaptation“, explores and analyses the stages of the social adaptation process
of military personnel, discharged from service, which along with getting to
know the psychological and professional aspects of the process allows the
elaboration of a practical model of social and psychological adaptation of this
population category. The scientific aspirations of the authors of this paper
are focused on the specific characteristics of military service and the specific
competences, which require the implementation of specific methods and means of
professional orientation, preparation for settling and acquiring a new
profession in the changed living environment


  • Terziev, Venelin. (2017). Opportunities for improving the efficiency of the socialadaptation of servicemen discharged from military service in Bulgaria. // Catalogue of the scientific, educational and methodical literature presented by authors at the I –XXXIV All-Russian book exhibitions held by Academy of Natural History, Exposition on the Frankfurter Buchmessе 2017, XXVII, Moskow, Academy of Natural History, 2017. Terziev, Venelin. (2017a). Social adaptation as a social process in the adaptation of military personnel. // Journal of Economic Geography, International Health, Oxford University Press, 17, 2017, N 6(2), pp.1375-1399, ISSN 1468-2702, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 2.358, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.909. Terziev, Venelin. (2017b). Insights into some examples of triggering the process of social adaptation. // International Health, Oxford University Press, 9, 2017, N6 (2), pp.1362-1377, ISSN 1876-3413, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.721, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.835. Terziev, Venelin. (2017c). Examples of modelling social adaptation of servicemen discharged from military service. // International Health, Oxford University Press, 9, 2017, N 6 (2), pp.1378-1392, ISSN 1876-3413, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.721, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.835. Terziev, Venelin. (2017d). Studying different aspects of social adaptation. // International Health, Oxford University Press, 9, 2017, N6 (2), pp.1352-1361, ISSN 1876-3413, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.721, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.835. Terziev, Venelin. (2017e). Social adaptation and socialization as processes: characteristics, principles, factors. // European Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, 28, 2017, N 4 (2), pp.914 - 922, ISSN 0938-5428, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.424, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.722. Terziev, Venelin. (2017f). Factors affecting the process of social adaptation. // European Journal of International Law, Oxford University Press, 28, 2017, N 4 (2), pp. 923 – 935, ISSN 0938-5428, Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.424, SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.722. Terziev, Venelin. (2017g). A new view on social adaptation of the military, discharged from military service in Bulgaria. // IJASOS- International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, April 2017, 3, 2017, N 7, ISSN 2411-183X, pp.49-59. Terziev, Venelin. (2017h). Factors affecting the process of social adaptation. // 3rd International Conference on Advanced Research in Business and Social Sciences 2017 29th to 30th March, 2017, 1, 2017, ISBN: 978-967-13620-2-0, pp.452-458. Terziev, Venelin. (2017i). A New View on Social Adaptation of the Military, Discharged From Military Service in Bulgaria. // Intcess 2017, 4th International conference on education and social sciences, 6-8 February, 2017 - Istanbul, Turkey, 2017, ISBN 978-605-64453-9-2, pp.786-796. Terziev, Venelin. (2017j). A new view on social adaptation of the military, discharged from military service in Bulgaria. // Oxford Review of Economic policy, 33, 2017, N 4 (2), pp. 997-1024, ISSN 0266-903X. Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.014 SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.974 Impact factor: 0.764 5-Yr impact factor: 1.629. Terziev, V., Bogdanov, P., Madanski, V., Stefanov, S. (2017k). Approaches to social adaptation of servicemen discharged of military service. // Eight international scientific conference Knowledge without borders, 8-10 април 2016 г., Банско, България. International Journal Scientific papers, 12, 2016, N 2, ISSN1857-92, pp.85-97. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017l). Military professional forming of the cadets at Vasil Levski National Military University. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, April 2018, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 46-51, 4, 2018, N 10, e-ISSN: 2411-1821. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017m). Military professional forming of the cadets at Vasil Levski National Military University. // Proceedings of INTCESS2018- 5th International Conference on Education and Social Sciences 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 462-467, ISBN :978-605-82433-2-3. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017n). The role of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool of strategic management and control. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, April 2018, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 84-99, 4, 2018, N 10, e-ISSN: 2411-183X. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017o). The role of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool of strategic management and control. // Proceedings of INTCESS2018- 5th In-ternational Conference on Education and Social Sciences 5-7 February 2018- Istanbul, Turkey, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018, pp. 468-483, ISBN :978-605-82433-2-3. Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017p). Offset implementation impact on technology transfer in Bulgaria. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 3, 2017, N 9, pp. 923-927, e-ISSN: 2411-18. Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017q). Offset as an economic operation and a trade practice. