Research Article
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Year 2018, , 197 - 206, 30.04.2018



  • Clinic no. 2 Baia Mare/Policlinica nr.2 Baia Mare (1992), Studiu asupra starii de sanatate a muncitorilor Companiei Phoenix/Cuprom/Study on the health status of Phoenix/Cuprom workers Clinic no. 2 Baia Mare/Policlinica nr.2 Baia Mare (1994), Actiunea plumbului asupra organismului salariatilor Romplumb Corporation/ Lead action on the employees of the Romplumb Corporation Cluj-Napoca Public Health Institute/Institutul de Sanatate Publica Cluj-Napoca (1999), Raport Proiect PHARE/PHARE Project Report Cluj Medicine and Health Centre and Bucharest Public Health Institute/Centrul de Medicina si Sanatate Cluj si Institutul de Sanatate Publica Bucuresti (1999), Evaluarea riscului la plumb si arsen a copiilor din zona de influenta a Companiei Phoenix Baia Mare/Assessing the lead and arsenic risk of children in the influence zone of Phoenix Company Coman M. (2006), Depresiunea Baia Mare – protectia mediului din perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile/Baia Mare Depression - environmental protection from the perspective of sustainable development, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. Dobra M., Viman V. (2006), Determination of concentration of air and soil pollutant heavy metals by ICP-AES, Revista de Chimie, 57:12, p.1283-1286. Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam/Facultatea de Medicina, Universitatea din Amsterdam (1992), Studiu privind riscurile bolilor cauzate de poluarea cu metale grele in zona Ferneziu/Study on the risks of diseases caused by heavy metal pollution in the Ferneziu area Jacomet E. (1992), La Pollution a Baia Mare: Stage du 10 aout au 20 septembre 1992 aupres de la Romsilva R.A. Filiala Teritoriala Baia Mare Jelea S., Jelea M. (2007), Effects of polluting substances on risk category molten and agglomeration workers from Romplumb Society Baia Mare, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2(1):51-57. Lacatusu R., Rauta C., Carstea S., Ghelase I. (1996), Soil-plant-man relationships in heavy metal polluted areas in Romania, Applied Geochemistry, 11:1-2, p.105-107, Elsevier Science Ltd, England. Manoiu V.-M., Spiridon R.M. (2017), A deep dive into the chronic air pollution reality in Baia Mare. Part I: Sources of historical environmental pollution in Baia Mare and their contribution to air pollution, Proceedings of ADVED 2017-3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, October 9-11, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. Manoiu V.-M., Spiridon R.M., Antonescu M. (2017), A deep dive into the chronic air pollution reality in Baia Mare. Part II: Air quality evolution between 1995-2006, Proceedings of ADVED 2017-3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, October 9-11, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. Maramures Nature Protection Commission and Maramures Public Health Department/Comisia Maramures de Ocrotire a Naturii si Directia de Sanatate Publica Maramures (2003), Raport determinare plumbemie la copii/Report on blood lead level determination of children in Baia Mare Maramures Public Health Authority/Autoritatea de Sanatate Publica Maramures (2007), Morbiditatea specifica in orasul Baia Mare in perioada 2000-2006/Specific morbidity in Baia Mare during 2000-2006 Maramures Sanitary Department /Directia Sanitara Maramures (1992), Raport 1980-1990/Report 1980-1990 Nadisan I. (2006), Caleidoscop ecologic/Ecological Kaleidoscope, Editura Universitatii de Nord, Baia Mare Nita S.-S. (2004), Poluarea aerului si riscul produs de activitatile societatii Phoenix in Depresiunea Baia Mare/Air pollution and the risk of Phoenix Corporation's activities in the Baia Mare Depression, Comunicari de Geografie, Vol. VIII, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti. Oroian IG (2010), Assessment of industrial sources heavy metals contamination in Baia Mare area, Metalurgia International, 15:10, p.103-106. Roba C., Rosu C., Pistea I., Ozunu A., Baciu C. (2016), Heavy metal content in vegetables and fruits cultivated in Baia Mare mining area (Romania) and health risk assessment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23:7, p.6062-6073, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4799-6 Smical I., Muntean A., Torok Z. (2016), Human health risk associated with the transfer of heavy metals into the trophic chain by cattle grazing on the area in the vicinity of the tailing ponds in the east of Baia Mare city, Romania, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 61:2, p.89-102. World Health Organization (2000), Annual Report World Health Organization (2005), A Field Guide for Detection, Management and Surveillance of Arsenicosis Cases, World Health Organization (2009), Levels of lead in children’s blood, World Health Organization (2010), Childhood lead poisoning, World Health Organization (2017), Lead poisoning and health,