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 3, 2017, N 9, pp. 1051-1055, e-ISSN: 2411-18. Terziev, V., Nichev, N., Stoyanov, E., Georgiev, M. (2017r). A general principle of the development process оf Balanced scorecards as an instrument of control. // IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 3, 2017, N 9, pp. 888-892, e-ISSN: 2411-18. Banabakova, V., Georgiev, M. (2017s). Problems and perspectives in Military professional education and realization of cadets in Bulgaria. // Journal of Innovations and Sustainability, Innovations and Sustainability Academy. 3, 2017, N 4, pp. 37-47, ISSN 2367-8127 (CD-ROM), ISSN 2367-8151 (on-line). Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017t). Offset as an economic operation and a trade practice. // Proceedings of ADVED 2017- 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey. International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2017, pp. 748-753, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9. Terziev, V., Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017u). Offset implementation impact on technology transfer in Bulgaria. // Proceedings of ADVED 2017- 3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences 9-11 October 2017- Istanbul, Turkey International Organization Center of Academic Research,, 2017, pp. 743-747, ISBN: 978-605-82433-0-9. Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017v). The offset as a specific sort of economic activity. // Scientific journal «Economics and finance». Academic publishing house of the Agricultural University, Priority research areas: Collection of scientific articles, 2017, pp. 4-13, ISBN 978-617-7214-53-2. Madanski, V., Georgiev, M. (2017w). Study of the effect of offset implementation on technology transfer in the Republic of Bulgaria. // Scientific journal «Economics and finance». Academic publishing house of the Agricultural University, Priority research areas: Collection of scientific articles, 2017, pp. 43-51, ISBN 978-617-7214-53-2. Terziev, V., Dzhumalieva, A. (2016a). Dostapnost do pazara na truda i sotsialna adaptatsiya na osvobodenite ot balgarskata armiya voennosluzheshti i chlenovete na tehnite semeystva. // XI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii „Innovatsii v tehnologiyah i obrazovanii", 18-19 Marta 2016 g., Kuzbasskiy gosudarstvennayy tehnicheskiy universitet im. T.F. Gorbacheva, Belovo, 4, 2016, ISBN 978-5-906888-04-4, s.233-253 (Терзиев, В., Джумалиева, А. Достъпност до пазара на труда и социална адаптация на освободените от българската армия военнослужещи и членовете на техните семейства. // XI Международной научной конференции „Инновации в технологиях и образовании", 18-19 Марта 2016 г., Кузбасский государственный технический университет им. Т.Ф. Горбачева, Беловo, 4, 2016, ISBN 978-5-906888-04-4, с.233-253). Terziev, Venelin. (2014). Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya „Nauka XXI veka: teoriya, praktika, perspektivay”, 6 Iyunya 2014, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, s.176-183 (Terziev, Venelin. Possible aspects of occupational and psychological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Международная научно-практическая конференция „Наука XXI века: теория, практика, перспективы”, 6 Июня 2014, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, с.176-183). Terziev, Venelin. (2014a). Realities of implementing the social adaptation procees of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya „Nauka XXI veka: teoriya, praktika, perspektivay”, 6 Iyunya 2014, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, s.183-191 (Terziev, Venelin. Realities of implementing the social adaptation procees of military personnel, discharged form service in Bulgaria. // Международная научно-практическая конференция „Наука XXI века: теория, практика, перспективы”, 6 Июня 2014, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, с.183-191). Terziev, Venelin. (2014b). Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya „Nauka XXI veka: teoriya, praktika, perspektivay”, 27 Iyunya 2014, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, s.192-204 (Terziev, Venelin. Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Международная научно-практическая конференция „Наука XXI века: теория, практика, перспективы”, 27 Июня 2014, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-30-3, с.192-204). Terziev, Venelin. (2014c). Possible aspects of occupational and psyhological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Международная научно-практическая конференция: 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, pp.194-201 (Terziev Venelin. Possible aspects of occupational and psyhological adaptation of the military, discharged from military service and their families to a new activity life cycle. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya: 27 Iyunya 2014, „Nauka i Sovremennosty”, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, pp.194-201). Terziev, Venelin. (2014d). Realities of implementing the social adaptation process of military personnel, discharged from service in Bulgaria. // Международная научно-практическая конференция 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, с.201-210 (Terziev, Venelin. Realities of implementing the social adaptation process of military personnel, discharged from service in Bulgaria. // Международная научно-практическая конференция 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, с.201-210). Terziev, Venelin. (2014e). Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya 27 Iyunya 2014, „Nauka i Sovremennosty”, Ufa, Rossiya, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, s.210-222 (Terziev, Venelin. Bulgarian experience in the development of social adaptation of military personnel, discharged from military service and their families. // Международная научно-практическая конференция 27 Июня 2014, „Наука и Современность”, Уфа, Россия, 2014, ISBN 978-5-906763-48-8, с.210-222).
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Venelin Terziev

Publication Date January 10, 2019
Submission Date November 1, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018





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