Year 2018, , 197 - 206, 30.04.2018


Baia Mare, with its long-lasting mining and metallurgical tradition, is
one of the country’s most problematic cities in terms of historical pollution
and resulting consequences. This paper is the final chapter of a complex
three-part work and aims to present a series of air pollution effects on public
health in Baia Mare between 1980 and 2006. The first part focused on an overall
view of historical air pollution sources in Baia Mare. The second part
presented the evolution of air quality in Baia Mare and highlighted the chronic
air pollution, consisting of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, ammonia,
particulate matter, and heavy metals between 1995 and 2006. The historical
environmental (including air) pollution in Baia Mare had 3 main sources:
National Company of Precious and Nonferrous Metals (NCPNM) - Remin Corporation;
Cuprom Corporation; Romplumb Corporation. The three companies were active for
decades and, until the early 2000s, environmental protection was not a priority
of their technological process management. After the year 2000, investments in
ecological technologies were undersized, and the 2008 economic crisis affected
the companies’ activity. Air quality in Baia Mare between 1995 and 2006, as
well as prior to this period, was particularly critical due to high
concentrations in particulate matter with high lead and cadmium content, but
also due to high sulphur dioxide concentrations between 1995 and 2000. A direct consequence
of inadequate air quality was the deterioration of the city inhabitants’
health. The paper is based on data provided by the Maramureş Public Health
Directorate, World Health Organization reports, Cluj Napoca Hygiene and Public
Health Institute reports, as well as Romanian and foreign experts who conducted
investigations on air pollution-related illnesses in the study area. Our
historical analytical approach mainly aims to address the effects of the
technological processes of the Cuprom and Romplumb companies on the health of
their employees and of the local population. One of the main causes for the
high incidence of respiratory diseases in the local population was the
historical pollution in the analyzed area, which had cumulative effects over
time. In addition to these illnesses, it was found that in the study area,
between 1980 and 2006, a
more notable deterioration of public health occurred compared to other
settlements (lower life expectancy, higher overall mortality index, more
frequent D2 avitaminosis and metabolic conditions linked to lead
pollution, etc.), and one of the main reasons was the city’s chronic air
pollution. Morbidity reports were generally dominated by acute and chronic
respiratory diseases, and digestive and cardiovascular disorders. National
Company of Precious and Nonferrous Metals (NCPNM) - Remin and Romplumb
Corporations are currently in a state of insolvency, and Cuprom Corporation is
bankrupt, which resulted in an improvement of air quality in the study area. 


  • Clinic no. 2 Baia Mare/Policlinica nr.2 Baia Mare (1992), Studiu asupra starii de sanatate a muncitorilor Companiei Phoenix/Cuprom/Study on the health status of Phoenix/Cuprom workers Clinic no. 2 Baia Mare/Policlinica nr.2 Baia Mare (1994), Actiunea plumbului asupra organismului salariatilor Romplumb Corporation/ Lead action on the employees of the Romplumb Corporation Cluj-Napoca Public Health Institute/Institutul de Sanatate Publica Cluj-Napoca (1999), Raport Proiect PHARE/PHARE Project Report Cluj Medicine and Health Centre and Bucharest Public Health Institute/Centrul de Medicina si Sanatate Cluj si Institutul de Sanatate Publica Bucuresti (1999), Evaluarea riscului la plumb si arsen a copiilor din zona de influenta a Companiei Phoenix Baia Mare/Assessing the lead and arsenic risk of children in the influence zone of Phoenix Company Coman M. (2006), Depresiunea Baia Mare – protectia mediului din perspectiva dezvoltarii durabile/Baia Mare Depression - environmental protection from the perspective of sustainable development, Editura Risoprint, Cluj-Napoca. Dobra M., Viman V. (2006), Determination of concentration of air and soil pollutant heavy metals by ICP-AES, Revista de Chimie, 57:12, p.1283-1286. Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam/Facultatea de Medicina, Universitatea din Amsterdam (1992), Studiu privind riscurile bolilor cauzate de poluarea cu metale grele in zona Ferneziu/Study on the risks of diseases caused by heavy metal pollution in the Ferneziu area Jacomet E. (1992), La Pollution a Baia Mare: Stage du 10 aout au 20 septembre 1992 aupres de la Romsilva R.A. Filiala Teritoriala Baia Mare Jelea S., Jelea M. (2007), Effects of polluting substances on risk category molten and agglomeration workers from Romplumb Society Baia Mare, Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences 2(1):51-57. Lacatusu R., Rauta C., Carstea S., Ghelase I. (1996), Soil-plant-man relationships in heavy metal polluted areas in Romania, Applied Geochemistry, 11:1-2, p.105-107, Elsevier Science Ltd, England. Manoiu V.-M., Spiridon R.M. (2017), A deep dive into the chronic air pollution reality in Baia Mare. Part I: Sources of historical environmental pollution in Baia Mare and their contribution to air pollution, Proceedings of ADVED 2017-3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, October 9-11, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. Manoiu V.-M., Spiridon R.M., Antonescu M. (2017), A deep dive into the chronic air pollution reality in Baia Mare. Part II: Air quality evolution between 1995-2006, Proceedings of ADVED 2017-3rd International Conference on Advances in Education and Social Sciences, October 9-11, 2017, Istanbul, Turkey. Maramures Nature Protection Commission and Maramures Public Health Department/Comisia Maramures de Ocrotire a Naturii si Directia de Sanatate Publica Maramures (2003), Raport determinare plumbemie la copii/Report on blood lead level determination of children in Baia Mare Maramures Public Health Authority/Autoritatea de Sanatate Publica Maramures (2007), Morbiditatea specifica in orasul Baia Mare in perioada 2000-2006/Specific morbidity in Baia Mare during 2000-2006 Maramures Sanitary Department /Directia Sanitara Maramures (1992), Raport 1980-1990/Report 1980-1990 Nadisan I. (2006), Caleidoscop ecologic/Ecological Kaleidoscope, Editura Universitatii de Nord, Baia Mare Nita S.-S. (2004), Poluarea aerului si riscul produs de activitatile societatii Phoenix in Depresiunea Baia Mare/Air pollution and the risk of Phoenix Corporation's activities in the Baia Mare Depression, Comunicari de Geografie, Vol. VIII, Editura Universitatii din Bucuresti. Oroian IG (2010), Assessment of industrial sources heavy metals contamination in Baia Mare area, Metalurgia International, 15:10, p.103-106. Roba C., Rosu C., Pistea I., Ozunu A., Baciu C. (2016), Heavy metal content in vegetables and fruits cultivated in Baia Mare mining area (Romania) and health risk assessment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23:7, p.6062-6073, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-4799-6 Smical I., Muntean A., Torok Z. (2016), Human health risk associated with the transfer of heavy metals into the trophic chain by cattle grazing on the area in the vicinity of the tailing ponds in the east of Baia Mare city, Romania, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Chemia, 61:2, p.89-102. World Health Organization (2000), Annual Report World Health Organization (2005), A Field Guide for Detection, Management and Surveillance of Arsenicosis Cases, World Health Organization (2009), Levels of lead in children’s blood, World Health Organization (2010), Childhood lead poisoning, World Health Organization (2017), Lead poisoning and health,
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Valentina-mariana Manoiu

Adrian Tiscovschi

Alexandru-ioan Craciun

Publication Date April 30, 2018
Submission Date January 14, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


EndNote Manoiu V-m, Tiscovschi A, Craciun A-i (April 1, 2018) A DEEP DIVE INTO THE CHRONIC AIR POLLUTION REALITY IN BAIA MARE. PART III: AIR POLLUTION EFFECTS ON THE LOCAL POPULATION BETWEEN 1980 AND 2006. IJASOS- International E-journal of Advances in Social Sciences 4 10 197–206.



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